15 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
15 changes to the candidate list:
Colorado: Senate Class 3: state Senator Tim Neville (Republican) - added.
Kentucky: House CD 1: Congressman Wayne Edward "Ed" Whitfield (Republican) - Open Seat - On 29 September 2015 he announced that he will not run for re-election.; Michael Pape (Republican) - added.
Maryland: Senate Class 3: state Delegate Kathy Szeliga (Republican) - added.
Missouri: Treasurer: state Senator Judy Baker (Democratic) - added.
North Dakota: Governor: state Representative Rick C. Becker (Republican) - added. Lieutenant Governor: Lieutenant Governor Drew H. Wrigley (Republican) - Open Chair - On 28 September 2015 he announced that he will not run in 2016.
Ohio: House CD 8: state Senator Bill Beagle (Republican) - added; Butler County Auditor Roger Reynolds (Republican) - added.
Puerto Rico: Governor: Resident Commissioner Pedro R. Pierluisi Urrutia (Partido Nuevo Progresista) - added; Ricky Rosselló (Partido Nuevo Progresista) - added. Resident Commissioner to the House of Representatives: Resident Commissioner Pedro R. Pierluisi Urrutia (Partido Nuevo Progresista) - Open Office.
Texas: House CD 36: Dwayne Stovall (Republican) - added.
Vermont: Attorney General: Attorney General William H. "Bill" Sorrell (Democratic) - Open Office - On 29 September 2015 he announced retirement.
Virginia: Governor: Ed Gillespie (Republican) - added.
2016 Rhode Island Democratic Delegate Selection Process.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
The Rhode Island Democratic Party has posted their 2016 National Convention Delegate Selection process. The first determining step is a Tuesday 26 April 2016 primary.
A total of 15 district delegates are to be proportionally pledged to presidential contenders based on the primary results in each congressional district. A total of 9 delegates are to be proportionally pledged based on the primary vote statewide.
The district delegate candidates, along with their Presidential Preference, appear on the primary ballot. After determining the number of delegates each Presidential Preference will receive, the individual delegates are selected from among the highest votes getters for each Preference. The statewide Pledged PLEO delegates are elected on Wednesday 25 May 2016 and the statewide At-Large delegates are elected on Monday 13 June 2016.
In addition, Rhode Island has 9 unpledged delegates consisting of 4 Democratic National Committee members, 2 Senators, 2 Representatives, and 1 Governor.
2016 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions:
Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates,
Major Dates
Detailed Dates Chronologically,
Weekly Delegate Distribution.
11 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
11 changes to the candidate list:
Delaware: House At-Large: state Representative Bryon H. Short (Democratic) - added.
Florida: House CD 18: Marilyn Holloman (Write-in) - added.
Illinois: House CD 8: William Edward "Bill" Fraser (Independent) - added.
Indiana: House CD 9: William Joseph "Bill" Thomas (Democratic) - added.
Missouri: Governor: former state Representative Randy Asbury (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
New York: House CD 18: Sakima Brown (Republican) - added.
Ohio: House CD 8: Congressman John Andrew Boehner (Republican) - Open Seat - On 25 September 2015, Congressman Boehner announced that he will resign on 30 October. Ohio Governor John Richard Kasich (Republican) will call a special primary and special election to fill the vacant seat.
Oregon: Senate Class 3: Medford City Councilmember Kevin Howard Stine (Democratic) - added.
Puerto Rico: Resident Commissioner to the House of Representatives: Jenniffer Gonzalez Colon (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 19: Michael Bob Starr (Republican) - added.
Washington: House CD 5: Thomas M. "Tom" Horne (Republican) - added.
26 Sep 2015 Values Voter Presidential Straw Poll: Cruz 35.1%, Carson 17.6%, Huckabee 14.3%, Rubio 12.7%.
by TheGreenPapers Staff
26 September 2015
Values Voter Summit Presidential Straw Poll
Washington, DC.
1,161 conference attendees voting.
Texas Senator Ted Cruz: 35.1%
Dr. Ben Carson: 17.6%
former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee: 14.3%
Florida Senator Marco Rubio: 12.7%
Donald Trump of New York: 4.8%
former Pennsylvania Rick Santorum: 4.0%
Carly Fiorina of California: 3.4%
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal: 2.7%
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul: 1.6%
Write In Candidate: 0.9%
Ohio Governor John Kasich: 0.7%
former Florida Governor Jeb Bush: 0.6%
Vermont Congressman Bernard "Bernie" Sanders: 0.4%
South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham: 0.3%
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie: 0.3%
former Virginia Senator Jim Webb: 0.1%
former New York Senator Hillary Clinton: 0.1%
Vice President Joe Biden: 0.1%
former Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee: 0.0%
former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley: 0.0%
Speaker of the House JOHN BOEHNER [Republican-OHIO] to resign, effective this coming 30 October
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
7 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
7 changes to the candidate list:
Arkansas: House CD 3: Robbie Wilson (Democratic) - added.
California: Senate Class 3: Al Ramirez (Republican) - added.
Maryland: House CD 7: Jamal Harrison Bryant (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Michigan: House CD 11: Anil Kumar (Democratic) - added. House CD 13: Janice Marie Winfrey (Democratic) - added.
Montana: Governor: Public Service Commissioner Brad Johnson (Republican) - added.
North Carolina: Lieutenant Governor: Holly Jones (Democratic) - added.
13 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
13 changes to the candidate list:
Alaska: House At-Large: Paul Hannan (Republican) - added; Lynette Moreno-Hinz (Democratic) - added.
Illinois: House CD 13: Macon County Commissioner Mark David Wicklund (Democratic) - added.
Minnesota: House CD 2: former state Senator John Howe (Republican) - added. House CD 8: Stewart Mills (Republican) - added.
North Carolina: Senate Class 3: Spring Lake Mayor Chris V. Rey (Democratic) - added.
Oregon: Governor: Governor Kate Brown (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Pennsylvania: House CD 2: Lower Merion Township Commissioner Brian Anthony Gordon (Democratic) - added. Attorney General: Attorney General Kathleen Granahan Kane (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate - On 21 September 2015, Attorney General Kathleen Kane's law license was suspended by the state Supreme Court 5-0; state Representative Todd Stephens (Republican) - added. Treasurer: former United States Ambassador to the United Nations Joseph M. "Joe" Torsella (Democratic) - added.
Wyoming: House At-Large: Richard Grayson (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
2016 Delaware Republican Delegate Selection Process.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
The Delaware Republican Party has posted their 2016 National Convention Delegate Selection process. Delaware's National Convention delegates are allocated to a presidential contender based on the results of the Tuesday 26 April 2016 Primary.
All 16 of Delaware's delegates, including the 3 party leaders delegates, to the Republican National Convention are allocated to the presidential contender receiving the greatest number of votes statewide in today's Delaware Presidential Primary.
The State Convention, which will be held in late April or early May, elects the National Convention delegates according to the results of the primary.
2016 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions:
Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates,
Major Dates
Detailed Dates Chronologically,
Weekly Delegate Distribution.
13 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
13 changes to the candidate list:
Arizona: House CD 1: Shawn Redd (Republican) - added.
Delaware: House At-Large: state Senator Bryan Townsend (Democratic) - added.
Maryland: House CD 7: William Thomas Newton (Republican) - added. House CD 8: Bill Day (Republican) - added; former Montgomery County Councilor Valerie Ervin (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Michigan: House CD 11: John Paul Valle (Republican) - added. House CD 13: Tom Bagwell (Libertarian) - added.
North Dakota: Governor: state Senator Tom Campbell (Republican) - added.
Oregon: Senate Class 3: Mark Allen Callahan (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 8: Eli David Sadoff (Socialist Party USA) - added.
Texas: House CD 19: Congressman Randy Neugebauer (Republican) - Open Seat - Announced retirement on 17 September 2015; Donald Robert Lee May (Republican) - added.
Washington: Lieutenant Governor: state Senator Cyrus Habib (Democratic) - added.
