State by State Summary
2008 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions

Democratic Party Notes

  • On 5 October 2007, the DNC determined that the date of Florida's 29 January 2008 primary violates party rules and decided to strip the state of its entire delegation.
  • On 1 December 2007, the DNC determined that the date of Michigan's 15 January 2008 primary violates party rules and decided to strip the state of its entire delegation. The state's total delegate votes changed from 156 to 0.
  • On Saturday 31 May 2008, the Democratic Rules and Bylaws Committee decided to seat the entire Florida and Michigan delegations. However, each delegate (pledged and unpledged) will cast only ½ delegate vote.
  • The day before the National Convention, 24 August 2008, the Democratic National Convention's Credentials Committee had, at the request of Senator Barack Obama, voted to restore full voting strength to the delegates from Michigan and Florida, bringing the primary dispute to closure. The panel approved the full seating of Michigan and Florida with no debate or opposing votes.

Republicans Party Notes

  • On 8 November 2007, the Republican National Committee voted 121 to 9 to sanction 5 states for beginning their Presidential Nominating Process prior to 5 February 2008 in violation of Party Rule 16. Florida, New Hampshire, Michigan, South Carolina, and Wyoming will each lose half of their delegates to the National Convention.
  • The full delegation of each of the sanctioned states attended the National Convention, however, the sanctions remained in force. Half of the delegates were seated as voting delegates, the remainder attended as "honored guests".
Donkey and Elephant
Democratic Convention
Saturday 1 March 2008
Saturday 31 May 2008
*Monday 25 August - Thursday 28 August 2008
4,418 total delegate votes - 2,316 district / 794 at large; 456 Pledged PLEOs; 771 Unpledged PLEOs; 81 Unpledged add-ons
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 3,566 pledged, 852 unpledged.
Need to nominate: 2,210.
CandidateVoteDelegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham17,857,501  48.04%1,730.5  39.17%341.5   7.73%
Obama, Barack Hussein17,584,692  47.31%1,747.5  39.55%1,549.5  35.07%
Edwards, John Reid994,029   2.67%32.0   0.72% 
Uncommitted293,075   0.79%908.0  20.55% 
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III104,053   0.28%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.99,963   0.27%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.79,754   0.21%  
Gravel, Mike35,303   0.09%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"34,663   0.09%  
No Preference31,255   0.08%  
Blank, Void, Scattering28,698   0.08%  
(others)25,874   0.07%  
Uninstructed861   0.00%  
Scattering468   0.00%  
Undecided42   0.00%  
(not voting)  2,527.0  57.20%
Total37,170,231 100.00%4,418.0 100.00%4,418.0 100.00%
Republican Convention
Monday 1 September - Thursday 4 September 2008
2,380 total delegates - (before penalties: 2,516 total delegates - 560 base at-large / 1,305 re: 435 congressional districts / 168 party / 483 bonus)
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 1,819 pledged, 561 unpledged.
Need to nominate: 1,191.
CandidateVoteDelegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III9,615,533  46.65%1,331  55.92%2,343  98.45%
Romney, Mitt4,567,127  22.16%146   6.13%2   0.08%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"4,147,961  20.12%199   8.36% 
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"1,145,138   5.56%20   0.84%15   0.63%
Giuliani, Rudolph William592,391   2.87%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton287,581   1.40%  
(others)65,888   0.32%  
Uncommitted59,358   0.29%519  21.81% 
Keyes, Alan L.56,280   0.27%  
Hunter, Duncan37,880   0.18%  
No Preference22,583   0.11%  
Tancredo, Thomas Gerald "Tom"8,602   0.04%  
Cox, John H.3,351   0.02%  
Brownback, Samuel Dale2,838   0.01%  
Uninstructed850   0.00%  
Unpledged224   0.00%  
(available) 165   6.93% 
(not voting)  20   0.84%
Total20,613,585 100.00%2,380 100.00%2,380 100.00%
Alabama Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 20081
State Democratic Executive Committee Meeting - Saturday 1 March 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a CST (1300 UTC) to 7:00p CST (0100 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
60 total delegate votes - 34 district / 11 at large; 7 Pledged PLEOs; 7 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 52 pledged, 8 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein300,319  55.96%27.0  45.00%48.0  80.00%
Clinton, Hillary Rodham223,089  41.57%25.0  41.67%5.0   8.33%
Edwards, John Reid7,841   1.46%  
Uncommitted2,663   0.50%8.0  13.33% 
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.1,174   0.22%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III1,017   0.19%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"523   0.10%  
(not voting)  7.0  11.67%
Total536,626 100.00%60.0 100.00%60.0 100.00%
Alabama Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 2008
Delegate Selection: District: Winner-Take-All or top two; Statewide: Proportional, Polling hours 7:00a CST (1300 UTC) to 7:00p CST (0100 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
48 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 21 re: 7 congressional districts / 3 party / 14 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 45 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"227,766  41.25%26  54.17% 
McCain, John Sidney, III204,867  37.10%19  39.58%48 100.00%
Romney, Mitt98,019  17.75%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"14,810   2.68%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William2,134   0.39%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton1,835   0.33%  
Uncommitted1,234   0.22%3   6.25% 
Keyes, Alan L.778   0.14%  
Hunter, Duncan391   0.07%  
(others)228   0.04%  
Tancredo, Thomas Gerald "Tom"93   0.02%  
Total552,155 100.00%48 100.00%48 100.00%
Alaska Democrat
*Precinct / House District Caucuses - Tuesday 5 February 20081
*State Party Convention - Saturday 24 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
18 total delegate votes - 8 district / 3 at large; 2 Pledged PLEOs; 4 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 13 pledged, 5 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein6,674  75.16%10.0  55.56%15.0  83.33%
Clinton, Hillary Rodham2,194  24.71%3.0  16.67%3.0  16.67%
Uncommitted12   0.14%5.0  27.78% 
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.   
