The Green Papers
The Math Behind the Republican Delegate Allocation - 2024


The Rules of the Republican Party As adopted by the 2020 Republican National Convention on 24 August 2020 and amended 14 April 2022.

Call of the 2024 Republican National Convention and Apportionment of Delegates as of 20 November 2023.

The interpretations on this page were last updated on 23 January 2021.


Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada may hold their delegate selection primaries, caucuses, and conventions no earlier than one month before the next earliest state. The remaining jurisdictions may begin their processes on [Sunday] 1 March 2024 and must finish by the 2nd Saturday in June [8 June 2024] [Rule 16(c)(1)]. Note that Rule 20(a) says "All delegates shall be elected or selected not later than 45 days before the ... national convention.".

  • The computations used to create this document are described in the "The Rules of the Republican Party" adopted during the 2020 Republican National Convention.
  • Republicans base delegates are determined by the number of U.S. Senators and U.S. House Members elected by each state.
  • Bonus delegates are awarded based on the number of party members elected as Presidential Electors (2020), Governors (2020-2023), House members (2020-2023), Senators (2018-2023), and state legislatures (2020-2023).

Delegate Allocation

  • For jurisdictions with Constitutionally Elected Members of Congress:
    • 10 At-Large delegates from each state (effectively, 5 at-large delegates for each U.S. Senator) [Rule 14(a)(1)].
    • 3 District delegates for each U.S. Representative as established by the 2020 census [Rule 14(a)(3)].
  • For jurisdictions without Constitutionally Elected Members of Congress [Rule 14(a)(4)]:
    • 6 at-large delegates from American Samoa.
    • 16 at-large delegates from the District of Columbia.
    • 6 at-large delegates from Guam.
    • 6 at-large delegates from the Northern Mariana Islands.
    • 20 at-large delegates from Puerto Rico.
    • 6 at-large delegates from Virgin Islands.
  • For all jurisdictions (the 50 states plus American Samoa, District of Columbia, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands) - 3 party leaders: the national committeeman, the national committee woman, and the chairman of the jurisdiction's Republican Party. [Rule 14(a)(2)]
  • Bonus Delegates
    • President: States casting a majority of their 2020 Electoral Votes for the Republican Candidate receive 4.5 + 0.60 × the jurisdiction's total 2024 Electoral Vote in bonus delegates. Should the District of Columbia cast the majority of their electoral votes for the Republican Candidate, the District will receive 4.5 + (0.30 × 16) in bonus delegates. Round any fractional remainder UP to the next whole number. [Rules 14(a)(5) and 14(a)(8)]
    • U.S. Senate: Award 1 bonus delegate for each Republican Senator elected in the 6 year period between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2023. Limit 2. [Rule 14(a)(7)]
    • Governor: States electing a Republican Governor between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2023 receive 1 bonus delegate. Limit: 1. [Rule 14(a)(6)(i)]
    • U.S. House: States electing Republicans to 50% or more of their U.S. House delegation between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2023 receive 1 bonus delegate. Limit 1. [Rule 14(a)(6)(ii)]
    • One Chamber: States electing a Republican majority to one chamber of the state legislature (and the chamber is presided over by a Republican) between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2023 receive 1 bonus delegate. Limit 1. [Rule 14(a)(6)(iii)]. Cite 23 January 2021: National Conference of State Legislatures - 2020 Postelection Partisan Legislative Control.
    • All Chambers: States electing a Republican majority to all chambers of the state legislature (and all chambers are presided over by a Republican) between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2023 receive 1 bonus delegate. Limit 1. [Rule 14(a)(6)(iv)]


The Nebraska state Legislature is unicameral and elected nonpartisan. In January 2021, the unofficial partisan composition was 32 Republicans to 17 Democrats. Senate president Mike Foley and Speaker Mike Hilgers are registered Republican. We assume the state will receive 2 bonus delegates: 1 for One Chamber and 1 for All Chambers.