2016 Alabama Republican Delegate Selection Process.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
The Alabama Republican Party has posted their 2016 National Convention Delegate Selection process. Alabama's National Convention delegates are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the Tuesday 1 March 2016 Primary.
A total of 21 district delegates (3 from each of the state's 7 congressional districts) are bound "winner-take-most" to presidential contenders based on the primary vote in each congressional district. A candidate receiving 50% or more of the vote is awarded all 3 delegates. Otherwise, the candidate with the most votes is awarded 2 delegates and the candidate with the next highest number of votes is awarded 1 delegate.
A total of 26 delegates are bound "winner-take-most" to presidential contenders based on the primary vote statewide. A candidate receiving 50% or more of the vote is awarded all 26 delegates. Otherwise, the delegates are proportionally awarded to those candidates receiving 20% or more the vote.
National Convention Delegates appear on the primary ballot. Voters cast ballots for a Presidential candidate and that candidates delegates. The voter cannot vote for one Presidential candidate and the delegates for another. The delegates receiving the most votes, per the allocations above, are elected.
The 3 party leader delegates (the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the Chair of the Alabama Republican Party) will attend the Natonal Convention as unpledged delegates by virtue of their position. Traditionally, these delegates vote for the winner of the primary.
2016 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions:
Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates,
Major Dates
Detailed Dates Chronologically,
Weekly Delegate Distribution.
7 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
7 changes to the candidate list:
Alabama: House CD 6: David Jeremy Putman (Democratic) - added.
Colorado: House CD 4: Bob Seay (Democratic) - added.
Delaware: Governor: Congressman John Charles Carney, Jr. (Democratic) - on on 16 September 2015, announced he will run for Governor in 2016. House At-Large: Congressman John Charles Carney, Jr. (Democratic) - Open Seat.
Florida: House CD 23: David Mendenhall (Independent) - added.
Illinois: House CD 8: County Commissioner Peter "Pete" DiCianni (Republican) - added.
Maryland: House CD 7: Jamal Bryant (Democratic) - added.
Michigan: House CD 1: Congressman Daniel J. "Dan" Benishek (Republican) - Open Seat - will not seek re-election.
WEDNESDAY 16 SEPTEMBER 2015: Republican Presidential Debates televised on CNN from Reagan Library
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
8 PM Eastern Time [0000 GMT]: The following Republican presidential contenders- the top 11 in an aggregate of the leading national polls- debate among themselves for three hours:
- former Governor John Ellis [Jeb] BUSH of Florida
- Neurosurgeon Benjamin S. [Ben] CARSON, Sr.
- Governor Christopher J. [Chris] CHRISTIE of New Jersey
- Senator Rafael Edward [Ted] CRUZ of Texas
- Businesswoman Carly FIORINA
- former Governor Michael D. [Mike] HUCKABEE of Arkansas
- Governor John R. KASICH of Ohio
- Senator Rand PAUL of Kentucky
- Senator Marco RUBIO of Florida
- Business magnate Donald J. TRUMP, Sr.
- Governor SCOTT K. WALKER of Wisconsin
This Prime Time debate will be broadcast 'live' via CNN
6 PM Eastern Time [2200 GMT]: A one hour, 45 minute debate (also televised 'live' on CNN) among the remaining major Republican contenders, as follows:
- Senator Lindsey O. GRAHAM of South Carolina
- Governor Piyush [Bobby] JINDAL of Louisiana
- former Governor George E. PATAKI of New York
- former Governor James Richard [Rick] PERRY of Texas
- former Senator Richard J. [Rick] SANTORUM of Pennsylvania
NOTE: former Governor James S. GILMORE of Virginia did not qualify for participation in even the earlier debate this evening. Meanwhile, former Governor PERRY- although invited to participate (as noted above)- suspended his presidential campaign after having been so invited.
Commentary: WELCOME BACK, MY FRIENDS, TO THE SHOW THAT NEVER ENDS. The next GOP presidential debate now beckons
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
The next GOP presidential debate now beckons
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
It will take up the better part of five hours, beginning at 6 PM Eastern/3 o'clock in the afternoon Pacific (2200 GMT for the benefit of our site's readers outside of North America). Except for a 15 minute "intermission" at 7:45 Eastern (to allow the 5 candidates participating in the earlier debate to leave the stage, their places to be taken by the 11 who will be debating- for three of those five hours- during the Main Event), those who choose to watch these debates 'live' on CNN will be presented with yet another opportunity to judge the serious contenders for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination and their various and sundry policy positions and personal takes on the many issues of the day.
As I myself first opined back on 6 August of this year, these debates on the Republican side are just as much a part of a "winnowing in" process as will the earliest GOP Caucuses and Primaries truly begin the "winnowing out" of GOP candidates beginning next February. I remain rather skeptical of the notion that the 2016 Republican National Convention will be at all deadlocked- or, for that matter, even brokered: unless and until I see otherwise, I still think that the number of GOP presidential contenders will, at some point early in the process (if not even before the First in the Nation Caucuses in Iowa and the First in the Nation Presidential Primary in New Hampshire, at least not all that long after each of these first-step Delegate Selection events), dwindle and that, by mid-March, there will remain a mere relative handful of ....
2016 Hawaii Republican Delegate Selection Process.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
The Hawaii Republican Party has posted their 2016 National Convention Delegate Selection process. Hawaii's National Convention delegates are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the Tuesday 8 March 2016 Precinct Caucuses.
A total of 6 district delegates (3 from each of the state's 2 congressional districts) are proportionally bound to presidential contenders based on the caucus vote in each congressional district. A total of 10 delegates are proportionally bound to presidential contenders based on the caucus vote statewide.
Prior to the caucus, each Presidential campaign supplies their slate of delegates to the National Convention.
The 3 party leader delegates (the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the Chair of the Hawaii Republican Party) will attend the National Convention as unpledged delegates by virtue of their position.
2016 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions:
Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates,
Major Dates
Detailed Dates Chronologically,
Weekly Delegate Distribution.
8 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
8 changes to the candidate list:
California: Senate Class 3: Tim Gildersleeve (No Party Preference) - added.
Florida: House CD 6: William McCullough (Democratic) - added.
Illinois: House CD 18: Congressman Darin McKay LaHood (Republican) - added as candidate.
Louisiana (filing has closed for the Saturday 24 October 2015 Open Primary): Governor: Eric Paul Orgeron (Other) - added. Attorney General: Geraldine "Geri" Broussard Baloney (Democratic) - added. Commissioner of Insurance: Donald Hodge, Jr. (Democratic) - added.
New Mexico: House CD 3: Michael H. "Mike" Romeo (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: Senate Class 3: Braddock Mayor John Kart Fetterman (Democratic) - added.
7 changes to the candidate list. 10 September IL CD 18 Special Election Re-cap
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
House CD 18 Special: state Senator Darin McKay LaHood (Republican) - elected.
This Special Election in IL's CD18 is being held to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Congressman Aaron Jon Schock (Republican) on 17 March 2015.
The Partisan Composition of the U.S. House is now 247 Republicans and 188 Democrats.
7 changes to the candidate list:
Arizona: Senate Class 3: Leonard A. Clark (Democratic) - added.
Florida: House CD 13: Donald W. Hackett Jr. (Democratic) - added.
Illinois: Senate Class 3: Cook County Commissioner Richard R. Boykin (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Ohio: House CD 4: Janet Patricia Garrett (Democratic) - added.
Tennessee: House CD 6: Timothy Roberts (Independent) - added.
Vermont: Governor: former state Representative Sue Minter (Democratic) - added.
Thursday 10 September 2015: SPECIAL ELECTION- ILLINOIS 18th Congressional District: polls open from 6 AM to 7 PM
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
This Special Election in IL's CD18 is being held to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Congressman Aaron Jon Schock (Republican) on 17 March 2015
Thursday 10 September 2015 General Election results from AP.
21 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
21 changes to the candidate list:
Arkansas: Senate Class 3: Conner Elridge (Democratic) - added.