Edwards, John Reid   
Gravel, Mike   
Kucinich, Dennis J.   
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III   
Total8,880 100.00%18.0 100.00%18.0 100.00%
Alaska Republican
*District Conventions - Tuesday 5 February - Saturday 9 February 2008
*Convention - Thursday 13 March - Saturday 15 March 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
29 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 3 re: 1 congressional district / 3 party / 13 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 26 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Romney, Mitt5,988  43.70%12  41.38% 
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"2,996  21.86%6  20.69% 
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"2,363  17.24%5  17.24%5  17.24%
McCain, John Sidney, III2,132  15.56%3  10.34%24  82.76%
Unpledged224   1.63%  
Uncommitted 3  10.34% 
Total13,703 100.00%29 100.00%29 100.00%
American Samoa Democrat
*Territorial Caucus - Tuesday 5 February 20081
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus
9 total delegate votes - 3 at large; 6 Unpledged PLEOs
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 3 pledged, 6 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham163  57.19%2.0  22.22% 
Obama, Barack Hussein121  42.46%1.0  11.11%9.0 100.00%
Gravel, Mike1   0.35%  
Uncommitted 6.0  66.67% 
Total285 100.00%9.0 100.00%9.0 100.00%
American Samoa Republican
*Territorial Caucus - Saturday 23 February 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus
9 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 3 party
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 6 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III 6  66.67%9 100.00%
Uncommitted 3  33.33% 
Total 9 100.00%9 100.00%
Arizona Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 20081
Regional Caucuses - Saturday 8 March 2008
State Convention - Saturday 19 April 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 6:00a MST (1300 UTC) to 7:00p MST (0200 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
67 total delegate votes - 37 district / 12 at large; 7 Pledged PLEOs; 10 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 56 pledged, 11 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham229,501  50.37%31.0  46.27%27.0  40.30%
Obama, Barack Hussein193,126  42.39%25.0  37.31%40.0  59.70%
Edwards, John Reid23,621   5.18%  
(others)3,748   0.82%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III2,842   0.62%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.1,973   0.43%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"484   0.11%  
Gravel, Mike340   0.07%  
Uncommitted 11.0  16.42% 
Total455,635 100.00%67.0 100.00%67.0 100.00%
Arizona Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 2008
District and Country Conventions - Saturday 5 April - Saturday 19 April 2008 (tentative date)
District Caucus and State Convention - Saturday 10 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All, Polling hours 6:00a MST (1300 UTC) to 7:00p MST (0200 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
53 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 24 re: 8 congressional districts / 3 party / 16 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 50 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III255,197  47.17%50  94.34%53 100.00%
Romney, Mitt186,838  34.53%  
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"48,849   9.03%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"22,692   4.19%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William13,658   2.52%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton9,492   1.75%  
(others)2,257   0.42%  
Hunter, Duncan1,082   0.20%  
Keyes, Alan L.970   0.18%  
Uncommitted 3   5.66% 
Total541,035 100.00%53 100.00%53 100.00%
Arkansas Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 20081
*Special State Convention - Saturday 8 March 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:30a CST (1330 UTC) to 7:30p CST (0130 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
47 total delegate votes - 22 district / 8 at large; 5 Pledged PLEOs; 11 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 35 pledged, 12 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham220,136  70.05%27.0  57.45% 
Obama, Barack Hussein82,476  26.25%8.0  17.02%47.0 100.00%
Edwards, John Reid5,873   1.87%  
Uncommitted3,398   1.08%12.0  25.53% 
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III810   0.26%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.515   0.16%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.393   0.13%  
Gravel, Mike325   0.10%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"308   0.10%  
Total314,234 100.00%47.0 100.00%47.0 100.00%
Arkansas Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 2008
Special District Convention - Saturday 3 May 2008
State Committee Meeting - Saturday 14 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:30a CST (1330 UTC) to 7:30p CST (0130 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
34 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 12 re: 4 congressional districts / 3 party / 9 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 31 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"138,557  60.46%29  85.29% 
McCain, John Sidney, III46,343  20.22%1   2.94%34 100.00%
Romney, Mitt30,997  13.53%1   2.94% 
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"10,983   4.79%  
Uncommitted987   0.43%3   8.82% 
Giuliani, Rudolph William658   0.29%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton628   0.27%  
Total229,153 100.00%34 100.00%34 100.00%
California Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 20081
*Delegation Meeting - Sunday 18 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a PST (1500 UTC) to 8:00p PST (0400 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Modified Primary