Delegate Allocation to Presidential Contenders
and Sanctions

States taking a Presidential Preference vote in a primary, caucus or convention, bind their delegates according to that vote. Alternately, delegates may be elected directly (by name) from a primary ballot. A jurisdiction doing neither of the above elects delegates directly in a caucus or convention without regard to Presidential Preference.

In addition, the delegates are bound to their pledge all they way through to the convention. The rules indicate that a delegate can be removed for merely demonstrating support for a candidate other than one to which he or she is bound. [Rule 16(a)(2)]

  • "Any ... process to elect ... delegates to the national convention that occurs prior to [Friday] March 15 [, 2024] ... shall provide for the allocation of delegates on a proportional basis." [Rule 16(c)(2)]
  • A state may establish ... [a] minimum threshold of the percentage of votes received by a candidate ... below which a candidate may receive no delegates, provided such threshold is no higher than 20%. [Rule 16(c)(3)(i)]
  • A state may establish ... [a] threshold of the percentage of votes received by a candidate that must be reached, above which the candidate may receive all the delegates, provided such threshold is no lower than 50%. [Rule 16(c)(3)(ii)]
  • "Any statewide presidential preference vote that permits a choice among candidates ... must be used to allocate and bind the state’s delegation to the national convention ... except for delegates ... who appear on a ballot in a statewide election and are elected directly by primary voters." [Rule 16(a)(1)]
  • "... If any delegate bound ... to vote for a presidential candidate at the national convention demonstrates support ... for any person other than the candidate to whom he or she is bound, such support shall not be recognized. ... no presidential candidate shall have the power to remove a delegate." [Rule 16(a)(2)]

Timing Sanctions

There are 2 start dates: 1 for the carve-out states and another the remaining jurisdictions. If a state bound delegates earlier, there is a sanction.

The carve-out states have a floating date: "1 month before the next earliest state".

  • No primary, caucus, or convention to elect, select, allocate, or bind delegates to the national convention shall occur prior to [Friday] 1 March [2024] .... Except Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada may begin their processes no earlier than 1 month before the next earliest state ... [Rule 16(c)(1)]
  • No delegates ... shall be elected, selected, allocated, or bound ... to any Republican Party ... which materially changes the manner of electing, selecting, allocating, or binding delegates ... or the date ... [the] Party holds a presidential primary, caucus, [or] convention ... if such changes were ... made ... after October 1 of the year before ... the national convention .... [Rule 16(d)(12)]
  • "If any state .. violates Rule No. 16(c)(2) [non-proportional allocation prior to Sunday 15 March 2024], the number of delegates ... shall each be reduced by 50%. Any sum presenting a fraction shall be decreased to the next whole number. No delegation shall be reduced to less than 2 delegates... . If any state or state Republican Party violates Rule No. 16(c)(1) [beginning before 1 March] of these rules, the number of delegates ... shall be reduced for those states with 30 or more ... delegates to 9 plus the members of the Republican National Committee ..., and for those states with 29 or fewer ... to 6 plus the members of the Republican National Committee ... ." [Rule 17(a)]
  • "If any state or state Republican Party violates Rule No. 16(c)(2) of these rules [non-proportional allocation prior to Friday 15 March 2024], the Republican National Convention shall provide for the allocation of the selected at large delegates (excluding members of the Republican National Committee) among the candidates who received more than 10% of the votes ... in proportion to the votes cast for each ... candidate ... ." [Rule 17(b)]

Penalty: New Jersey is electing, allocating, and binding delegates after the 45-day pre-convention deadline (31 May 2024) in RNC Rule No. 16(c)(1). Because its delegation had more than 30 delegates, it is reduced pursuant to RNC Rule No. 17(a) from 49 total delegates-- 10 base at-large / 36 (12 congressional districts), 3 party to 12 delegates-- 9 at-large delegates plus the 3 RNC members.

