The Green Papers
The Green Papers
2024 Political Parties
Parties Grouped by Classification

Parties Grouped by Classification
Parties Alphabetically

The Classification of Political parties listed on

  1. Major Parties (those parties which received electoral votes through winning a plurality of a state's [or the District of Columbia's] popular vote in any presidential election between 1984 and 2016)
    1. Democrats and affiliates
    2. Republicans and affiliates
  2. Third Parties
    1. Major Third Parties and affiliates (any Party, other than a Major Party [as defined in 1. above], receiving a minimum of 15/100ths of 1 percent of the nationwide popular vote in any presidential election between 1984 and 2016 and which fielded candidates in the previous presidential election [2016] are hereby defined as "Major third parties" for the purposes of "The Green Papers" website. Excluded from this are non-party Independent bids for President which received at least 0.15% of the nationwide popular vote. See Criteria for including Major Third Parties.)
    2. Other Third Parties (i.e., not a Major Third Party)
  3. Independents (covering Unaffiliated, Nonpartisan and all the other synonyms/euphemisms for Independent)
  4. Write-in/Scattered/otherwise not readily classifiable

  1. Scattering
    1. Incumbents, candidates, and links to state affiliates
      1. 329 Candidates
StatePartyCandidate or Party LinkOffice
AlabamaScatteringWrite-InCandidate for President
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 2
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 3
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 4
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 5
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 6
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 7
AlaskaScatteringWrite-inCandidate for House At-Large
American Samoa  
Democrats Abroad  
District of ColumbiaScatteringOVER VOTESCandidate for President
ScatteringOVER VOTESCandidate for Delegate to the House of Representatives
ScatteringUNDER VOTESCandidate for Delegate to the House of Representatives
ScatteringUNDER VOTESCandidate for President
ScatteringWrite-inCandidate for President
ScatteringWrite-inCandidate for Delegate to the House of Representatives
GuamScatteringOvervotesCandidate for Delegate to the House of Representatives
ScatteringUndervotesCandidate for Delegate to the House of Representatives
ScatteringWrite-In TotalsCandidate for Delegate to the House of Representatives
HawaiiScatteringBlank VotesCandidate for President
ScatteringBlank VotesCandidate for Senate Class 1
ScatteringBlank VotesCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringBlank VotesCandidate for House CD 2
ScatteringOver VotesCandidate for President
ScatteringOver VotesCandidate for Senate Class 1
ScatteringOver VotesCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringOver VotesCandidate for House CD 2
IdahoScatteringOvervotesCandidate for President
ScatteringOvervotesCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringOvervotesCandidate for House CD 2
ScatteringUndervotesCandidate for President
ScatteringUndervotesCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringUndervotesCandidate for House CD 2
IowaScatteringOver VotesCandidate for President
ScatteringOver VotesCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringOver VotesCandidate for House CD 2
ScatteringOver VotesCandidate for House CD 3
ScatteringOver VotesCandidate for House CD 4
ScatteringUnder VotesCandidate for President
ScatteringUnder VotesCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringUnder VotesCandidate for House CD 2
ScatteringUnder VotesCandidate for House CD 3
ScatteringUnder VotesCandidate for House CD 4
ScatteringWrite-inCandidate for President
ScatteringWrite-inCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringWrite-inCandidate for House CD 2
ScatteringWrite-inCandidate for House CD 3
ScatteringWrite-inCandidate for House CD 4
MaineScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 2
ScatteringBLANKCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringBLANKCandidate for Senate Class 1
ScatteringBLANKCandidate for President
ScatteringOthersCandidate for President
ScatteringWrite-inCandidate for House CD 2
MarylandScatteringOther Write-InsCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringOther Write-InsCandidate for House CD 2
ScatteringOther Write-InsCandidate for House CD 3
ScatteringOther Write-InsCandidate for House CD 4
ScatteringOther Write-InsCandidate for House CD 5
ScatteringOther Write-InsCandidate for House CD 6
ScatteringOther Write-InsCandidate for House CD 7
ScatteringOther Write-InsCandidate for House CD 8
ScatteringOther Write-InsCandidate for President
ScatteringOther Write-InsCandidate for Senate Class 1
MassachusettsScatteringAll OthersCandidate for President
ScatteringAll OthersCandidate for Senate Class 1
ScatteringAll OthersCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringAll OthersCandidate for House CD 2
ScatteringAll OthersCandidate for House CD 3
ScatteringAll OthersCandidate for House CD 4
ScatteringAll OthersCandidate for House CD 5
ScatteringAll OthersCandidate for House CD 6
ScatteringAll OthersCandidate for House CD 7
ScatteringAll OthersCandidate for House CD 9
ScatteringAll OthersCandidate for House CD 8
ScatteringBlanksCandidate for President
ScatteringBlanksCandidate for Senate Class 1
ScatteringBlanksCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringBlanksCandidate for House CD 2
ScatteringBlanksCandidate for House CD 3
ScatteringBlanksCandidate for House CD 4
ScatteringBlanksCandidate for House CD 5
ScatteringBlanksCandidate for House CD 6
ScatteringBlanksCandidate for House CD 7
ScatteringBlanksCandidate for House CD 8
ScatteringBlanksCandidate for House CD 9
MinnesotaScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for House CD 2
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for House CD 3
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for House CD 4
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for House CD 5
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for House CD 6
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for House CD 7
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for House CD 8
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for President
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for Senate Class 1
MissouriScatteringWRITE-INSCandidate for President
