2009 General Election Home Gubernatorial Popular Vote by Party U.S. House Popular Vote and FEC Total Receipts by Party Close Contests Summary - Decision by 2% or less Contests Where No Candidate Received a Majority 2009 Primaries and Runoffs for Statewide offices/Congress Alphabetically -- Chronologically -- Poll Closing Times .... General Election Poll Closing Times Alphabetically -- Chronologically .... Governors Senate House .... Senators by 'Class' Governors by election 'cycle' .... Gubernatorial Primaries at a Glance .... Open Governor's Chairs, Senate and House Seats (the incumbent is not running for re-election) Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with no incumbent running for them Uncontested Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats (one candidate running for office) Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with multiple incumbents running for them Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with only one major party candidate running for office .... 2009 Partisan Composition by State .... Political Parties .... Senate Electoral Classes .... Change in Representation in U.S. House by REGION and Subregion between 2000 and 2002 .... Political Party Floor Leaders in the Congress of the United States |