Penalty: The Virgin Islands is allocating delegates in a non-proportional manner prior to 15 March 2024, and the size of its delegation will be reduced by half pursuant to RNC Rule No. 17(a). Any sum presenting a fraction shall be decreased to the next whole number. The state is reduced from 9 total delegates-- 6 base at-large and 3 party delegates to 9 ÷ 2 = 4.5 round down to 4 delegates-- 1 at-large plus 3 party delegates.

Other Requirements

States should accommodate military voters.

Any process ... for selecting delegates ... for binding the presidential preference ... shall use every means practicable to guarantee the right of active duty military personnel and individuals unable to attend meetings due to injuries suffered in military service the opportunity to exercise their right to vote in that process.... [Rule 16(d)(7)]

As in previous cycles, a state cannot appeal their sanctions.

  • A state ... Republican Party shall have no appeal from ... a penalty imposed upon it ... [Rule 17(f)].

The party has clarified the nomination requirements for candidates at the convention.

Each candidate for nomination for President ... and Vice President ... shall demonstrate the support of a majority of ... delegates from ... 5 or more states ... [T]he affirmative written support ... shall have been submitted to the secretary of the convention ... prior to the placing of the names of candidates for nomination .... [Rule 40(c)]

The Math Behind the Republican Delegate Allocation - 2024
Sorted Alphabetically

Rank (sort)
Electoral Party
Bonus Delegates (sort)
Penalty (sort)
President Governor U.S.
1Alabama1021310121111650 50
2Alaska10337121111329 29
3American Samoa6 3       9 9
4Arizona10273   111343 43
5Arkansas101239121111540 40
6California101563       169 169
7Colorado10243       37 37
8Connecticut10153       28 28
9Delaware1033       16 16
10District of Columbia16 3       19 19
11Florida10843221211128125 125
12Georgia10423 1 111459 59
13Guam6 3       9 9
14Hawaii1063       19 19
15Idaho10637121111332 32
16Illinois10513       64 64
17Indiana1027312121111858 58
18Iowa101239121111540 40
19Kansas101239 21111439 39
20Kentucky1018310 21111546 46
21Louisiana1018310121111647 47
22Maine1063  1   120 20
23Maryland10243       37 37
24Massachusetts10273       40 40
25Michigan10393   111355 55
26Minnesota10243   11 239 39
27Mississippi101239121111540 40
28Missouri1024311121111754 54
29Montana10637111111231 31
30Nebraska10938121111436 36
31Nevada10123 1    126 26
32New Hampshire1063 1  11322 22
33New Jersey9 3       12 12
34New Mexico1093       22 22
35New York10783       91 91
36North Carolina1042314 21111974 74
37North Dakota10337121111329 29
38Northern Marianas6 3       9 9
39Ohio1045316111112179 79
40Oklahoma101539121111543 43
41Oregon10183       31 31
42Pennsylvania10513   111367 67
43Puerto Rico20 3       23 23
44Rhode Island1063       19 19
45South Carolina1021310121111650 50
46South Dakota10337121111329 29
47Tennessee1027312121111858 58
48Texas101143281211134161 161
49Utah101239121111540 40
50Vermont1033 1    117 17
51Virgin Islands1 3       4 4
52Virginia10333 1  1 248 48
53Washington10303       43 43
54West Virginia10638111111332 32
55Wisconsin10243  1111441 41
56Wyoming10337121111329 29
Totals5541,26916826727493133314382,429 2,429
Rank State At-Large
President Governor U.S.
Penalty Total

Bonus Delegate Detail

Bonus delegates are awarded to states who elect Republican Senators, Republican President Electors, Republican Governors, Republican U.S. House Members, and Republican controlled state Legislatures.