441 total delegate votes - 241 district / 81 at large; 48 Pledged PLEOs; 66 Unpledged PLEOs; 5 Unpledged add-ons
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 370 pledged, 71 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham2,608,184  51.47%204.0  46.26% 
Obama, Barack Hussein2,186,662  43.16%166.0  37.64% 
Edwards, John Reid193,617   3.82%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.24,126   0.48%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III19,939   0.39%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.18,261   0.36%  
Gravel, Mike8,184   0.16%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"8,005   0.16%  
(others)15   0.00%  
Uncommitted 71.0  16.10% 
(not voting)  441.0 100.00%
Total5,066,993 100.00%441.0 100.00%441.0 100.00%
California Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 2008
Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All (by district and statewide), Polling hours 7:00a PDT (1400 UTC) to 8:00p PDT (0300 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
173 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 159 re: 53 congressional districts / 3 party / 1 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 170 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III1,238,988  42.25%155  89.60%173 100.00%
Romney, Mitt1,013,471  34.56%15   8.67% 
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"340,669  11.62%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William128,681   4.39%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"125,365   4.27%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton50,275   1.71%  
Hunter, Duncan14,021   0.48%  
Keyes, Alan L.11,742   0.40%  
Tancredo, Thomas Gerald "Tom"3,884   0.13%  
Cox, John H.3,219   0.11%  
Brownback, Samuel Dale2,486   0.08%  
(others)10   0.00%  
Uncommitted 3   1.73% 
Total2,932,811 100.00%173 100.00%173 100.00%
Colorado Democrat
*Precinct Caucus - Tuesday 5 February 20081
County Assemblies and Conventions - Wednesday 20 February - Monday 17 March 2008
*District Conventions - Saturday 3 May - Friday 16 May 2008
*State Convention - Saturday 17 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
70 total delegate votes - 36 district / 12 at large; 7 Pledged PLEOs; 14 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 55 pledged, 15 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein80,113  66.53%36.0  51.43%55.0  78.57%
Clinton, Hillary Rodham38,839  32.26%19.0  27.14%15.0  21.43%
Uncommitted1,260   1.05%15.0  21.43% 
Edwards, John Reid102   0.08%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.58   0.05%  
Gravel, Mike18   0.01%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III17   0.01%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.4   0.00%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"0   0.00%  
Total120,411 100.00%70.0 100.00%70.0 100.00%
Colorado Republican
*Precinct Caucuses - Tuesday 5 February 2008
County Assemblies - Friday 25 April - Saturday 17 May 2008 (tentative date)
*District Conventions - Saturday 24 May - Saturday 7 June 2008 (tentative date)
*State Convention - Saturday 31 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
46 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 21 re: 7 congressional districts / 3 party / 12 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 0 pledged, 46 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Romney, Mitt33,288  59.61%  
McCain, John Sidney, III10,621  19.02% 46 100.00%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"7,266  13.01%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"4,670   8.36%  
Uncommitted 46 100.00% 
Total55,845 100.00%46 100.00%46 100.00%
Connecticut Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 20081
Post Primary Caucus - Wednesday 19 March 2008
State Central Committee - Wednesday 26 March 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 6:00a EST (1100 UTC) to 8:00p EST (0100 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
60 total delegate votes - 31 district / 11 at large; 6 Pledged PLEOs; 11 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 48 pledged, 12 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein179,742  50.70%26.0  43.33%38.0  63.33%
Clinton, Hillary Rodham165,426  46.66%22.0  36.67%21.0  35.00%
Edwards, John Reid3,424   0.97%  
Uncommitted3,038   0.86%12.0  20.00% 
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"912   0.26%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.846   0.24%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.440   0.12%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III436   0.12%  
Gravel, Mike275   0.08%  
(not voting)  1.0   1.67%
Total354,539 100.00%60.0 100.00%60.0 100.00%
Connecticut Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 2008
Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All, Polling hours 6:00a EST (1100 UTC) to 8:00p EST (0100 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
30 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 15 re: 5 congressional districts / 3 party / 2 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 27 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III78,836  52.00%27  90.00%30 100.00%
Romney, Mitt49,891  32.91%  
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"10,607   7.00%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"6,287   4.15%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William2,470   1.63%  
Uncommitted2,462   1.62%3  10.00% 
Thompson, Fred Dalton538   0.35%  
Keyes, Alan L.376   0.25%  
Hunter, Duncan137   0.09%  
Total151,604 100.00%30 100.00%30 100.00%
Delaware Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 20081
