The Green Papers 2008 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions |
Tennessee Republican Presidential Nominating Process Primary: Tuesday 5 February 2008 State Executive Committee: Saturday 1 March 2008 |
Delegate Selection: In each district and statewide - if winner receives a majority Winner-Take-All Primary otherwise Proportional Primary, Polling hours 8:00a EST (1300 UTC) / 8:00a CST (1400 UTC) to 8:00p EST (0100 UTC) / 7:00p CST (0100 UTC). The polls close at the same GMT/UTC time, that is, polls close at a particular local time in the advanced time zone and close one hour earlier local time in the lagging time zone. Voter Eligibility: Open Primary 55 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 27 re: 9 congressional districts / 3 party / 15 bonus |
States Chronologically States Alphabetically Republican Convention Tennessee Democrat |
TENNESSEE Republican PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARYTuesday 5 February 200839 of Tennessee's 55 delegates to the Republican National Convention are pledged to presidential contenders in today's Tennessee Presidential Primary: 27 delegates, 3 from each of the State's 9 congressional districts, allocated to the presidential contenders based on the primary results in that district; 12 delegates allocated to the presidential contenders based on the primary results statewide. If a candidate receives 66.6% of the vote statewide and 66.6% in each and every congressional district, that candidate receives all of Tennessee's delegates. Otherwise, the statewide and District delegates are allocated according to the rules described below. References: Certified 5 February 2008 statewide vote from an official source. |