  1. Alabama, 16 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (10): 4.5 + (0.6 × 9 [2024 electoral votes]) = 9.9
    • Governor (1): Kay Ivey (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (2): Thomas H. "Tommy" Tuberville (elected 2020), Katie Boyd Britt (elected 2022)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 6 of 7 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 77 of 105
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 77 of 105, Senate 27 of 35,
  2. Alaska, 13 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (7): 4.5 + (0.6 × 3 [2024 electoral votes]) = 6.3
    • Governor (1): Mike J. Dunleavy (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (2): Dan Sullivan (re-elected 2020), Lisa Murkowski (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 1 of 1 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 23 of 40
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 23 of 40, Senate 13 of 20
  3. American Samoa, 0 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  4. Arizona, 3 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 6 of 9 (January 2023)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 31 of 60
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 31 of 60, Senate 16 of 30
  5. Arkansas, 15 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (9): 4.5 + (0.6 × 6 [2024 electoral votes]) = 8.1
    • Governor (1): Sarah Huckabee Sanders (elected 2022)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (2): Thomas B. "Tom" Cotton (re-elected 2020), John Nichols Boozman (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 4 of 4 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 78 of 100
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 78 of 100, Senate 28 of 35
  6. California, 0 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  7. Colorado, 0 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  8. Connecticut, 0 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  9. Delaware, 0 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  10. District of Columbia, 0 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  11. Florida, 28 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (22): 4.5 + (0.6 × 29 [2024 electoral votes]) = 21.9
    • Governor (1): Ronald D. "Ron" DeSantis (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (2): Richard L. "Rick" Scott (elected 2018), Marco Rubio (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 16 of 27 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 78 of 120
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 78 of 120, Senate 24 of 40
  12. Georgia, 4 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (1): Brian Porter Kemp (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 8 of 14 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 118 of 180
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 103 of 180, Senate 34 of 56
  13. Guam, 0 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  14. Hawaii, 0 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  15. Idaho, 13 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (7): 4.5 + (0.6 × 4 [2024 electoral votes]) = 6.9
    • Governor (1): Brad Little (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (2): James E. "Jim" Risch (re-elected 2020), Michael D. "Mike" Crapo (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 2 of 2 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 58 of 70
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 58 of 70, Senate 28 of 35
  16. Illinois, 0 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  17. Indiana, 18 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (12): 4.5 + (0.6 × 11 [2024 electoral votes]) = 11.1
    • Governor (1): Eric Joseph Holcomb (re-elected 2020)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (2): Mike Braun (elected 2018), Todd Christopher Young (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 7 of 9 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 71 of 100
      • All Chambers (1): January 20217: House 71 of 100, Senate 39 of 50
  18. Iowa, 15 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (9): 4.5 + (0.6 × 6 [2024 electoral votes]) = 8.1
    • Governor (1): Kimberly K. "Kim" Reynolds (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (2): Joni K. Ernst (re-elected 2020), Charles E. "Chuck" Grassley (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 3 of 4 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 59 of 100
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 59 of 100, Senate 32 of 50
  19. Kansas, 14 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (9): 4.5 + (0.6 × 6 [2024 electoral votes]) = 8.1
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (2): Roger W. "Doc" Marshall (elected 2020), Jerry Moran (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 3 of 4 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 87 of 125
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 87 of 125, Senate 29 of 40
  20. Kentucky, 15 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (10): 4.5 + (0.6 × 8 [2024 electoral votes]) = 9.3
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (2): Mitch McConnell (re-elected 2020), Rand Paul (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 5 of 6 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 75 of 100
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 75 of 100, Senate 30 of 38
  21. Louisiana, 16 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (10): 4.5 + (0.6 × 8 [2024 electoral votes]) = 9.3