Florida: House CD 3: Tom Knapp (Write-in [Libertarian]) - added. House CD 5: G.G. Galloway (Republican) - added. House CD 18: St. Lucie County Commissioner Tod Mowery (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Illinois: House CD 7: Amara Enyia (Democratic) - added.
Louisiana: Governor: Beryl Billiot (American Independent) - added; state Public Service Commissioner Foster Campbell (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Cary Deaton (Democratic) - added; S.L. Simpson (Democratic) - added. Lieutenant Governor: state Senator Rick Gallot (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. Secretary of State: Secretary of State J. Thomas "Tom" Schedler (Republican) - added as candidate. Attorney General: Attorney General James D. "Buddy" Caldwell (Republican) - added as candidate. Treasurer: Jennifer Treadway (Republican) - added. Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry: Charlie Greer (Democratic) - added; Agriculture and Forestry Commissioner Michael G. "Mike" Strain (Republican) - added as candidate. Commissioner of Insurance: Insurance Commissioner James J. "Jim" Donelon (Republican) - added as candidate.
Pennsylvania: House CD 9: Arthur L. "Art" Halvorson (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 6: Collin Cannon (Republican) - added.
Vermont: Governor: Lieutenant Governor Phil Scott (Republican) - added. Lieutenant Governor: Lieutenant Governor Phil Scott (Republican) - Open Chair.
Washington: Senate Class 3: former state Representative Chris Vance (Republican) - added.
2016 Kansas Republican Delegate Selection Process.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
The Kansas Republican Party has posted their 2016 National Convention Delegate Selection plan. Kansas' National Convention delegates are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the Saturday 5 March 2016 Precinct Caucuses.
A total of 12 district delegates are to be proportionally bound to presidential contenders receiving 10% or more of the caucus vote in each congressional district. A total of 25 delegates are to be proportionally bound to presidential contenders receiving 10% or more of the statewide caucus vote. The 3 party leader delegates (the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the Chair of the Kansas Republican Party) are bound to the candidate who received the most votes statewide.
The district delegates are elected at caucuses on held no later than Saturday 23 April 2016. The statewide delegates are elected no later than Saturday 21 May 2016 by the State Committee.
2016 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions:
Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates,
Major Dates
Detailed Dates Chronologically,
Weekly Delegate Distribution.
2016 Guam Democratic Delegate Selection Process.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
The Guam Democratic Party has posted their 2016 National Convention Delegate Selection process. The first determining step is a Saturday 7 May 2016 Caucus. Guam's caucus is conducted like a party-run primary
A total of 6 delegates are to be proportionally pledged to presidential contenders receiving 15% or more of the vote island-wide.
In addition, Guam has 5 unpledged delegates consisting of 4 Democratic National Committee members and 1 non-voting Delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives.
18 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
18 changes to the candidate list:
California: House CD 33: Samuel L. Jackson (Not readily classifiable) - added. House CD 44: Omar Navarro (Republican) - added.
Colorado: Senate Class 3: Robert B. Blaha (Republican) - added.
Florida: House CD 1: Anitra Nicole Brown (No Party Affiliation) - added. House CD 6: G.G. Galloway (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 11: Dominick Stella (Republican) - added.
Indiana: House CD 9: Robert Hall (Republican) - added.
Minnesota: House CD 2: Congressman John Paul Kline, Jr. (Republican) - Open Seat - Not seeking re-election.
New Hampshire: Governor: Chris Sununu (Republican) - added.
Tennessee: Governor: Mark "Coonrippy" Brown (Republican) - added. House CD 5: Ronnie Holden (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 1: Shirley Jonetta McKellar (Democratic) - added. House CD 6: Collin James Baker (Republican) - added. House CD 21: William John Murphy (Republican) - added. House CD 24: Roy E. Lozano (Republican) - added.
Virginia: House CD 5: Albemarle County Supervisor Jane DeSimone Dittmar (Democratic) - added.
West Virginia: Commissioner of Agriculture: state Senator Kent Leonhardt (Republican) - added.
Wisconsin: House CD 4: Weldon Carnahan (Republican) - added.
8 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
8 changes to the candidate list:
California: Senate Class 3: Gail K. Lightfoot (Libertarian) - added.
Connecticut: House CD 5: Stephanie Piddock (Green) - added.
Indiana: House CD 3: Kip Tom (Republican) - added.
Kansas: House CD 3: Nathaniel W. McLaughlin (Democratic) - added.
Nevada: House CD 3: Barry Michaels (Democratic) - added.
Vermont: Governor: former state Senator Matt Dunne (Democratic) - added; Bruce Lisman (Republican) - added.
Virginia: Attorney General: Attorney General Mark R. Herring (Democratic) - added as candidate.
11 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
12 changes to the candidate list:
Arizona: Senate Class 3: Clair Van Steenwyk (Republican) - added.
California: House CD 28: Yuriy Seretskiy (Nonparty) - added.
Colorado: House CD 1: Charles Wesley "Casper" Stokham (Republican) - added.
Connecticut: House CD 2: Daria Novak (Republican) - added.
Nevada: House CD 1: Mary D. Perry (Republican) - added. House CD 3: Anthony Wernicke (Republican) - added.
New York: House CD 3: David Gurfein (Republican) - added.
Ohio: House CD 8: Dennis Michael Smith (Democratic) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 5: Glenn "GT" Thompson (Republican) - added.
Tennessee: House CD 1: Congressman David Philip "Phil" Roe (Republican) - added as candidate.
Texas: House CD 22: Robb O. Rourke (Democratic) - added.
11 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
11 changes to the candidate list:
Alaska: House At-Large: John R. Cox (Republican) - added.
Arkansas: House CD 2: former Little Rock School Board President Dianne Curry (Democratic) - added.
Georgia: Governor: Doug Craig (Libertarian) - added.
Illinois: House CD 8: Villa Park Trustee Deborah "Deb" Bullwinkel (Democratic) - added.
Indiana: House CD 5: Angela Demaree (Democratic) - added.
Louisiana: Commissioner of Insurance: Charlotte McDaniel McGehee (Democratic) - added.
Michigan: House CD 14: Terrance Morrison (Democratic) - added.
New Hampshire: Governor: state Representative Frank Edelblut (Republican) - added.
New York: House CD 13: Martin Chicon (Republican) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 8: Bailey Wayne Tuttle (Independent) - added.
North Dakota: Governor: Governor Jack Dalrymple (Republican) - Open Chair. Not running for re-election.
TUESDAY 25 AUGUST 2015: MISSISSIPPI RUNOFFS-- there are no Statewide runoffs-- polls are open 7 AM to 7 PM
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
There are no races covered by The Green Papers in runoff; however, there may well be down-ballot runoffs (for nominations to either house of the State Legislature, for example)--please check locally!
2016 Missouri Democratic Delegate Selection Process.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
The Missouri Democratic Party has posted their draft 2016 National Convention Delegate Selection process. The first determining step is a Tuesday 15 March 2016 primary.
A total of 49 district delegates are to be proportionally pledged to presidential contenders receiving 15% or more of the primary vote in each congressional district. A total of 26 delegates are to be proportionally pledged to presidential contenders receiving 15% or more of the primary vote statewide.
The National Convention delegate selection process begins with Mass Meetings held on Thursday 31 March 2016. These meetings elect delegates to the Congressional District and State Conventions.
According to the results of the primary:
- The National Convention district delegates are elected at the Congressional District Conventions on Thursday 28 April 2016.
- The National Convention Pledged PLEO Delegates are elected by the Democratic State Committee on Saturday 7 May 2016.
- The National Convention At-Large Delegates are elected at the State Convention on Saturday 18 June 2016.
In addition, Missouri has 13 unpledged delegates consisting of 8 Democratic National Committee members, 1 US Senator, 2 US Representatives, 1 Governor, and 1 Distinguished Party Leader (former U.S. House Majority Leader Richard Andrew "Dick" Gephardt).
2016 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions:
Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates,
Major Dates
Detailed Dates Chronologically,
Weekly Delegate Distribution.
