Masthead for The Green Papers

September 11th 2024

"Many in Our Nation are making plans for observances in remembrance of those who died in the horrific events of September 11th, 2001 and to show solidarity with those who were injured, lost loved ones, acted most heroically and/or simply survived these dastardly and cowardly attacks on America."

"We of the Staff of 'The Green Papers' urge all of you reading this to mark the occasion with respect, primarily by spending a moment in whatever thought, prayer, or meditation is comfortable for you-- for the diversity of observances held on this particular anniversary of that tragic day are in themselves a tribute to what makes Our Nation great."

"Do not allow yourselves to become sidetracked, not even for a moment, from your dreams and goals by those who would wish to take Our Freedoms away. We at 'The Green Papers' will do what we can in this regard by, as ever, posting data on, along with information about, Elections in particular as well as Politics in general, along with continuing to make such data available to a potential global audience via the World Wide Web: for by this website so being, in such a small way, a beacon of Free Speech and a chronicler of the Free and Fair Choice of One's Elected Representatives, we do our admittedly somewhat insignificant part- but a part nonetheless- in keeping the Flame of Republican Democracy aglow."

"Terrorists can never destroy Our Ideals. Nor can Hatred kill a Good Idea!"

Presidential Election USA 2024
"Established during the previous Millennium"

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71 changes to the candidate list. DE, NH, and RI 10 September primary recap.
by Staff

71 changes to the candidate list:

Delaware (10 September primary recap): President: Lauren M. Onak (Write-in [American Solidarity]) - apparently not a candidate; Dennis Schuller (Write-in [Legal Marijuana Now]) - added. Governor: Lieutenant Governor Bethany Hall-Long (Democratic) - lost Primary; Collin O'Mara (Democratic) - lost Primary; Jerrold A. "Jerry" Price (Republican) - lost Primary; Bobby Williamson (Republican) - lost Primary. Lieutenant Governor: state Representative Sherry Dorsey-Walker (Democratic) - lost Primary; Debbie Harrington (Democratic) - lost Primary. House At-Large: Earl L. Cooper (Democratic) - lost Primary; Donyale London Hall (Republican) - lost Primary; Elias J. Weir (Democratic) - lost Primary. Commissioner of Insurance: Insurance Commissioner Trinidad Navarro (Democratic) - Renominated; Kayode "Kay" Abegunde (Democratic) - lost Primary.

Idaho: Governor: Marvin "Pro Life" Richardson (Constitution) - added.

Maryland: President: Paij Boring (Write-in) - added; Douglas "Doug" Jenkins (Write-in) - added. Senate Class 1: Patrick J. Burke (Write-in [American Solidarity, Other Candidates]) - previously listed as Write-in [American Solidarity].

Michigan: President: Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr. (Natural Law) - re-added.

Mississippi: President: Shiva Ayyadurai (Independent) - added; Claudia De la Cruz (Independent) - added; Connecticut Regional School Board of Education Member Peter A. Sonski (Independent [American Solidarity]) - added; former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein (Green) - added; Randall Allan Terry (Constitution) - added; Cornel Ronald West (Natural Law) - added.

Missouri: Senate Class 1: Doris Ann Canaday (Socialist Equality) - apparently not a candidate; Zack Exley (No Party Affiliation) - apparently not a candidate; Nathan Kline (Green) - added. Governor: Paul Lehmann (Green) - added. Lieutenant Governor: Danielle Elliott (Green) - added. House CD 1: former Ferguson City Council Member Stephan Blake "Blake" Ashby (The Better Party) - previously listed as Other; Don Fitz (Green) - added. House CD 2: Shelby Davis (Green) - added; Wesley Smith (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 3: Bill Hastings (Green) - added. House CD 4: Alexander JS Heidenreich (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 5: Michael Day (Green) - added. House CD 6: Mike Diel (Green) - added. Secretary of State: Jerome Bauer (Green) - added. Treasurer: Reagan Haase (Green) - added.