State Convention - Saturday 5 April 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a EST (1200 UTC) to 8:00p EST (0100 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
23 total delegate votes - 10 district / 3 at large; 2 Pledged PLEOs; 7 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 15 pledged, 8 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein51,148  53.07%9.0  39.13%23.0 100.00%
Clinton, Hillary Rodham40,760  42.29%6.0  26.09% 
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.2,863   2.97%  
Edwards, John Reid1,241   1.29%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.192   0.20%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"170   0.18%  
Uncommitted 8.0  34.78% 
Total96,374 100.00%23.0 100.00%23.0 100.00%
Delaware Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 2008
Delegate Selection Meetings - Monday 10 March - Monday 7 April 2008
State Convention - Friday 2 May - Saturday 3 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All, Polling hours 7:00a EST (1200 UTC) to 8:00p EST (0100 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
18 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 3 re: 1 congressional district / 3 party / 2 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 18 pledged, 0 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III22,628  45.04%18 100.00%18 100.00%
Romney, Mitt16,344  32.53%  
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"7,706  15.34%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"2,131   4.24%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William1,255   2.50%  
Tancredo, Thomas Gerald "Tom"175   0.35%  
Total50,239 100.00%18 100.00%18 100.00%
Democrats Abroad
*Local Caucuses / Primary - Tuesday 5 February - Tuesday 12 February 20081
*Regional Caucuses - Saturday 15 March - Friday 11 April 2008
*Global Convention - Saturday 12 April 2008
Delegate Selection: Combined Selection [Proportional Primary with Caucus/Convention]
Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus
11 total delegate votes - 6 at large; 1 Pledged PLEO; 4 Unpledged PLEOs
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 7 pledged, 4 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein15,214  65.85%4.5  40.91%8.5  77.27%
Clinton, Hillary Rodham7,501  32.46%2.5  22.73%2.5  22.73%
Edwards, John Reid159   0.69%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.143   0.62%  
Uncommitted54   0.23%4.0  36.36% 
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III19   0.08%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.15   0.06%  
Total23,105 100.00%11.0 100.00%11.0 100.00%
District of Columbia Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 12 February 20081
*State Party Committee - Thursday 3 April 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a EST (1200 UTC) to 8:00p EST (0100 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
40 total delegate votes - 10 district / 3 at large; 2 Pledged PLEOs; 23 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 15 pledged, 25 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein93,386  75.31%12.0  30.00%33.0  82.50%
Clinton, Hillary Rodham29,470  23.77%3.0   7.50%7.0  17.50%
Edwards, John Reid347   0.28%  
Uncommitted339   0.27%25.0  62.50% 
Kucinich, Dennis J.193   0.16%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III145   0.12%  
(others)114   0.09%  
Total123,994 100.00%40.0 100.00%40.0 100.00%
District of Columbia Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 12 February 2008
Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All, Polling hours 7:00a EST (1200 UTC) to 8:00p EST (0100 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
19 total delegates - 16 base at-large / 3 party
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 16 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III4,198  67.59%16  84.21%19 100.00%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"1,020  16.42%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"494   7.95%  
Romney, Mitt398   6.41%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William101   1.63%  
Uncommitted 3  15.79% 
Total6,211 100.00%19 100.00%19 100.00%
Florida Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 29 January 20081
Florida Democratic Party State Executive Committee - Saturday 5 April 2008
Do-over Primary - Tuesday 3 June 2008 (tentative date) (cancelled)
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a EST (1200 UTC) / 7:00a CST (1300 UTC) to 7:00p EST (0000 UTC) / 7:00p CST (0100 UTC). Relatively small portions of this state are in CDT and so the vast majority of the polls are closed by the time indicated EDT.
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
211 total delegate votes - 121 district / 40 at large; 24 Pledged PLEOs; 23 Unpledged PLEOs; 3 Unpledged add-ons
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 185 pledged, 26 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham870,986  49.77%105.0  49.76%51.0  24.17%
Obama, Barack Hussein576,214  32.93%67.0  31.75%136.0  64.45%
Edwards, John Reid251,562  14.38%13.0   6.16% 
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.15,704   0.90%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III14,999   0.86%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.9,703   0.55%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"5,477   0.31%  
Gravel, Mike5,275   0.30%  
Uncommitted 26.0  12.32% 
(not voting)  24.0  11.37%
Total1,749,920 100.00%211.0 100.00%211.0 100.00%
Florida Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 29 January 2008
Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All (by district and statewide), Polling hours 7:00a EST (1200 UTC) / 7:00a CST (1300 UTC) to 7:00p EST (0000 UTC) / 7:00p CST (0100 UTC). Relatively small portions of this state are in CDT and so the vast majority of the polls are closed by the time indicated EDT.