ScatteringWRITE-INSCandidate for Senate Class 1
ScatteringWRITE-INSCandidate for Governor
ScatteringWRITE-INSCandidate for House CD 4
MontanaScattering(Scattering)Candidate for President
Scattering(Scattering)Candidate for House CD 2
NebraskaScatteringWrite-In ScatteringsCandidate for President
ScatteringWrite-In ScatteringsCandidate for Senate Class 1
New HampshireScatteringOvervotesCandidate for President
ScatteringOvervotesCandidate for Governor
ScatteringOvervotesCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringOvervotesCandidate for House CD 2
ScatteringUndervotesCandidate for President
ScatteringUndervotesCandidate for Governor
ScatteringUndervotesCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringUndervotesCandidate for House CD 2
ScatteringWrite-InsCandidate for Governor
ScatteringWrite-InsCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringWrite-InsCandidate for House CD 2
ScatteringWrite-InsCandidate for President
New Jersey  
New Mexico  
New YorkScatteringBlankCandidate for Special Election House CD 3
ScatteringBlankCandidate for Special Election House CD 26
ScatteringBlankCandidate for President
ScatteringBlankCandidate for Senate Class 1
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 2
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 3
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 4
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 5
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 6
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 7
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 8
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 9
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 10
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 11
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 12
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 13
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 14
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 15
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 16
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 17
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 18
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 19
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 20
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 21
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 22
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 23
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 24
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 25
ScatteringBlankCandidate for House CD 26
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for Special Election House CD 26
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for President
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for Senate Class 1
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 2
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 3
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 4
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 5
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 6
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 7
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 8
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 9
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 10
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 11
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 12
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 13
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 14
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 15
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 16
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 17
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 18
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 19
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 20
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 21
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 22
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 23
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 24
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 25
ScatteringScatteringCandidate for House CD 26
ScatteringVoidCandidate for Special Election House CD 3
ScatteringVoidCandidate for Special Election House CD 26
ScatteringVoidCandidate for President
ScatteringVoidCandidate for Senate Class 1
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 2
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 3
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 4
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 5
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 6
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 7
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 8
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 9
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 10
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 11
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 12
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 13
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 14
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 15
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 16
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 17
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 18
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 19
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 20
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 21
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 22
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 23
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 24
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 25
ScatteringVoidCandidate for House CD 26
ScatteringWrite-inCandidate for Special Election House CD 3
North CarolinaScatteringWrite-In (Miscellaneous)Candidate for President
North DakotaScatteringwrite-inCandidate for Commissioner of Insurance
Scatteringwrite-inCandidate for Treasurer
Scatteringwrite-inCandidate for President
Scatteringwrite-inCandidate for Senate Class 1
Scatteringwrite-inCandidate for Governor
Scatteringwrite-inCandidate for House At-Large
Scatteringwrite-inCandidate for Auditor
Scatteringwrite-inCandidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction
Scatteringwrite-inCandidate for Public Service Commissioner 2
Northern Marianas  
OregonScatteringMisc.Candidate for President
ScatteringMisc.Candidate for House CD 1