New Hampshire (10 September primary recap): Governor: Shaun Fife (Republican) - lost Primary; Jon Kiper (Democratic) - lost Primary; Robert Wayne McClory (Republican) - lost Primary; Richard A. McMenamon, II (Republican) - lost Primary; former state Senator Chuck Morse (Republican) - lost Primary; Frank Negus Staples (Republican) - lost Primary; Executive Councilor Cinde Warmington (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 1: Member of Congress Christopher C. "Chris" Pappas (Democratic) - Renominated; former state Representative Max Abramson (Republican) - lost Primary; Chris Bright (Republican) - lost Primary; Andy Martin (Republican) - lost Primary; Walter James McFarlane, III (Republican) - lost Primary; Kevin Rondeau (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 2: former state Representative Tom Alciere (Republican) - lost Primary; Gerard Beloin (Republican) - lost Primary; Michael Anthony Callis (Republican) - lost Primary; Randall B. Clark (Republican) - lost Primary; former state Representative Elenore Casey Crane (Republican) - lost Primary; Robert D'Arcy (Republican) - lost Primary; William P. "Bill" Hamlen (Republican) - lost Primary; William Harvey (Republican) - lost Primary; Vikram Mansharamani (Republican) - lost Primary; Jay Mercer (Republican) - lost Primary; Jason Daniel Riddle (Republican) - lost Primary; former Executive Councilor Kevin Colin "Colin" Van Ostern (Democratic) - lost Primary; Paul Michael Wagner (Republican) - lost Primary.

North Carolina: President: Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr. (We The People) - apparently not a candidate.

Rhode Island (10 September primary recap): Senate Class 1: Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, II (Democratic) - Renominated; Michael J. "Mike" Costa (Democratic) - lost Primary; Raymond Tyler "Ray" McKay (Republican) - lost Primary.

West Virginia: Treasurer: Mike Tremblay (Write-in) - added.

Presidential Candidates: Dennis Schuller (Write-in) - added.

Tuesday September 10, 2024: Presidential Debate at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
by Staff

9 PM Eastern Time [0100 GMT]: The following Major Party nominees for President of the United States debate between themselves for up to 90 minutes:

  • Vice President Kamala D. HARRIS [Democrat]
  • former President Donald J. TRUMP, Sr. [Republican]

This Prime Time debate will be broadcast 'live' on the ABC television network

Tuesday 10 September 2024: State PRIMARIES in DE, NH & RI (the last regularly scheduled pre-General Election Day Primary Elections this year)
by Staff

NOTE: the only remaining State to not yet have held a regular Primary Election in 2024 is LOUISIANA, in which the 'Open Primary' on General Election Day in November may also actually elect candidates for Federal office.


polls are open from 7 AM to 8 PM local time [1100 to 0000 GMT]


Results from a media source.

Returns from an official source and results from a media source.


polls are generally open from 6 AM to 8 PM local time [1000 to 0000 GMT];
polls may open as late as 11 AM [1500 GMT] by local option;
some polls close as early as 7 PM [2300 GMT];
places with small population may open their polls as early as Midnight [0400 GMT] on Election Day, and close them once "all have voted".


Primary results from a media source.

Results from a media source.


polls are generally open from 7 AM to 8 PM local time [1100 to 0000 GMT];polls may open as late as 9 AM [1300 GMT] by local option.


Results from a media source.

33 changes to the candidate list.
by Staff

33 changes to the candidate list:

Delaware: President: Ralph Jaffe (Write-in [Democratic]) - added; Lauren M. Onak (Write-in [American Solidarity]) - added; Connecticut Regional School Board of Education Member Peter A. Sonski (Write-in [American Solidarity]) - added.

Idaho: President: Shiva Ayyadurai (Independent) - added; Claudia De la Cruz (Independent [Socialism and Liberation]) - added; Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr. (Independent) - added; Brian Larry Kienitz (Write-in [Independent]) - added; Chase Russell Oliver (Libertarian) - added; Joel Skousen (Constitution) - added; Connecticut Regional School Board of Education Member Peter A. Sonski (Write-in [Independent, American Solidarity]) - added; former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein (Independent [Green]) - added; Randall Allan Terry (Independent) - added. House CD 1: David D. Bot (Write-in [Independent]) - added; Margot Dupre (Write-in [Independent]) - added. House CD 2: Marvin "Pro Life" Richardson (Constitution) - removed.

Kentucky: President: Shiva Ayyadurai (Independent) - added; Chase Russell Oliver (Libertarian) - added; former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein (Kentucky) - added.

Michigan: President: Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr. (Natural Law) - apparently not a candidate.

Nevada: President: former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein (Green) - apparently not a candidate.

New Hampshire: House CD 2: Ryan Donnelly (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; Sterling Thomas Sykes (Independent) - apparently not a candidate.

New Mexico: President: former Nebraska state Senator Laura Ebke (Liberal Party USA) - re-added, previously listed as Libertarian Party of New Mexico.

North Dakota: Senate Class 1: Kristin Ruth Hedger (No Party Affiliation) - apparently not a candidate.

South Carolina: Senate Class 2: Kyle Odonnell Freeman (Democratic) - added.

Utah: Governor: Richard Kennedy Lyman (Write-in [Unaffiliated]) - added.