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
57 total delegates - penalty: 50% of 114 [10 base at-large / 75 re: 25 congressional districts / 3 party / 26 bonus]
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 57 pledged, 0 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III701,761  36.00%57 100.00%57 100.00%
Romney, Mitt604,932  31.03%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William286,089  14.68%  
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"262,681  13.47%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"62,887   3.23%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton22,668   1.16%  
Keyes, Alan L.4,060   0.21%  
Hunter, Duncan2,847   0.15%  
Tancredo, Thomas Gerald "Tom"1,573   0.08%  
Total1,949,498 100.00%57 100.00%57 100.00%
Georgia Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 20081
State Committee Meeting - Saturday 24 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a EST (1200 UTC) to 7:00p EST (0000 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
102 total delegate votes - 57 district / 19 at large; 11 Pledged PLEOs; 13 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 87 pledged, 15 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein704,247  66.39%61.0  59.80%82.0  80.39%
Clinton, Hillary Rodham330,026  31.11%26.0  25.49%18.0  17.65%
Edwards, John Reid18,209   1.72%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.2,538   0.24%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.2,096   0.20%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III1,879   0.18%  
Gravel, Mike952   0.09%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"904   0.09%  
Uncommitted 15.0  14.71% 
(not voting)  2.0   1.96%
Total1,060,851 100.00%102.0 100.00%102.0 100.00%
Georgia Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 2008
Precinct Mass Meetings - Saturday 16 February 2008
County Conventions / Precinct Mass Meetings - Saturday 15 March 2008
District Conventions - Saturday 19 April 2008
State Convention - Friday 16 May - Saturday 17 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All (by district and statewide), Polling hours 7:00a EST (1200 UTC) to 7:00p EST (0000 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Modified Primary
72 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 39 re: 13 congressional districts / 3 party / 20 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 72 pledged, 0 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"326,874  33.92%33  45.83% 
McCain, John Sidney, III304,751  31.63% 72 100.00%
Romney, Mitt290,707  30.17%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"28,096   2.92%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William7,162   0.74%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton3,414   0.35%  
Keyes, Alan L.1,458   0.15%  
Hunter, Duncan755   0.08%  
Tancredo, Thomas Gerald "Tom"324   0.03%  
(available) 39  54.17% 
Total963,541 100.00%72 100.00%72 100.00%
Guam Democrat
*Territorial Caucus (Party run primary) - Saturday 3 May 20081
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 10:00a GUST (0000 UTC) to 8:00p GUST (1000 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
9 total delegate votes - 4 at large; 5 Unpledged PLEOs
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 4 pledged, 5 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein2,264  50.08%2.0  22.22%4.0  44.44%
Clinton, Hillary Rodham2,257  49.92%2.0  22.22%3.0  33.33%
Uncommitted 5.0  55.56% 
(not voting)  2.0  22.22%
Total4,521 100.00%9.0 100.00%9.0 100.00%
Guam Republican
*Territorial Caucus - Saturday 8 March 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
9 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 3 party
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 0 pledged, 9 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III  9 100.00%
Uncommitted 9 100.00% 
Total 9 100.00%9 100.00%
Hawaii Democrat
*Precinct Caucus - Tuesday 19 February 20081
State Convention - Friday 23 May - Sunday 25 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
29 total delegate votes - 13 district / 4 at large; 3 Pledged PLEOs; 8 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 20 pledged, 9 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein28,472  75.80%14.0  48.28%26.0  89.66%
Clinton, Hillary Rodham8,846  23.55%6.0  20.69%1.0   3.45%
Kucinich, Dennis J.138   0.37%  
Uncommitted65   0.17%9.0  31.03% 
Edwards, John Reid41   0.11%  
(not voting)  2.0   6.90%
Total37,562 100.00%29.0 100.00%29.0 100.00%
Hawaii Republican
Precinct Caucuses - Friday 25 January - Thursday 7 February 2008
*State Convention - Friday 16 May - Sunday 18 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
20 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 6 re: 2 congressional districts / 3 party / 1 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 20 pledged, 0 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III  20 100.00%
Uncommitted 20 100.00% 
Total 20 100.00%20 100.00%
Idaho Democrat
*County Caucus - Tuesday 5 February 20081
Non-binding Primary - Tuesday 27 May 2008
*State Convention - Thursday 12 June - Saturday 14 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus
23 total delegate votes - 12 district / 4 at large; 2 Pledged PLEOs; 4 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 18 pledged, 5 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein16,880  79.53%15.0  65.22%20.0  86.96%
Clinton, Hillary Rodham3,655  17.22%3.0  13.04%3.0  13.04%
Uncommitted552   2.60%5.0  21.74% 
Edwards, John Reid137   0.65%  
Total21,224 100.00%23.0 100.00%23.0 100.00%
Idaho Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 27 May 2008
State Convention - Thursday 12 June - Saturday 14 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Combined Selection [Proportional Primary with Caucus/Convention], Polling hours 8:00a MDT (1400 UTC) / 8:00a PDT (1500 UTC) to 8:00p MDT (0200 UTC) / 8:00p PDT (0300 UTC). Local option allows polling places to open at 7 AM. A sizable part of IDAHO is in PDT but, as the MDT section is the much more populated portion of the state, the networks consider that "most of the polls in IDAHO" are closed by 8 PM MDT.