9 changes to the candidate list. Oklahoma Commissioner of Labor killed.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
9 changes to the candidate list:
Maryland: Senate Class 3: Ralph Jaffe (Democratic) - added; Anthony Seda (Republican) - added; Edward Shlikas (Independent) - added; Violet Staley (Democratic) - added; Lih Young (Democratic) - added. House CD 6: Harold Painter (Republican) - added.
Oklahoma: Commissioner of Labor: Labor Commissioner Mark Costello (Republican) - Vacant Office. On 23 August 2015, Labor Commissioner Mark Costello, 59, was stabbed to death at a restaurant in Oklahoma City. His son, Richard Costello, 26, was arrested for the crime.
Wisconsin: House CD 1: Jason Kraayvanger (Independent) - added. House CD 5: Julie C. Becker (Constitution) - added.
2016 Mississippi Democratic Delegate Selection Process.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
The Mississippi Democratic Party has posted their 2016 National Convention Delegate Selection process. The first determining step is a Tuesday 8 March 2016 primary.
A total of 23 district delegates are to be proportionally pledged to presidential contenders receiving 15% or more of the primary vote in each congressional district. A total of 13 delegates are to be proportionally pledged to presidential contenders receiving 15% or more of the primary vote statewide.
The National Convention district delegates are elected in a 3 part caucus/convention that starts on Saturday 13 February 2016 with the Precinct Meetings. These meetings elect delegates to the Saturday 12 March 2016 County Conventions. Presidential Preference is not a fractor at the Precinct Meetings or County Conventions.
The County Conventions elect delegates to the 2 April (Congressional District 1), 9 April (CD 2), 16 April (CD 3), and 23 April (CD 4) Conventions and the Saturday 21 May 2016 State Convention. It is the District Conventions and State Convention that elect National Conventions delegate according to the results of the primary.
In addition, Mississippi has 5 unpledged delegates consisting of 4 Democratic National Committee members and 1 US U.S. Representative.
2016 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions:
Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates,
Major Dates
Detailed Dates Chronologically,
Weekly Delegate Distribution.
35 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
35 changes to the candidate list:
Florida: House CD 10: Val Demings (Democratic) - added; state Senator Geraldine F. "Geri" Thompson (Democratic) - added.
Illinois: Senate Class 3: Robert Marshall (Democratic) - added.
Maryland: Senate Class 3: Richard J. Douglas (Republican) - added. House CD 7: Corrogan R. Vaughn (Republican) - added. House CD 8: David M. Anderson (Democratic) - added.
Missouri: Governor: Bart Korman (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 1: Paul Berry, III (Republican) - added. House CD 2: Arthur Henry Lieber (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 7: Genevieve Williams (Democratic) - added.
Montana: House At-Large: James St.Goddard (Democratic) - added. Superintendent of Public Instruction: Public Instruction Superintendent Denise Juneau (Democratic) - Open Office; for state Senator Elsie Arntzen (Republican) - added; Melissa Romano (Democratic) - added.
North Carolina: Senate Class 3: William Hobert "Will" Blakley (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Dave McCoy (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. Lieutenant Governor: former state Representative Linda Coleman (Democratic) - added; Robert E. Wilson (Democratic) - added. Commissioner of Insurance: Heather Grant (Republican) - added. Commissioner of Labor: former Raleigh Mayor Charles Meeker (Democratic) - added.
Ohio: Senate Class 3: Michael Bickelmeyer (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Don Eckhart (Independent) - added. House CD 8: J. D. Winteregg (Republican) - added.
Tennessee: House CD 4: Yomi "Fapas" Faparusi, Sr. (Republican) - added.
Virginia: House CD 7: Robert Cranford Maddux (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Presidential Candidates: David Dee Boarman (Independent) - added; Jairo I. Briceno (Republican) - added; Ricky Daniel Crews (Republican) - added; Bailey D. Dog (Independent) - added; Abraham Israel (Republican) - added; Christopher Robert Keniston (Veterans Party of America) - added; Alonzo Tablet Martin, Sr. (Republican) - added; Peter Messina (Republican) - added; Guy Donald Schwartz (Nonparty) - added; Mike Wiley (Libertarian) - previously listed as Democratic. 28 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
28 changes to the candidate list:
California: Senate Class 3: Stewart Albertson (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Robert Molnar (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 4: David Peterson (Democratic) - added. House CD 48: Robert Banuelos (Democratic) - added; Suzanne Joyce "Sue" Savary (Democratic) - added.
Colorado: Senate Class 3: Tom Janich (Republican) - added.
Florida: Senate Class 3: Richard M. Coleman (Democratic) - added.
Idaho: Senate Class 3: Timothy Aaron Raty (Independent) - apparently not a candidate.
Illinois: House CD 3: Oren Jacobson (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. Comptroller Special: state Senator Daniel Biss (Democratic) - added; Chicago City Clerk Susana A. Mendoza (Democratic) - added.
Indiana: Senate Class 3: John Dickerson (Democratic) - added. Governor: state Senator Karen Tallian (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 9: Shelli Yoder (Democratic) - added. Attorney General: Lorenzo Arredondo (Democratic) - added.
Iowa: House CD 3: Jim Mowrer (Democratic) - added.
Kentucky: Senate Class 3: Cecil Weldon Pearson, Jr. (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Maryland: House CD 3: Matthew David Molyett (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 4: George McDermott (Republican) - added.
Montana: Governor: Greg Gianforte (Democratic) - added.
Nebraska: House CD 2: Dirk Edward Arneson (Republican) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 9: George Rouco (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 17: Glenn A. Geissinger (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Antonio Ricardo Cannady (Independent) - added; Richard M. Coleman (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Rocky Giordani (Independence) - added; Jeremy Marc McKeen (Democratic) - added; Mimi Soltysik (Socialist Party USA) - added. 2016 Oklahoma Democratic Delegate Selection Process.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
The Oklahoma Democratic Party has posted their draft 2016 National Convention Delegate Selection process. The first determining step is a Tuesday 1 March 2016 primary.
A total of 25 district delegates are to be proportionally pledged to presidential contenders receiving 15% or more of the primary vote in each congressional district. A total of 13 delegates are to be proportionally pledged to presidential contenders receiving 15% or more of the primary vote statewide. The district delegates and statewide delegates are elected at the Saturday 9 April 2016 State Convention.
In addition, Oklahoma has 4 unpledged delegates consisting of 4 Democratic National Committee members.
2016 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions:
Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates,
Major Dates
Detailed Dates Chronologically,
Weekly Delegate Distribution.
19 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
19 changes to the candidate list:
Arkansas: House CD 3: Steve Issacson (Republican) - added.
California: Senate Class 3: Douglas Scott Van Raam (Not readily classifiable) - added.
Iowa: House CD 4: Kimberly Weaver (Democratic) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 2: Daniel "Dan" Muroff (Democratic) - added. Attorney General: state Senator John C. Rafferty, Jr. (Republican) - added; Jack Stollsteimer (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 22: Douglas James Blatt (Democratic) - added.
Vermont: Governor: state Representative Shap Smith (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: John Cole (Independent) - added; Christopher Farnell (Republican) - added; Mark Charles Hardie (Democratic) - added; Robert Holloway, Jr. (No Party Affiliation) - added; Aloysius R. Marcinek (Independent) - added; Nicole McCoig (Not readily classifiable) - added; Nikki McCoig (Unaffiliated) - added; Patrick McKenna (Not readily classifiable) - added; Rogelio Nuno (Independent) - added; Princess Oawlawolwadol (No Party Affiliation) - added; Michael Henry Peuler (Independent) - added. 9 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
9 changes to the candidate list:
Florida: House CD 18: Rick Roth (Republican) - added.
Michigan: House CD 6: Paul Colin Clements (Democratic) - added.
New York: House CD 13: state Senator Bill Perkins (Democratic) - added.