    • Governor (1): "Jeff" Landry (elected 2023)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (2): William M. "Bill" Cassidy (re-elected 2020), John Neely Kennedy (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 5 of 6 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 68 of 105
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 68 of 105, Senate 27 of 39
  22. Maine, 1 bonus delegate
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (1): Susan Margaret Collins (re-elected 2020)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  23. Maryland, 0 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  24. Massachusetts, 0 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  25. Michigan, 3 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 7 of 14 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 58 of 110
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 58 of 110, Senate 22 of 38
  26. Minnesota, 2 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 4 of 8 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: Senate 34 of 67
      • All Chambers (0)
  27. Mississippi, 15 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (9): 4.5 + (0.6 × 6 [2024 electoral votes]) = 8.1
    • Governor (1): Tate Reeves (re-elected 2023)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (2): Roger F. Wicker (re-elected 2018); Cindy Hyde-Smith (re-elected 2020)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 3 of 4 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 74 of 122
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 74 of 122, Senate 36 of 52
  28. Missouri, 17 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (11): 4.5 + (0.6 × 10 [2024 electoral votes]) = 10.5
    • Governor (1): Michael L. "Mike" Parson (re-elected 2020)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (2): Joshua David "Josh" Hawley (elected 2018), Eric S. Schmitt (elected 2022)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 6 of 8 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 114 of 163
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 114 of 163, Senate 24 of 34
  29. Montana, 12 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (7): 4.5 + (0.6 × 4 [2024 electoral votes]) = 6.9
    • Governor (1): Greg Gianforte (elected 2020)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (1): Steven "Steve" Daines (re-elected 2020)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 1 of 1 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 67 of 100
      • All Chambers (1): January 221: House 67 of 100, Senate 32 of 50
  30. Nebraska, 14 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (8): 4.5 + (0.6 × 5 [2024 electoral votes]) = 7.5
    • Governor (1): Jim Pillen (elected 2022)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (2): Debra S. "Deb" Fischer (re-elected 2018); Benjamin E. "Ben" Sasse (re-elected 2020)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 3 of 3 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): The legislature is unicameral and elected nonpartisan. January 2021: Unofficially, 32 of 49 are Republicans. Speaker Mike Hilgers is a registered Republican.
      • All Chambers (1): The legislature is unicameral and elected nonpartisan. January 2021: Unofficially, 32 of 49 are Republicans. Speaker Mike Hilgers is a registered Republican
  31. Nevada, 1 bonus delegate
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (1): Joseph "Joe" Lombardo (elected 2022)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  32. New Hampshire, 3 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (1): Chris Sununu (re-elected 2020)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 213 of 400
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 213 of 400, Senate: 14 of 24
  33. New Jersey, 0 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  34. New Mexico, 0 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  35. New York, 0 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  36. North Carolina, 19 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (14): 4.5 + (0.6 × 15 [2024 electoral votes]) = 13.5
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (2): Thomas Roland "Thom" Tillis (re-elected 2020), Theodore Paul "Ted" Budd (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 8 of 13 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 69 of 120
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 69 of 120. Senate 28 of 50
  37. North Dakota, 13 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (7): 4.5 + (0.6 × 3 [2024 electoral votes]) = 6.3
    • Governor (1): Doug Burgum (re-elected 2020)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (2): Kevin Cramer (elected 2018), John Hoeven (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 1 of 1 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 80 of 94
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 80 of 94, Senate 40 of 47
  38. Northern Marianas, 0 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  39. Ohio, 21 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (16): 4.5 + (0.6 × 18 [2024 electoral votes]) = 15.3
    • Governor (1): Michael "Mike" DeWine (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (1): J.D. Vance (elected 2022)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 12 of 16 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 64 of 99
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 64 of 99. Senate 25 of 33
  40. Oklahoma, 15 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (9): 4.5 + (0.6 × 7 [2024 electoral votes]) = 8.7
    • Governor (1): Kevin Stitt (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (2): James M. "Jim" Inhofe (re-elected 2020), James Paul Lankford (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 5 of 5 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 82 of 101
