The Classification of Political parties listed on
- Major Parties (those parties which received electoral votes through winning a plurality of a state's [or the District of Columbia's] popular vote in any presidential election between 1984 and 2016)
- Democrats and affiliates
- Republicans and affiliates
- Third Parties
- Major Third Parties and affiliates (any Party, other than a Major Party [as defined in 1. above], receiving a minimum of 15/100ths of 1 percent of the nationwide popular vote in any presidential election between 1984 and 2016 and which fielded candidates in the previous presidential election [2016] are hereby defined as "Major third parties" for the purposes of "The Green Papers" website. Excluded from this are non-party Independent bids for President which received at least 0.15% of the nationwide popular vote. See Criteria for including Major Third Parties.)
- Other Third Parties (i.e., not a Major Third Party)
- Independents (covering Unaffiliated, Nonpartisan and all the other synonyms/euphemisms for Independent)
- Write-in/Scattered/otherwise not readily classifiable
- Green
- Affiliates: D.C. Statehood Green; Desert Greens; Green Independent; Green-Rainbow; Minnesota Green Party; Mountain; Pacific Green; Peace And Justice; Progressive Party of Missouri; Wisconsin Green
- Party Links
- Incumbents, candidates, and links to state affiliates
- 83 Candidates
- 36 Links
- D.C. Statehood Green
- Affiliate of: Green
- Based in: DC affiliate of the Green Party
- Incumbents, candidates, and links to state affiliates
- 1 Candidate
- Green Independent
- Affiliate of: Green
- Based in: Maine affiliate of the Green Party
- Incumbents, candidates, and links to state affiliates
- 1 Candidate
- 1 Link
- Green-Rainbow
- Affiliate of: Green
- Based in: Massachusetts affiliate of the Green Party
- Party Links
- Incumbents, candidates, and links to state affiliates
- 1 Candidate
- 1 Link
- Pacific Green
- Affiliate of: Green
- Based in: Oregon affiliate of the Green Party
- Party Links
- Incumbents, candidates, and links to state affiliates
- 6 Candidates
- 1 Link
- Peace And Justice
- Affiliate of: Green
- Based in: New York affiliate of the Green Party
- Incumbents, candidates, and links to state affiliates
- 6 Candidates
- Wisconsin Green
- Affiliate of: Green
- Based in: Wisconsin
- Incumbents, candidates, and links to state affiliates
- 2 Candidates
- 1 Link
- Mountain
- Affiliate of: Green
- Based in: Based in West Virginia
- Incumbents, candidates, and links to state affiliates
- 2 Candidates
- . On 8 July 2007, the Mountain Party voted to become the West Virginia affiliate of the Green Party.
State | Party | Candidate or Party Link | Office |
Alabama | (Green) | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President |
Alaska | Green | Green Party of Alaska 11 January 2021: Green Party National Committee decertifies the Alaska Green Party due to the Alaska affiliate's declining to place the Green Party of the United States presidential nominees on the Alaska ballot. | |
(Green) | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
American Samoa | |||
Arizona | Green | The Arizona Green Party | |
Green | Alan Aversa | Candidate for House CD 3 | |
Green | Vincent Beck-Jones | Candidate for House CD 4 | |
(Green) | Candace L. Cunningham | Candidate for House CD 3 | |
Green | Athena Eastwood | Candidate for House CD 6 | |
Green | Eduardo Quintana | Candidate for Senate Class 1 | |
Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Arkansas | Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President |
California | Green | Green Party of California | |
Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Colorado | Green | The Green Party of Colorado | |
Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Connecticut | Green | The Green Party of Connecticut | |
(Green) | Ahmad "AJ" Darwish | Candidate for House CD 5 | |
Green | Justin Cobb Paglino | Candidate for Senate Class 1 | |
Green | Mary L. Sanders | Candidate for House CD 1 | |
Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Delaware | (Green) | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President |
Democrats Abroad | |||
District of Columbia | D.C. Statehood Green | Kymone Freeman | Candidate for Delegate to the House of Representatives |
Florida | Green | Green Party of Florida | |
Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Georgia | Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President |
Guam | |||
Hawaii | Green | Emma Jane Avila Pohlman | Candidate for Senate Class 1 |
Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Idaho | Green | Green Party of Idaho | |