Utah: Senate Class 3: Jonathan Jeffrey Swinton (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Todd M. Clayton, Jr. (Not readily classifiable) - added; Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry (Green) - added; Maurice Symonette (Write-in) - added; Buddy The Elf (Write-in) - added; Perry Tolos (No Party Affiliation) - added. 11 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
11 changes to the candidate list:
California: House CD 26: Rafael Dagnesses (Republican) - added. House CD 46: former state Senator Joseph "Joe" Dunn (Democratic) - added.
Florida: Governor: Kyle "KC" Gibson (Independent) - added.
Louisiana: Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry: Adrian "Ace" Juttner (Green) - added.
Maine: House CD 1: Barry Stephens (Republican) - added.
Michigan: House CD 8: Melissa Gilbert (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: William Alsup (Independent) - added; Brian James Briggs (Independent) - added; Gerald John "Jerry" Jennings, II (Constitution) - previously listed as Democratic; Lawrence Lessig (Democratic) - added; Patrick Anthony Ockander (Constitution) - added. 22 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
22 changes to the candidate list:
Indiana: House CD 3: Todd Alan Nightenhelser (Democratic) - added. Superintendent of Public Instruction: Public Instruction Superintendent Glenda Ritz (Democratic) - Incumbent to run for re-election; Public Instruction Superintendent Glenda Ritz (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for Governor.
Maryland: House CD 8: Liz Matory (Independent) - added.
New Hampshire: House CD 1: former Congressman Carol Shea-Porter (Democratic) - added.
North Carolina: Senate Class 3: former Congressman Heath Shuler (Democratic) - added. Governor: Kenneth Hale "Ken" Fortenberry (Libertarian) - apparently not a candidate.
Texas: House CD 10: Tawana W. Cadien (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Dustin Alan Baird (Write-in) - added; Chandler Ashmun Benn (Independent) - added; Thomas Joseph Coyne (Unaffiliated) - added; Richard Alan Franco (Democratic) - added; Anita Hammon (Republican) - added; Robert Donald Hanson (Republican) - added; Steven Gerard Korb (Independent) - removed; Steven Gerard Korb (Independent) - removed; James Walter Legate, Jr. (U.S. Taxpayers) - added; Georgre D. Mikles (Not readily classifiable) - added; Kevin J. Montgomery (Independent) - added; Johnny Goddamn Roosevelt (Not readily classifiable) - added; Howie Rubin (Not readily classifiable) - added; Rhett R. Smith (Green) - added. 14 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
14 changes to the candidate list:
Arizona: House CD 1: Miguel Olivas (Democratic) - added.
Illinois: Senate Class 3: Cook County Commissioner Richard R. Boykin (Democratic) - added.
Mississippi: Governor: Vicki Slater (Democratic) - lost Primary.
New York: House CD 19: Andrew Heaney (Republican) - added.
Vermont: Lieutenant Governor: Brandon Riker (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Renny Arcaya (Not readily classifiable) - added; Buddy The Cat (Democratic) - added; . Eden (Democratic) - added; John Charles Follansbee (Nonparty) - added; David Aaron Grig (Independent) - added; Cody Robert Judy (Democratic) - added; Steven Gerard Korb (Independent) - added; Robert Lee (Independence) - added; Charles Ivan Mitchell-King (Independent) - added.
Commentary: A BATTLE FOR HEARTS AND MINDS AND A PARTY's SOUL. The GOP presidential nomination contest now truly gets underway
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
The GOP presidential nomination
contest now truly gets underway
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
The winnowing-out process has begun, and we have just been winnowed in--
the reaction of former U.S. Senator FRED HARRIS [D-Oklahoma] to an unexpectedly high finish in the 1976 Iowa Democratic Presidential Caucuses (Harris would go on finish 4th in the New Hampshire Democratic Presidential Primary [held over a month later in that year of the Nation's Bicentennial] but, only a week thereafter, himself would be unceremoniously "winnowed out" due to a mere 5th place finish in the Massachusetts Democratic Presidential Primary).
Nearly four decades after Senator Fred Harris uttered the above-quoted [in?]famous statement, at least a "winnowing-in" process begins- not with either a Presidential Primary in the Granite State or the 'First in the Nation' Caucuses in Iowa- but, rather, with bifurcated nationally televised debates today involving (albeit in different ways) all 17 of the (currently publicly announced) major Republican presidential contenders (meaning, again, all those with at least a "puncher's chance" at actually gaining the 2016 GOP presidential nomination).
But this opening salvo of the latest campaign for the Grand Old Party's grandest prize is not only the very ....
THURSDAY 6 AUGUST 2015: Republican Presidential Debates televised on FOX News from Cleveland, Ohio
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
9 PM Eastern Time [0100 GMT]: The following Republican presidential contenders- the top 10 in an aggregate of the leading national polls- debate among themselves for two hours:
- former Governor John Ellis [Jeb] BUSH of Florida
- Neurosurgeon Benjamin S. [Ben] CARSON, Sr.
- Governor Christopher J. [Chris] CHRISTIE of New Jersey
- Senator Rafael Edward [Ted] CRUZ of Texas
- former Governor Michael D. [Mike] HUCKABEE of Arkansas
- Governor John R. KASICH of Ohio
- Senator Rand PAUL of Kentucky
- Senator Marco RUBIO of Florida
- Business magnate Donald J. TRUMP, Sr.
- Governor SCOTT K. WALKER of Wisconsin
This Prime Time debate will be broadcast 'live' via FOX News
5 PM Eastern Time [2100 GMT]: A one hour debate (also televised 'live' on FOX News) among the remaining major Republican contenders, as follows:
- Businesswoman Carly FIORINA
- former Governor James S. GILMORE of Virginia
- Senator Lindsey O. GRAHAM of South Carolina
- Governor Piyush [Bobby] JINDAL of Louisiana
- former Governor George E. PATAKI of New York
- former Governor James Richard [Rick] PERRY of Texas
- former Senator Richard J. [Rick] SANTORUM of Pennsylvania
25 changes to the candidate list. MS 4 Aug primary re-cap.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
25 changes to the candidate list:
Arizona: House CD 1: Former state Senator Tom O'Halleran (Democratic) - added.
Florida: House CD 18: Noelle Nikpour (Republican) - added.
Idaho: House CD 1: Gordon Joe Counsil (Independent) - added.
Mississippi: 4 August 2015 Primary re-cap. If no candidate receives a majority of the vote in this Primary, the two top vote-getters then proceed to a Runoff scheduled for Tuesday 25 August 2015. The Democratic Governor's primary-- Robert Gray 51% (winner) v Vicki Slater.
Governor: Governor Phil Bryant (Republican) - Renominated; Valerie Adream Smartt Short (Democratic) - lost Primary; Mitch Young (Republican) - lost Primary. Lieutenant Governor: Lieutenant Governor Tate Reeves (Republican) - Renominated; Jelani Barr (Democratic) - lost Primary; Alisha Nelson McElhenney (Republican) - lost Primary. Treasurer: Treasurer Lynn Fitch (Republican) - Renominated; David McRae (Republican) - lost Primary. Auditor of Public Accounts: Auditor of Public Accounts Stacey E. Pickering (Republican) - Renominated; Madison Mayor Mary Hawkins-Butler (Republican) - lost Primary. Commissioner of Insurance: Insurance Commissioner Michael Jackson "Mike" Chaney (Republican) - Renominated; John Mosley (Republican) - lost Primary.
Nevada: House CD 3: Jesse Sbaih (Democratic) - added.
New Jersey: Governor: state Senator Raymond J. "Ray" Lesniak (Democratic) - added.
New York: Senate Class 3: Joseph Charles Prince (Independence) - previously listed as Independent.
Oregon: House CD 4: Jo Rae Perkins (Republican) - added.
South Dakota: House At-Large: state Representative Paula Hawks (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Magdalina G. Kalincheva (Republican) - added; Paddington Vermon Massey (Democratic) - added; Darryl John Smith (Republican) - added; Scott Wesley Stauffer (Republican) - added; Troy @nexceo Thompson (Independent) - added. TUESDAY 4 AUGUST 2015: MISSISSIPPI State PRIMARY-- polls are open 7 AM to 7 PM local time
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
If no candidate receives a majority of the vote in this Primary, the two top vote-getters then proceed to a Runoff scheduled for Tuesday 25 August 2015.