ScatteringMisc.Candidate for House CD 2
ScatteringMisc.Candidate for House CD 3
ScatteringMisc.Candidate for House CD 4
ScatteringMisc.Candidate for House CD 5
ScatteringMisc.Candidate for House CD 6
ScatteringMisc.Candidate for Secretary of State
ScatteringMisc.Candidate for Attorney General
ScatteringMisc.Candidate for Treasurer
Puerto RicoScatteringBLANK BALLOTSCandidate for Governor
ScatteringBLANK BALLOTSCandidate for Resident Commissioner to the House of Representatives
ScatteringINVALIDATED AND NOT AWARDED BALLOTSCandidate for Resident Commissioner to the House of Representatives
ScatteringOVERVOTED BALLOTSCandidate for Governor
ScatteringOVERVOTED BALLOTSCandidate for Resident Commissioner to the House of Representatives
ScatteringWRITE INCandidate for Governor
ScatteringWRITE INCandidate for Resident Commissioner to the House of Representatives
Republicans Abroad International  
Rhode IslandScatteringWrite-inCandidate for President
ScatteringWrite-inCandidate for Senate Class 1
ScatteringWrite-inCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringWrite-inCandidate for House CD 2
South CarolinaScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 2
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 3
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 4
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 5
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 6
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 7
South Dakota  
UtahScatteringINVALID WRITE-INCandidate for President
ScatteringINVALID WRITE-INCandidate for Senate Class 1
ScatteringINVALID WRITE-INCandidate for Governor
VermontScatteringBlank VotesCandidate for President
ScatteringBlank VotesCandidate for Senate Class 1
ScatteringBlank VotesCandidate for Governor
ScatteringBlank VotesCandidate for Lieutenant Governor
ScatteringBlank VotesCandidate for House At-Large
ScatteringBlank VotesCandidate for Secretary of State
ScatteringBlank VotesCandidate for Attorney General
ScatteringBlank VotesCandidate for Treasurer
ScatteringBlank VotesCandidate for Auditor of Accounts
ScatteringOvervotesCandidate for President
ScatteringOvervotesCandidate for Senate Class 1
ScatteringOvervotesCandidate for Governor
ScatteringOvervotesCandidate for Lieutenant Governor
ScatteringOvervotesCandidate for House At-Large
ScatteringOvervotesCandidate for Secretary of State
ScatteringOvervotesCandidate for Attorney General
ScatteringOvervotesCandidate for Treasurer
ScatteringOvervotesCandidate for Auditor of Accounts
ScatteringTotal Write-insCandidate for Lieutenant Governor
ScatteringTotal Write-insCandidate for President
ScatteringTotal Write-insCandidate for Senate Class 1
ScatteringTotal Write-insCandidate for Governor
ScatteringTotal Write-insCandidate for House At-Large
ScatteringTotal Write-insCandidate for Secretary of State
ScatteringTotal Write-insCandidate for Attorney General
ScatteringTotal Write-insCandidate for Treasurer
ScatteringTotal Write-insCandidate for Auditor of Accounts
Virgin IslandsScatteringWrite-In TotalsCandidate for Delegate to the House of Representatives
VirginiaScatteringWrite-InCandidate for President
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for Senate Class 1
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 2
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 3
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 4
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 5
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 6
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 7
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 8
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 9
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 10
ScatteringWrite-InCandidate for House CD 11
WashingtonScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for President
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for Senate Class 1
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for House CD 2
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for House CD 3
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for House CD 4
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for House CD 5
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for House CD 6
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for House CD 8
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for House CD 7
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for House CD 9
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for House CD 10
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for Governor
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for Lieutenant Governor
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for Secretary of State
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for Attorney General
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for Treasurer
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for Auditor
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for Commissioner of Public Lands
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for Insurance Commissioner
ScatteringWRITE-INCandidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction
West Virginia  
WisconsinScatteringSCATTERINGCandidate for House CD 8
ScatteringSCATTERINGCandidate for Special Election House CD 8
ScatteringSCATTERINGCandidate for House CD 7
ScatteringSCATTERINGCandidate for House CD 6
ScatteringSCATTERINGCandidate for House CD 5
ScatteringSCATTERINGCandidate for House CD 4
ScatteringSCATTERINGCandidate for House CD 3
ScatteringSCATTERINGCandidate for House CD 2
ScatteringSCATTERINGCandidate for House CD 1
ScatteringSCATTERINGCandidate for Senate Class 1
ScatteringSCATTERINGCandidate for President
WyomingScatteringOvervotesCandidate for President
ScatteringOvervotesCandidate for Senate Class 1
ScatteringOvervotesCandidate for House At-Large
ScatteringUndervotesCandidate for President
ScatteringUndervotesCandidate for Senate Class 1
ScatteringUndervotesCandidate for House At-Large
ScatteringWrite-InsCandidate for President
ScatteringWrite-InsCandidate for Senate Class 1
ScatteringWrite-InsCandidate for House At-Large

Parties are listed as (party) where either it has been reported that a given candidacy is affiliated with a given Party but said affiliation does not appear on the ballot or 'The Green Papers' does not have independent confirmation from an election authority that the given Party has its own separate line on the ballot.

2024 General Election Outline

Modified .