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 82 of 101, Senate 39 of 48
  41. Oregon, 0 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  42. Pennsylvania, 3 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 9 of 18 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 113 of 203
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 113 of 203, Senate 29 of 50
  43. Puerto Rico, 0 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  44. Rhode Island, 0 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  45. South Carolina, 16 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (10): 4.5 + (0.6 × 9 [2024 electoral votes]) = 9.9
    • Governor (1): Henry D. McMaster (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (2): Lindsey Olin Graham (re-elected 2020), Timothy E. "Tim" Scott (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 6 of 7 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 81 of 124
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 81 of 124, Senate 30 of 46
  46. South Dakota, 13 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (7): 4.5 + (0.6 × 3 [2024 electoral votes]) = 6.3
    • Governor (1): Kristi Lynn Noem (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (2): Marion Michael "Mike" Rounds (re-elected 2020), John R. Thune (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 1 of 1 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 62 of 70
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 62 of 70, Senate 32 of 35
  47. Tennessee, 18 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (12): 4.5 + (0.6 × 11 [2024 electoral votes]) = 11.1
    • Governor (1): William "Bill" Lee (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (2): Marsha Blackburn (elected 2018); Bill Hagerty (elected 2020)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 7 of 9 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 73 of 99
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 73 of 99, Senate 27 of 33
  48. Texas, 34 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (28): 4.5 + (0.6 × 38 [2024 electoral votes]) = 27.3
    • Governor (1): Greg Abbott (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (2): Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz (re-elected 2018); John Cornyn (re-elected 2020)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 23 of 36 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 84 of 150
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 84 of 150, Senate 18 of 31
  49. Utah, 15 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (9): 4.5 + (0.6 × 6 [2024 electoral votes]) = 8.1
    • Governor (1): Spencer J. Cox (elected 2020)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (2): Willard "Mitt" Romney (elected 2018), Mike Lee (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 4 of 4 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 56 of 75
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 56 of 75, Senate 23 of 29
  50. Vermont, 1 bonus delegate
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (1): Phil Scott (re-elected 2020)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  51. Virgin Islands, 0 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  52. Virginia, 2 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (1): Glenn A. Youngkin (re-elected 2021)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2022: Senate 52 of 100
      • All Chambers (0)
  53. Washington, 0 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (0)
    • U.S. House Delegation (0)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (0)
      • All Chambers (0)
  54. West Virginia, 13 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (8): 4.5 + (0.6 × 5 [2024 electoral votes]) = 7.5
    • Governor (1): James C. "Jim" Justice (re-elected 2020)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (1): Shelley Moore Capito (re-elected 2020)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 3 of 3 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 76 of 100
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 76 of 100, Senate 23 of 34
  55. Wisconsin, 4 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (0)
    • Governor (0)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (1): Ronald Harold "Ron" Johnson (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 5 of 8 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021: House 61 of 99
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 61 of 99, Senate 21 of 33
  56. Wyoming, 13 bonus delegates
    • 2020 Presidential Election (7): 4.5 + (0.6 × 3 [2024 electoral votes]) = 6.3
    • Governor (1): Mark Gordon (re-elected 2022)
    • U.S. Senate Delegation (2): John A. Barrasso (re-elected 2018); Cynthia Marie Lummis (elected 2020)
    • U.S. House Delegation (1): House 1 of 1 (January 2021)
    • Republican Control of State Legislature
      • One Chamber (1): January 2021 House 51 of 60
      • All Chambers (1): January 2021: House 51 of 60, Senate 28 of 30


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Commentary: THE TIES THAT BIND-- OR DO THEY? or, Politicus Unbound
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  Estimating the Delegate Count  

  Historical Analysis of the Presidential Nominating Process  
  Historical Analysis of the apportionment of delegate votes at the National Conventions of the two major parties  
  Primary/Caucus/Convention Glossary  
  Statutory Election Information of the Several states / Presidential Primary  
  Dates of PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARIES re: selection and/or allocation/distribution of Delegates to Major Party National Conventions  