Results from AP
18 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
18 changes to the candidate list:
California: Senate Class 3: Mervin Leon Evans (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 46: Bao Quoc Nguyen (Democratic) - added.
Florida: House CD 5: Michael Reuben Ploeckelmann (Independent) - added.
Missouri: Secretary of State: Robin Smith (Democratic) - added. Attorney General: former county prosecutor Teresa Hensley (Democratic) - added; state Senator Scott Sifton (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
New York: Senate Class 3: Joseph Charles Prince (Independent) - added.
Texas: House CD 18: Lori Anita Bartley (Republican) - added.
Washington: Superintendent of Public Instruction: Erin Jones (Democratic) - added; state Representative Chris Reykdal (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Robert Dionisio (Independent) - added; James Paris Firmani (Republican) - added; Kevin Gong (Conservative) - added; Nathan Evan Meadows (Republican) - added; Sherry A. Meadows (Democratic) - added; Michael Andrew Napodano (Independent) - added; Dana Glen Russ (Independent) - added; Warren Philip West (Republican) - added. 14 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
14 changes to the candidate list:
California: House CD 37: Mervin Evans (Democratic) - added.
Illinois: House CD 8: state Senator Thomas "Tom" Cullerton (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Maine: House CD 2: Bangor City Councilor Joseph M. "Joe" Baldacci (Democratic) - added.
Maryland: House CD 6: Amie Hoeber (Republican) - added.
Mississippi: Secretary of State: Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann (Republican) - Renominated. Attorney General: Attorney General Jim Hood (Democratic) - Renominated. Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce: Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce Cindy Hyde-Smith (Republican) - Renominated.
Presidential Candidates: Jean Celian (Independence) - added; Davin Coburn (Not readily classifiable) - added; Diana Lynn Douglas (Republican) - added; David M. Haen (Independent) - added; Russell R. Henry (Republican) - added; Eamon McKeever (Not readily classifiable) - added; Renee Andre Stephens (Not readily classifiable) - previously listed as Write-in. 2016 South Dakota Democratic Delegate Selection Process.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
The South Dakota Democratic Party has posted their draft 2016 National Convention Delegate Selection process. The first determining step is the Tuesday 7 June 2016 primary.
A total of 10 congressional district and 5 statewide delegates are to be proportionally pledged to presidential contenders receiving 15% or more of the statewide vote (South Dakota has only a single at-large congressional seat).
Prior to the primary: Legislative District Caucuses meet on Saturday 12 March 2016 to elect delegates to the Congressional District Caucus. On Saturday 26 March 2016, National Convention Congressional District delegates are slated by Presidential Preference at the Congressional District caucus. Congressional District delegates appear on the primary ballot along with their Presidential Preference.
After the primary: The National Convention district delegates are chosen from the highest vote getters. The National Convention statewide delegates are elected at the Friday 24 June - Sunday 26 June 2016 State Convention by the State Party Central Committee.
In addition, South Dakota has 5 unpledged delegates consisting of 4 Democratic National Committee members and 1 Distinguished Party Leader (former Senate Majority Leader Thomas Andrew "Tom" Daschle).
2016 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions:
Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates,
Major Dates
Detailed Dates Chronologically,
Weekly Delegate Distribution.
18 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
18 changes to the candidate list:
Arizona: House CD 2: former state Representative Matthew Gerald "Matt" Heinz (Democratic) - added.
California: House CD 49: Douglas Loren Applegate (Democratic) - added.
Florida: House CD 1: Brian Frazier (Republican) - added. House CD 2: Neal Dunn (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 5: Warren "Grizz" Grimsley (Green) - added. House CD 7: Frederick Collins (Democratic) - added.
Indiana: House CD 9: Jim Pfaff (Republican) - added.
Louisiana: Attorney General: Ike Jackson (Democratic) - added.
Northern Marianas: Delegate to the House of Representatives: Territorial Delegate Gregorio Kilili Camacho "Kilili" Sablan (Independent [Democratic]) - added as candidate.
Ohio: Senate Class 3: Thomas William Connors (Independent) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Joseph Patrick Britt, Jr. (No Party Affiliation) - added; Steven Wayne Covington (No Party Affiliation) - added; Frank Erwin (No Party Affiliation) - added; Kenn Gividen (American Freedom Party) - apparently not a candidate; Deez Nuts (Independent) - added; Stanley Wesley Warner (Republican) - added; Richard Gregary Watkins (No Party Affiliation) - added; Robert W. "Bob" Whitaker (American Freedom Party) - added. 21 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
21 changes to the candidate list:
Alabama: House CD 2: Robert E. John, Jr. (Independent) - added. House CD 5: Willie "Will" Boyd, Jr. (Democratic) - added.
Arizona: Senate Class 3: Joanne Selena Lopez-Cervantez (Independent) - added.
Arkansas: House CD 3: Nathan LaFrance (Libertarian) - added. Secretary of State: Secretary of State Mark Martin (Republican) - Open Office. Commissioner of State Lands: State Lands Commissioner John M. Thurston (Republican) - Open Office.
Florida: House CD 9: Dena Marie Minning (Democratic) - added.
Maryland: House CD 1: Sean Jackson (Republican) - added.
Missouri: Lieutenant Governor: state Senator Michael L. "Mike" Parson (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for Governor. Attorney General: Josh Hawley (Republican) - added.
Utah: House CD 4: H. Douglas "Doug" Owens (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: David Reed Cornerstone (Republican) - added; Samx Garcia (Independent) - added; Gloria La Riva (Socialism and Liberation) - added; Edgar A. Lawson (Republican) - added; Devon Manelski (Independent) - added; German Quinones Mercado, Jr. (Unaffiliated) - added; Brystol S. Palyn (No Party Affiliation) - added; David Wayne Sartin (Independent) - added; Jacob Simmons (Independent) - added; T. Ben Smith (Independent) - added. 18 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
18 changes to the candidate list:
Illinois: House CD 4: Javier Salas (Democratic) - added.
Iowa: House CD 1: former state Representative Patrick Joseph "Pat" Murphy (Democratic) - added. House CD 4: Paul Lunde (Republican) - added.
Maryland: House CD 6: Frank Howard (Republican) - added.
New York: House CD 19: Congressman Christopher Patrick "Chris" Gibson (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Pennsylvania: Senate Class 3: Katie McGinty (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Daniel Lester Brannan (Republican) - added; Maro Day Cray (Libertarian) - added; George Wayne Dietrich, II (Democratic) - added; Maxwell Hansen (Not readily classifiable) - added; Bill Kreml (Green) - added; Monroe Lee (Republican) - added; Charles Anthony Long (Republican) - added; Corneluis Mathews (Republican) - added; Robert Leonard Pribble, II (Democratic) - added; Robert J. "Bob" Reed (Not readily classifiable) - added; Russell William "Russ" Rohrbacker (Democratic) - added; Thai Allen Walker (Republican) - added. 2016 California Democratic Delegate Selection Process.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
The California Democratic Party has posted their draft 2016 National Convention Delegate Selection process. The first determining step is a Tuesday 7 June 2016 primary.
A total of 264 district delegates are to be proportionally pledged to presidential contenders receiving 15% or more of the primary vote in each congressional district. A total of 141 delegates are to be proportionally pledged to presidential contenders receiving 15% or more of the primary vote statewide. The district delegates are slated by Presidential preference, in a designated order, during the Sunday 1 May 2016 Pre-primary Caucus. Once the allocation of district delegates among presidential preferences is determined by the primary, the delegates are selected by their order. The statewide delegates are elected by a quorum of district-level delegates on Sunday 26 June 2016.
In addition, California has 71 unpledged delegates consisting of 29 Democratic National Committee members, 2 US Senators, 39 US Representatives, and 1 Governor.