Virginia: President: Claudia De la Cruz (Independent [Socialism and Liberation]) - previously listed as Independent; Cornel Ronald West (Independent) - added.

West Virginia: President: Paij Boring (Write-in) - added; Garry B. Hubbard (Write-in [Independent]) - added; Future Madam Potus (Write-in) - added.

Presidential Candidates: Claudia De la Cruz (Socialism and Liberation) - previously listed as Independent; Lauren M. Onak (American Solidarity) - added.

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2024 Presidential Election

2024 General Election for Governors, U.S. Senate, and U.S. House
Electoral Votes - 270 to win
Vice President
Electoral Vote Breakdown
(undetermined): AL:9, AK:3, AZ:11, AR:6, CA:54, CO:10, CT:7, DE:3, DC:3, FL:30, GA:16, HI:4, ID:4, IL:19, IN:11, IA:6, KS:6, KY:8, LA:8, ME:4, MD:10, MA:11, MI:15, MN:10, MS:6, MO:10, MT:4, NE:5, NV:6, NH:4, NJ:14, NM:5, NY:28, NC:16, ND:3, OH:17, OK:7, OR:8, PA:19, RI:4, SC:9, SD:3, TN:11, TX:40, UT:6, VT:3, VA:13, WA:12, WV:4, WI:10, WY:3
118th Senate
118th House
(vacant offices)percent4
5 November 2024 General Election Results (undetermined = to be elected)
119th Senate
119th House
Historical Analysis of the Presidential Nominating Process
An historical analysis of the apportionment of delegate votes at the National Conventions of the two major parties.
State and Local Government of the United States
Traditional Sections and Regions, Constitutions, Links to State Constitutions, Official Name and Status History, Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, Judicial Branch, Major Executive Officers Elected Statewide, State Court Systems, Primary and Minor Civil Divisions, Incorporated Municipalities Statutory Election Information, General Election, Presidential and State Primary, Polling Times.
The Biden Administration
The 59th Presidential Administration (as it resulted from the 59th Presidential Election)
20 January 2021 to 20 January 2025
Commentary Updated Wednesday 13 July 2022
and the "Two-Party" System in the United States
Electoral College
Decennial Census
2000 Census - Apportionment of Representatives and Electors
2010 Census - Population and the Apportionment of Representatives and Electors 
2020 Census - Population and the Apportionment of Representatives and Electors
Federal Representation 2022 - 2030
In the wake of the Election 2000 there has been talk about the "unfairness" of the Electoral College. This page displays the number of people per Elector, per Senate Seat, and per House Seat for each state.
Presidential Administrations 1789 to current
Administration number, term dates, President and Vice President
Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the United States (by number of ADMINISTRATION)
Judicial Branch
United States Supreme Court Justices (current)
Justices of the United States Supreme Court (by Term of Court)
Explanation of certain items in the "Justices of the United States Supreme Court" Table
Federal Court System
Sessions of the Congress of the United States
A comprehensive list of Regular, Extra, and Special Congressional sessions; the convening and adjournment dates; the type of each session; Presidents pro Tempore of the Senate; and Speakers of the House.
Explanation of the types of Sessions of Congress
Political Party Floor Leaders in the Congress of the United States
A Brief History of Congressional Leadership
Historical Data
Presidential Elections, Presidential Administrations, U.S. Congress, U.S. Courts, Political Parties, National Conventions, Electoral College, Sections and Regions
International Politics and Elections (a work-in-progress) Introduced 3 February 2005
Historical data on Countries of the World and the United Nations
Visit our archives! State by state coverage of elections for President, Governor's chairs, U.S. Senate seats, U.S. House seats, primaries, regional politics, party strength, and debates. State by state coverage of Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions, the delegate selection process, delegate allocation, primary types, voter eligibility, and poll closing times.
2024 General Election
2024 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions
2023 Off Year Election
2022 Midterm Election
2021 Off Year Election
2020 General Election
2020 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions
2019 Off Year Election
2018 Midterm Election
2017 Off Year Election
2016 General Election
2016 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions
2015 Off Year Election
2014 Midterm Election
2013 Off Year Election
2012 General Election
2012 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions
2011 Off Year Election
2010 Midterm Election
2009 Off Year Election
2008 General Election
2008 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions
2007 Off Year Election
2006 Midterm Election
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2004 General Election
2004 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions
2003 Off Year Election
2002 Midterm Election
2001 Off Year Election
2000 General Election
2000 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions
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our heartfelt condolences
to all those affected by the appalling attack
on our country this morning."

Tuesday 11 September 2001

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