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
32 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 6 re: 2 congressional districts / 3 party / 13 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 24 pledged, 8 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III87,367  69.95%17  53.12%26  81.25%
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"29,749  23.82%6  18.75% 
(others)7,792   6.24%  
Uncommitted 9  28.12% 
(not voting)  6  18.75%
Total124,908 100.00%32 100.00%32 100.00%
Illinois Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 20081
National Convention delegation meeting - Monday 5 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 6:00a CST (1200 UTC) to 7:00p CST (0100 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
185 total delegate votes - 100 district / 33 at large; 20 Pledged PLEOs; 29 Unpledged PLEOs; 3 Unpledged add-ons
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 153 pledged, 32 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein1,318,234  64.66%104.0  56.22% 
Clinton, Hillary Rodham667,930  32.76%49.0  26.49% 
Edwards, John Reid39,719   1.95%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.4,234   0.21%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.3,788   0.19%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III3,538   0.17%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"1,171   0.06%  
Uncommitted 32.0  17.30% 
(not voting)  185.0 100.00%
Total2,038,614 100.00%185.0 100.00%185.0 100.00%
Illinois Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 2008
*Convention - Saturday 7 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Loophole Primary, Polling hours 6:00a CST (1200 UTC) to 7:00p CST (0100 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
70 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 57 re: 19 congressional districts / 3 party
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 57 pledged, 13 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III426,777  47.45%54  77.14%70 100.00%
Romney, Mitt257,265  28.60%3   4.29% 
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"148,053  16.46%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"45,055   5.01%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William11,837   1.32%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton7,259   0.81%  
Keyes, Alan L.2,318   0.26%  
(others)483   0.05%  
Tancredo, Thomas Gerald "Tom"375   0.04%  
Uncommitted 13  18.57% 
Total899,422 100.00%70 100.00%70 100.00%
Indiana Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 6 May 20081
State Convention - Friday 20 June - Saturday 21 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 6:00a EDT (1000 UTC) / 6:00a CDT (1100 UTC) to 6:00p EDT (2200 UTC) / 6:00p CDT (2300 UTC). Although much of this state is in CDT, the majority of the polls are closed by the time indicated EDT when the networks feel they can project.
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
85 total delegate votes - 47 district / 16 at large; 9 Pledged PLEOs; 12 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 72 pledged, 13 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham646,253  50.56%38.0  44.71%6.0   7.06%
Obama, Barack Hussein632,061  49.44%34.0  40.00%75.0  88.24%
Uncommitted 13.0  15.29% 
(not voting)  4.0   4.71%
Total1,278,314 100.00%85.0 100.00%85.0 100.00%
Indiana Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 6 May 2008
*State Convention - Sunday 1 June - Monday 2 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Combined Selection [Winner-Take-All Primary for District Delegates with Caucus/Convention], Polling hours 6:00a EDT (1000 UTC) / 6:00a CDT (1100 UTC) to 6:00p EDT (2200 UTC) / 6:00p CDT (2300 UTC). Although much of this state is in CDT, the majority of the polls are closed by the time indicated EDT when the networks feel they can project.
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
57 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 27 re: 9 congressional districts / 3 party / 17 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 27 pledged, 30 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III320,308  77.62%27  47.37%57 100.00%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"41,173   9.98%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"31,611   7.66%  
Romney, Mitt19,581   4.74%  
Uncommitted 30  52.63% 
Total412,673 100.00%57 100.00%57 100.00%
Iowa Democrat
*Caucus - Thursday 3 January 20081
County Conventions - Saturday 15 March 2008
*District Conventions - Saturday 26 April 2008
State Convention postponed - Saturday 14 June 2008
*State Convention - Saturday 28 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
57 total delegate votes - 29 district / 10 at large; 6 Pledged PLEOs; 11 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 45 pledged, 12 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein940  37.58%24.0  42.11%48.0  84.21%
Edwards, John Reid744  29.75%7.0  12.28% 
Clinton, Hillary Rodham737  29.47%14.0  24.56%9.0  15.79%
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III53   2.12%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.23   0.92%  
Uncommitted3   0.12%12.0  21.05% 
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"1   0.04%  
Gravel, Mike0   0.00%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.0   0.00%  
Total2,501 100.00%57.0 100.00%57.0 100.00%
Iowa Republican
*Caucus - Thursday 3 January 2008
County Conventions - Saturday 8 March 2008
District Statutory Caucus - Saturday 19 April 2008
State Convention postponed - Saturday 14 June 2008
*State Convention - Friday 11 July - Saturday 12 July 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
40 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 15 re: 5 congressional districts / 3 party / 12 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 0 pledged, 40 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"40,954  34.36%  
Romney, Mitt30,021  25.19%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton15,960  13.39%  
McCain, John Sidney, III15,536  13.03% 40 100.00%
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"11,841   9.93%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William4,099   3.44%  