16 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
16 changes to the candidate list:
Florida: Senate Class 3: Congressman David W. Jolly (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 13; Walter Osborne (No Party Affiliation) - added. House CD 13: Congressman David W. Jolly (Republican) - Open Seat.
Nevada: House CD 3: Andy Matthews (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 7: Ronald Kimmons (Write-in [Reform]) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Jack Lynn Adams (Republican) - added; Todd Norman Dubon (Republican) - added; Raymond Allen Harding (Constitution) - added; Selden Kennedy Henry (Republican) - added; Donald R. Hopkins, Jr. (Unaffiliated) - added; Governor John Richard Kasich (Republican) - added; Thomas Matthew Labo (Independent) - added; Michael Nicely (Independence) - added; Sara H. Pe Paylin (Not readily classifiable) - added; Renee Stephens (Write-in) - added; Rickey Joe "The Average Joe" Story (Independent) - previously listed as Republican. 2016 Kentucky Democratic Delegate Selection Process.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
The Kentucky Democratic Party has posted their draft 2016 National Convention Delegate Selection process. The first determining step is a Tuesday 17 May 2016 primary.
A total of 31 district delegates are to be proportionally pledged to presidential contenders receiving 15% or more of the primary vote in each congressional district. A total of 16 delegates are to be proportionally pledged to presidential contenders receiving 15% or more of the primary vote statewide. The national convention delegates are elected at the Saturday 4 June 2016 District and State Conventions.
In addition, Kentucky has 6 unpledged delegates consisting of 4 Democratic National Committee members, 1 Representative, and 1 Governor.
2016 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions:
Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates,
Major Dates
Detailed Dates Chronologically,
Weekly Delegate Distribution.
12 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
12 changes to the candidate list:
American Samoa: Delegate to the House of Representatives: Territorial Delegate Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen (Republican) - added as candidate.
California: Senate Class 3: Jerry Joseph Laws (Republican) - added; Mukund Martand Moharir (Independent) - added. House CD 44: William R. "Bill" Orton (Democratic) - added.
Connecticut: House CD 4: John T. Shaban (Republican) - added.
Iowa: House CD 3: Congressman David Young (Republican) - added as candidate.
Maryland: Senate Class 3: Margaret Flowers (Green) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Arthur E. "Art" Drew (Independent) - added; Frank Steven David Huber, II (Independent American) - added; Dennis M. Lynch (Republican) - added; Andy Martin (Republican) - added; Floyd Azrael Yancey (Independent) - added. 19 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
19 changes to the candidate list:
California: House CD 30: Aejaz "Raji" Rab (Democratic) - added.
Florida: Senate Class 3: Lieutenant Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera (Republican) - added. Lieutenant Governor: Lieutenant Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera (Republican) - Open Chair. House CD 18: Carla Arlene Spalding (Republican) - added. House CD 22: Marc Benjamin Freeman (Republican) - added.
Indiana: House CD 9: state Senator Erin Houchin (Republican) - added.
Missouri: Senate Class 3: Wana Dubie (Independent) - added. Governor: state Senator Bob Dixon (Republican) - added.
New Hampshire: House CD 1: Daniel E. "Dan" Innis (Republican) - added.
West Virginia: Governor: Marcus Hatfield (Democratic) - added.
Wisconsin: House CD 7: Kelly Westlund (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Armando Anzoli (Republican) - added; Kwame Appiah Boateng (Republican) - added; Gerald Francis Feeney (Republican) - added; Sarah Lee-Budd Jackson (Independent) - added; Alexander Ob. Bishop Kissi (Republican) - added; Linda Louise Merry (Independent) - added; Shawna Sterling (Independent) - previously listed as Republican; Thomas M. Wicker (Independent) - added. 14 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
14 changes to the candidate list:
Colorado: House CD 5: Congressman Douglas L. "Doug" Lamborn (Republican) - added as candidate.
Florida: House CD 8: Christopher L. Duncan Jr. (Democratic) - added. House CD 9: Susannah Randolph (Democratic) - added; Kissimmee Vice Mayor Wanda Y. Rentas (Republican) - added.
Illinois: Senate Class 3: James P. Brown (Independent) - added.
Indiana: House CD 9: state Senator Brent Waltz (Republican) - added; Attorney General Greg Zoeller (Republican) - added. Attorney General: Attorney General Greg Zoeller (Republican) - Open Office.
Maryland: House CD 6: Washington County Commissioner Terry L. Baker (Republican) - added.
Missouri: Lieutenant Governor: Mary Bower (Independent) - added. Secretary of State: Jeffrey Kees (Independent) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Isis M. Elijah (Republican) - added; Richard Karst (Not readily classifiable) - added; Maxwell Thomas (Republican) - added.
of DIRECT PRIMARY Elections' table now updated through *2014*
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Better late than never!... our 'Dates of DIRECT PRIMARY Elections' table now updated through *2014*
37 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
37 changes to the candidate list:
Arizona: House CD 1: former Secretary of State Ken Bennett (Republican) - added.
California: House CD 46: Jordan Brandman (Democratic) - added.
Florida: Senate Class 3: Congressman Alan Mark Grayson (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 9. House CD 6: Richard Paul Dembinsky (Democratic) - added. House CD 7: John Morning (Republican) - added. House CD 9: Congressman Alan Mark Grayson (Democratic) - Open Seat; state Senator Darren Soto (Democratic) - added.
Illinois: House CD 11: Michael A. Tams (Republican) - added.
Indiana: Senate Class 3: Congressman Todd Christopher Young (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 9. House CD 9: Congressman Todd Christopher Young (Republican) - Open Seat.
Iowa: Senate Class 3: state Senator Rob Hogg (Democratic) - added.
Maryland: House CD 4: Alvin Thornton (Democratic) - added.
Missouri: Governor: Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for Lieutenant Governor; Bart Korman (Republican) - added. Lieutenant Governor: Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder (Republican) - Open Chair; former state Representative Fred Kratky (Democratic) - added; state Representative Tommie Pierson (Democratic) - added.
Nevada: House CD 3: state Senator Michael Roberson (Republican) - added. House CD 4: John Oceguera (Democratic) - added.
New York: House CD 24: Eric R. Kingson (Democratic) - added.
Pennsylvania: Senate Class 3: Joseph John "Joe" Vodvarka (Democratic) - added. House CD 1: Bryan Leib (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 27: Gregory Patrick Deeb (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Darryl Glenn Allen (Independent) - added; Ray William Askin (Republican) - added; David Edward Baucom (Republican) - added; Philip Rashad Crawford (Write-in) - added; Turk Yolninetimes Fratterson (Republican) - added; Jason Aaron Hart (Democratic) - added; Kelby Andrew Jones (Democratic) - added; R. Lee Miller (Independent) - added; Uryan Nelson (Independent) - added; Esteban Miguel Oliverez (Republican) - added; Stephen Michael Patterson (Republican) - added; Angus Valentino Perkins (Democratic) - added; William A. Pittman (Unaffiliated) - added; Carol Constance Torkko (Republican) - added. Commentary: BATTLE SCARS YET TO FULLY HEAL. On the Public Display of the Confederate Battle Flag.
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
On the Public Display of the Confederate Battle Flag
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
EDITOR's NOTE: On 7 July 2015, the South Carolina State Senate voted 36-3 to remove the Confederate Battle Flag from the grounds of the State House in the Palmetto State's capital, Columbia; on 8 July (actually, in the wee hours of the following morning), the State House of Representatives followed suit by a vote of 94-20; and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley [Republican] signed this legislation into law on the afternoon of 9 July. On the morning of 10 July 2015, the Confederate Battle Flag came down off the flagpole just outside the State House. Although the following piece by Mr. Berg-Andersson was put into its final form after these events, the basic outline of this Commentary was first written out- as a rough draft- before this action on the part of the State of South Carolina became formalized throughout this past week.
15 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
15 changes to the candidate list:
California: House CD 25: Evan Charles "Ivan" Thomas (Democratic) - added.