(Green) | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Illinois | Green | Illinois Green Party | |
(Green) | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
(Green) | Rudolph T. "Butch" Ware, III | Candidate for President | |
Indiana | Green | Indiana Green Party | |
Iowa | Green | Iowa Green Party | |
Green | Iowa Green Party | ||
Kansas | Green | Green Party of Kansas | |
(Green) | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Kentucky | Green | Kentucky Green Party | |
Louisiana | Green | Green Party of Louisiana | |
Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Maine | Green Independent | Maine Green Independent Party (Maine Greens) | |
Green Independent | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Maryland | Green | Maryland Green Party | |
Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Green | Nancy Wallace | Candidate for House CD 8 | |
Massachusetts | Green-Rainbow | Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts | |
Green-Rainbow | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Michigan | Green | Green Party of Michigan | |
Green | James Victor "Jim" Bronke | Candidate for House CD 5 | |
Green | Douglas "Doug" Campbell | Candidate for House CD 11 | |
Green | Jim Casha | Candidate for House CD 8 | |
Green | Douglas Philip "Doug" Marsh | Candidate for Senate Class 1 | |
Green | former District Judge Brenda K. Sanders | Candidate for House CD 12 | |
Green | Clyde K. Shabazz | Candidate for House CD 6 | |
Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Minnesota | Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President |
Mississippi | Green | Green Party of Mississippi | |
Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Missouri | Green | Jerome Bauer | Candidate for Secretary of State |
Green | Shelby Davis | Candidate for House CD 2 | |
Green | Michael Day | Candidate for House CD 5 | |
Green | Mike Diel | Candidate for House CD 6 | |
Green | Danielle "Dani" Elliott | Candidate for Lieutenant Governor | |
Green | Don Fitz | Candidate for House CD 1 | |
Green | Reagan Haase | Candidate for Treasurer | |
Green | William "Bill" Hastings | Candidate for House CD 3 | |
Green | Nathan Kline | Candidate for Senate Class 1 | |
Green | Paul Lehmann | Candidate for Governor | |
Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Montana | Green | Montana Green Party | |
Green | Robert Barb | Candidate for Senate Class 1 | |
Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Nebraska | Green | Nebraska Green Party | |
(Green) | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Nevada | Green | Nevada Green Party | |
New Hampshire | Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President |
New Jersey | Green | The Green Party of New Jersey | |
Green | Lily Benavides | Candidate for House CD 11 | |
Green | Barry D. Bendar | Candidate for House CD 4 | |
Green | Andrew Black | Candidate for House CD 7 | |
Green | Robin Brownfield | Candidate for House CD 1 | |
Green | Thomas Cannavo | Candidate for House CD 2 | |
Green | Beau Forte | Candidate for House CD 5 | |
Green | Christina Amira Khalil | Candidate for Senate Class 1 | |
Green | Kim Liszewski Meudt | Candidate for House CD 12 | |
Green | Christian J. Robbins | Candidate for House CD 8 | |
Green | Jon Carlos Serrano | Candidate for House CD 10 | |
Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Green | Herbert L. "Herb" Tarbous | Candidate for House CD 6 | |
Green | Benjamin "Ben" Taylor | Candidate for House CD 9 | |
Green | Steven "Steve" Welzer | Candidate for House CD 3 | |
New Mexico | Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President |
New York | Green | Green Party of New York State | |
(Green) | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
North Carolina | Green | North Carolina Green Party | |
Green | Michael Louis Dublin, Jr. | Candidate for House CD 2 | |
Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Green | Michael Wayne "Wayne" Turner | Candidate for Governor | |
North Dakota | |||
Northern Marianas | |||
Ohio | Green | Green Party of Ohio | |
(Green) | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Oklahoma | Green | Green Party of Oklahoma | |
Oregon | Pacific Green | Pacific Green Party of Oregon | |
Pacific Green | Justin Edwin Filip | Candidate for House CD 4 | |
Pacific Green | Mary King | Candidate for Treasurer | |
Pacific Green | Joseph Anthony "Joe" Meyer | Candidate for House CD 3 | |
Pacific Green | Nathalie Paravicini | Candidate for Secretary of State | |
Pacific Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Pacific Green | Andrea Thorn Townsend | Candidate for House CD 5 | |
Pennsylvania | Green | Green Party of Pennsylvania | |
Green | Leila L. Hazou | Candidate for Senate Class 1 | |
Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Green | Richard L. Weiss | Candidate for Attorney General | |
Puerto Rico | |||
Republicans Abroad International | |||
Rhode Island | Green | Green Party of Rhode Island | |
Green | Green Party of Rhode Island | ||
Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
South Carolina | Green | South Carolina Green Party | |
Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
South Dakota | |||
Tennessee | (Green) | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President |
Texas | Green | Green Party of Texas | |
Green | Eddie Espinoza | Candidate for Railroad Commissioner 2 | |
Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Utah | Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President |
Vermont | Green | Green Party of Vermont | |
Peace And Justice | Ian Diamondstone | Candidate for Lieutenant Governor | |
Peace And Justice | Jill "Jessy" Diamondstone | Candidate for House At-Large | |
Peace And Justice | June Goodband | Candidate for Governor | |
Peace And Justice | Kevin Gustafson | Candidate for Attorney General | |
Peace And Justice | Justin Schoville | Candidate for Senate Class 1 | |
Peace And Justice | Cornel Ronald West | Candidate for President | |
Virgin Islands | |||
Virginia | Green | The Green Party of Virginia | |
Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Washington | Green | Green Party of Washington | |
Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
West Virginia | Green | Green Party of West Virginia | |
Mountain | Chase G. Linko-Looper | Candidate for Governor | |
Mountain | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Wisconsin | Wisconsin Green | Wisconsin Green Party | |
Green | Jill Ferguson | Candidate for Governor | |
Wisconsin Green | former Lexington Town Meeting Member Jill Ellen Stein | Candidate for President | |
Wisconsin Green | Chester Todd, Jr. | Candidate for House CD 1 | |
Wyoming | Green | Wyoming Green Party |
Parties are listed as (party) where either it has been reported that a given candidacy is affiliated with a given Party but said affiliation does not appear on the ballot or 'The Green Papers' does not have independent confirmation from an election authority that the given Party has its own separate line on the ballot.
2024 General Election Outline
- 2024 General Election Home
- Popular Vote by Office
- Regarding Popular Vote Edge Cases
- Electoral College
- Allocation
- How Appointed
- Meeting Place
- Tabulation Joint Session of Congress
- Duly Appointed Electors
- THE "FAITHLESS ELECTORS" - Presidential Electors who have defected in the past
- May Electors Defect?
- "APPARENT" ELECTORAL VOTE for President of the United States: 1856 to present
- ELECTORAL VOTE for President of the United States (as pledged and as officially counted)
- ELECTORAL VOTE for Vice President of the United States (as pledged and as officially counted)
- 2024 Primaries and Runoffs for Statewide offices/Congress
- Alphabetically
- Alphabetically with Filing Deadlines
- Chronologically
- Chronologically with Filing Deadlines
- Primary/Runoff/Special Elections Poll Closing Times (across time zones)
- General Election Poll Closing Times Alphabetically (across time zones)
- General Election Poll Closing Times Chronologically (across time zones)
- Electoral College Poll Closing Times Chronologically (across time zones)
- Polling Hours
- Presidential Candidates
- Offices
- Primaries at a Glance
- Regarding Office Edge Cases
- Open Governor's Chairs, Senate and House Seats (the incumbent is not running for re-election)
- Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with no incumbent running for them
- Uncontested Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats (one candidate running for office)
- Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with multiple incumbents running for them
- Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with only one major party candidate running for office
- 2024 Partisan Composition by State
- Political Parties
- History
- Comparative Political Party Predominance in each State, 2000 thru 2016
- Political Party Floor Leaders in the Congress of the United States
- Dates of DIRECT PRIMARY Elections re: Major Party Nominations for Statewide and/or Federal Office
- Length of Terms of Office of STATE Governors throughout American History
- Dates of U.S. Presidential Election "Events": 1789 to present
- Complete Constitutional provisions for the election of the President and Vice-President
- Complete Federal Law governing the election of a President and Vice-President and filling of vacancies of the same
- Downloadable data files
Modified .