Hunter, Duncan506   0.42%  
Keyes, Alan L.247   0.21%  
Cox, John H.10   0.01%  
(others)8   0.01%  
Tancredo, Thomas Gerald "Tom"5   0.00%  
Brownback, Samuel Dale1   0.00%  
Uncommitted 40 100.00% 
Total119,188 100.00%40 100.00%40 100.00%
Kansas Democrat
*Local Unit Conventions - Tuesday 5 February 20081
District Conventions - Saturday 12 April 2008
*State Convention - Saturday 17 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
41 total delegate votes - 21 district / 7 at large; 4 Pledged PLEOs; 8 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 32 pledged, 9 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein27,172  73.99%23.0  56.10%34.0  82.93%
Clinton, Hillary Rodham9,462  25.77%9.0  21.95%6.0  14.63%
Edwards, John Reid53   0.14%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.35   0.10%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III1   0.00%  
Uncommitted 9.0  21.95% 
(not voting)  1.0   2.44%
Total36,723 100.00%41.0 100.00%41.0 100.00%
Kansas Republican
*Caucuses - Saturday 9 February 2008
*State Party Committee Meeting - Thursday 22 May 2008 (tentative date)
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
39 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 12 re: 4 congressional districts / 3 party / 14 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 36 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"11,627  59.58%36  92.31% 
McCain, John Sidney, III4,587  23.50% 39 100.00%
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"2,182  11.18%  
Romney, Mitt653   3.35%  
Keyes, Alan L.288   1.48%  
Uncommitted84   0.43%3   7.69% 
Thompson, Fred Dalton61   0.31%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William34   0.17%  
Total19,516 100.00%39 100.00%39 100.00%
Kentucky Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 20 May 20081
State Convention - Saturday 7 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 6:00a EDT (1000 UTC) / 6:00a CDT (1100 UTC) to 6:00p EDT (2200 UTC) / 6:00p CDT (2300 UTC). Poll closing time could be rather problematic in KENTUCKY. A large chunk of the state is in CDT [but the networks consider that "most of the polls have closed" in KENTUCKY by 6 PM EDT. CDT voters in KENTUCKY may note the networks' willingness/eagerness to project a winner as early as 6 PM EDT.
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
60 total delegate votes - 34 district / 11 at large; 6 Pledged PLEOs; 8 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 51 pledged, 9 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham459,511  65.48%37.0  61.67%24.0  40.00%
Obama, Barack Hussein209,954  29.92%14.0  23.33%36.0  60.00%
Uncommitted18,091   2.58%9.0  15.00% 
Edwards, John Reid14,212   2.03%  
Total701,768 100.00%60.0 100.00%60.0 100.00%
Kentucky Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 20 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 6:00a EDT (1000 UTC) / 6:00a CDT (1100 UTC) to 6:00p EDT (2200 UTC) / 6:00p CDT (2300 UTC). Poll closing time could be rather problematic in KENTUCKY. A large chunk of the state is in CDT [but the networks consider that "most of the polls have closed" in KENTUCKY by 6 PM EDT. CDT voters in KENTUCKY may note the networks' willingness/eagerness to project a winner as early as 6 PM EDT.
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
45 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 18 re: 6 congressional districts / 3 party / 14 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 42 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III142,918  72.26%42  93.33%45 100.00%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"16,388   8.29%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"13,427   6.79%  
Uncommitted10,755   5.44%3   6.67% 
Romney, Mitt9,206   4.65%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William3,055   1.54%  
Keyes, Alan L.2,044   1.03%  
Total197,793 100.00%45 100.00%45 100.00%
Louisiana Democrat
*Primary - Saturday 9 February 20081
State Convention - Saturday 3 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 6:00a CST (1200 UTC) to 8:00p CST (0200 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
67 total delegate votes - 37 district / 12 at large; 7 Pledged PLEOs; 10 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 56 pledged, 11 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein220,632  57.40%33.0  49.25%43.0  64.18%
Clinton, Hillary Rodham136,925  35.63%23.0  34.33%7.0  10.45%
Edwards, John Reid13,026   3.39%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.6,178   1.61%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III4,257   1.11%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"1,924   0.50%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.1,404   0.37%  
Uncommitted 11.0  16.42% 
(not voting)  17.0  25.37%
Total384,346 100.00%67.0 100.00%67.0 100.00%
Louisiana Republican
District Caucuses - Tuesday 22 January 2008
*Primary - Saturday 9 February 2008
State Convention - Saturday 16 February 2008
Delegate Selection: Combined Selection [Proportional Primary with Caucus/Convention], Polling hours 6:00a CST (1200 UTC) to 8:00p CST (0200 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
47 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 21 re: 7 congressional districts / 3 party / 13 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 20 pledged, 27 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"69,594  43.18%  
McCain, John Sidney, III67,551  41.91% 47 100.00%
Romney, Mitt10,222   6.34%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"8,590   5.33%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton1,603   0.99%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William1,593   0.99%  
Keyes, Alan L.837   0.52%  
(others)704   0.44%  
Hunter, Duncan368   0.23%  
Tancredo, Thomas Gerald "Tom"107   0.07%  
Uncommitted 47 100.00% 
Total161,169 100.00%47 100.00%47 100.00%
Maine Democrat
*Municipal Caucuses - Sunday 10 February 20081
*State Convention. - Saturday 31 May - Sunday 1 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
32 total delegate votes - 16 district / 5 at large; 3 Pledged PLEOs; 7 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 24 pledged, 8 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein2,079  59.43%15.0  46.88%24.0  75.00%