Florida: Senate Class 3: Todd Wilcox (Republican) - added. House CD 12: Damian Stone (Democratic) - added.
Illinois: House CD 7: Thomas Day (Democratic) - added.
Nevada: House CD 3: Annette Teijeiro (Republican) - added.
New York: House CD 23: John Plumb (Democratic) - added.
Oregon: Treasurer: state Representative Tobias Read (Democratic) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 6: Joe Denham (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 6: Donald Max "Don" Jaquess (Democratic) - added. House CD 33: Howard Bruce Chadwick (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Suzanne Boyajian (Republican) - added; former Virginia Governor James S. "Jim" Gilmore (Republican) - added; R.... Lee... (Not readily classifiable) - added; Christian Jay "Cjay" Marshall (Independent) - added; David Allen Mills (Republican) - added. Special 7 July 2015 Primary in IL CD 18 Re-cap. 17 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
17 changes to the candidate list:
Colorado: Senate Class 3: Greg Lopez (Republican) - added. House CD 6: state Senator Morgan Carroll (Democratic) - added.
Florida: Senate Class 3: Bruce Nathan (No Party Affiliation) - previously listed as Independent.
Illinois: House CD 18 Special Primary to fill the vacancy caused by the 17 March 2015 resignation of Congressman Aaron Schock. The nominees for the Thursday 10 September 2015 Special Election are Robert "Rob" Mellon (Democratic, 61%) and state Senator Darin McKay LaHood (Republican, 69%). Michael J. "Mike" Flynn (Republican) - lost Primary; Springfield School Board Member Adam Lopez (Democratic) - lost Primary; Donald Ray Rients (Republican) - lost Primary.
Nevada: Senate Class 3: Dennis Hof (Libertarian) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 3: William Taylor "Taylor" Griffin (Republican) - added.
Oregon: Secretary of State: state Representative Val Hoyle (Democratic) - added. Treasurer: Jeffrey M. Gudman (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Alex Anderson (Republican) - added; John Paul Eurton (No Party Affiliation) - added; Keith Judd (Democratic) - added; Darren Andrew Klein (Not readily classifiable) - added; Brandon Jared Morgan (Independent) - added; Damian Stone (Independent) - added; Colton Unden (Independent) - added. TUESDAY 7 JULY 2015: SPECIAL PRIMARY in the 18th Congressional District of ILLINOIS-- polls open 6 AM to 7 PM
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
This Special Primary is for the purpose of nominating candidates for a Special Election scheduled for Thursday 10 September 2015 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Congressman Aaron Schock [Republican] at the end of this past March.
Results from AP.
13 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
13 changes to the candidate list:
Florida: House CD 2: Mary Thomas (Republican) - added.
Nevada: Senate Class 3: Congressman Joseph John "Joe" Heck (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 3. House CD 3: Congressman Joseph John "Joe" Heck (Republican) - Open Seat.
New York: House CD 21: Matthew J. "Matt" Funiciello (Green) - added.
Pennsylvania: Treasurer: Treasurer Timothy A. Reese (Independent) - On 26 June 2015, the Pennsylvania state Senate voted to confirm Timothy A. Reese (Independent) as the state's new Treasurer.
West Virginia: Governor: Quintin Gerard Caldwell (Independent) - added.
Wyoming: House At-Large: Jason Adam Senteney (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Dennis Andrew Ball (Not readily classifiable) - added; Benny Korman (Republican) - added; J.R. Myers (Constitution) - added; Donovan Raymond (Peace And Freedom) - added; Stephen Rovics, Sr. (Constitution) - added; Benjamin Franklin Weigel (Independent) - added. 25 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
25 changes to the candidate list:
Colorado: House CD 6: Perry Haney (Democratic) - added.
Florida: House CD 9: Ricardo Rangel (Democratic) - added. House CD 18: Jonathan Chane (Democratic) - added. House CD 24: Randal Hill (Democratic) - added.
Missouri: Lieutenant Governor: William Peipers (Independent) - added.
New York: House CD 13: Suzan Johnson "Sujay" Cook (Democratic) - added. House CD 19: John J. Faso (Republican) - added; John Patrick Kehoe (Democratic) - added. House CD 21: Mike Derrick (Democratic) - added.
Oregon: Secretary of State: Lane County Commissioner Sidney W. "Sid" Leiken (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for Governor.
Pennsylvania: House CD 11: Michael Paul Marsicano (Democratic) - added. House CD 16: Christina Marie Hartman (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 18: Congressman Sheila Jackson Lee (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Washington: House CD 3: Angela Kaye Marx (Democratic) - added.
Wisconsin: House CD 7: Kirk Bangstad (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Philip Cornell (Independent) - previously listed as Write-in; Regis J. Costello (Independent) - added; Crawfish Crawfish (Not readily classifiable) - added; Robert Devine (Not readily classifiable) - added; Daniel Karl Jones (American Independent) - added; James Ray Martin (Republican) - added; Lester Ralph "Skip" Maul, Jr. (Democratic) - previously listed as Independent; William Paul Propsner (Republican) - added; Kelley Bracken Rainey (Not readily classifiable) - added; Mike Wiley (Democratic) - added. Commentary: FIELD OF DREAMS... in the heads of GOP presidential contenders, that is!
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
in the heads of GOP presidential contenders, that is!
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
The already publicly announced 'serious' viable contenders for the 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination (that is, those who have at least the proverbial "puncher's chance" to even be so nominated) are- at least as of this typing- as follows (in alphabetical order):
- former Governor John Ellis [Jeb] BUSH of Florida
- Neurosurgeon Benjamin S. [Ben] CARSON, Sr.
- Governor Christopher J. [Chris] CHRISTIE of New Jersey
- Senator Rafael Edward [Ted] CRUZ of Texas
- Businesswoman Carly FIORINA
- Senator Lindsey O. GRAHAM of South Carolina
- former Governor Michael D. [Mike] HUCKABEE of Arkansas
- Governor Piyush [Bobby] JINDAL of Louisiana
- former Governor George E. PATAKI of New York
- Senator Rand PAUL of Kentucky
- former Governor James Richard [Rick] PERRY of Texas
- Senator Marco RUBIO of Florida
- former Senator Richard J. [Rick] SANTORUM of Pennsylvania
- Business magnate Donald J. TRUMP, Sr.
To the above list will soon be added Wisconsin Governor Scott K. WALKER and Ohio Governor John R. KASICH (here in order of their expected formal announcements later on this month). In addition, there may well also be ....
14 changes to the candidate list.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
14 changes to the candidate list:
Arizona: House CD 1: state Senator Barbara McGuire (Democratic) - added.
California: House CD 42: Kerri Condley (Democratic) - added.
Florida: House CD 11: Dave Koller (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 14: Michael Kenneth Cole, Jr. (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Scott Allen Harkins (No Party Affiliation) - added; Gerald John Jennings, II (Democratic) - previously listed as Independent; Perry Wayne Morcom (Independent) - added; John Anthony Saraceno (Independent) - added; Mary Erwin Simpson (Not readily classifiable) - added; Patricia Diane Stevens (Write-in) - added; Michele Ann Jones Touchettgess (Democratic) - added; Matthew Alexander Unsworth (Independent) - added; Richard Lee Wentworth (Not readily classifiable) - added; David S. Wesson (Not readily classifiable) - added.
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2024
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2024
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2024
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2023
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2023
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2023
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2023
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2022
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2022
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2022
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2022
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2021
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2021
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2021
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2021
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2020
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2020
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2020
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2020
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2019
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2019
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2019
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2019
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2018
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2018
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2018
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2018
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2017
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2017
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2017
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2017
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2016
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2016
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2016
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2016
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2015
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2015
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2015
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2015
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2014
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2014
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2014
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2014
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2013
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2013
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2013
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2013
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2012
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2012
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2012
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2012
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2011
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2011
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2011
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2011
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2010
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2010
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2010
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2010
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2009
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2009
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2009
- Changes prior to Fri 29 May 2009
Modified .