Clinton, Hillary Rodham1,397  39.94%9.0  28.12%8.0  25.00%
Uncommitted18   0.51%8.0  25.00% 
(others)4   0.11%  
Edwards, John Reid   
Total3,498 100.00%32.0 100.00%32.0 100.00%
Maine Republican
*Municipal Caucuses - Friday 1 February - Sunday 3 February 2008
*District Caucuses and State Convention - Saturday 3 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
21 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 6 re: 2 congressional districts / 3 party / 2 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 0 pledged, 21 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Romney, Mitt2,826  52.03%  
McCain, John Sidney, III1,144  21.06% 20  95.24%
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"997  18.36%  
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"312   5.74%  
Uncommitted132   2.43%21 100.00% 
(others)9   0.17%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton7   0.13%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William3   0.06%  
Keyes, Alan L.1   0.02%  
Cox, John H.0   0.00%  
Hunter, Duncan0   0.00%  
(not voting)  1   4.76%
Total5,431 100.00%21 100.00%21 100.00%
Maryland Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 12 February 20081
*State Democratic Central Committee Meeting - Thursday 1 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a EST (1200 UTC) to 8:00p EST (0100 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
100 total delegate votes - 46 district / 15 at large; 9 Pledged PLEOs; 28 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 70 pledged, 30 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein532,665  60.66%42.0  42.00%94.0  94.00%
Clinton, Hillary Rodham314,211  35.78%28.0  28.00%6.0   6.00%
Uncommitted11,417   1.30%30.0  30.00% 
Edwards, John Reid10,506   1.20%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.3,776   0.43%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III2,098   0.24%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.1,909   0.22%  
Gravel, Mike804   0.09%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"788   0.09%  
Total878,174 100.00%100.0 100.00%100.0 100.00%
Maryland Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 12 February 2008
Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All (by district and statewide), Polling hours 7:00a EST (1200 UTC) to 8:00p EST (0100 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
37 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 24 re: 8 congressional districts / 3 party
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 37 pledged, 0 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III176,046  54.84%37 100.00%37 100.00%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"91,608  28.54%  
Romney, Mitt22,426   6.99%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"19,196   5.98%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William4,548   1.42%  
Keyes, Alan L.3,386   1.05%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton2,901   0.90%  
Hunter, Duncan522   0.16%  
Tancredo, Thomas Gerald "Tom"356   0.11%  
Total320,989 100.00%37 100.00%37 100.00%
Massachusetts Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 20081
State Committee and National Convention Delegate Meeting - Saturday 10 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a EST (1200 UTC) to 8:00p EST (0100 UTC). Some municipalities may open their polls as early as 5:45a EST.
Voter Eligibility: Modified Primary
121 total delegate votes - 61 district / 20 at large; 12 Pledged PLEOs; 26 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 93 pledged, 28 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham705,185  55.80%55.0  45.45%52.0  42.98%
Obama, Barack Hussein511,680  40.49%38.0  31.40%65.0  53.72%
Edwards, John Reid20,101   1.59%  
(others)8,120   0.64%  
No Preference8,041   0.64%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.3,216   0.25%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.2,992   0.24%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III1,846   0.15%  
Gravel, Mike1,463   0.12%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"1,120   0.09%  
Uncommitted 28.0  23.14% 
(not voting)  4.0   3.31%
Total1,263,764 100.00%121.0 100.00%121.0 100.00%
Massachusetts Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a EST (1200 UTC) to 8:00p EST (0100 UTC). Some municipalities may open their polls as early as 5:45a EST.
Voter Eligibility: Modified Primary
43 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 30 re: 10 congressional districts / 3 party
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 40 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Romney, Mitt255,892  50.97%22  51.16% 
McCain, John Sidney, III204,779  40.79%18  41.86%43 100.00%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"19,103   3.81%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"13,251   2.64%  
(others)2,979   0.59%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William2,707   0.54%  
No Preference1,959   0.39%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton916   0.18%  
Hunter, Duncan258   0.05%  
Tancredo, Thomas Gerald "Tom"153   0.03%  
Uncommitted 3   6.98% 
Total501,997 100.00%43 100.00%43 100.00%
Michigan Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 15 January 20081
District Conventions - Saturday 19 April 2008
*State Central Committee - Saturday 14 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a EST (1200 UTC) / 7:00a CST (1300 UTC) to 8:00p EST (0100 UTC) / 8:00p CST (0200 UTC). Relatively small portions of this state are in CST and so the vast majority of the polls are closed by the time indicated EST, when the networks feel they can project.
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
157 total delegate votes - 83 district / 28 at large; 17 Pledged PLEOs; 27 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 128 pledged, 29 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham328,309  55.23%73.0  46.50%27.0  17.20%
Uncommitted238,168  40.07%84.0  53.50% 
Kucinich, Dennis J.21,715   3.65%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"3,845   0.65%  
Gravel, Mike2,361   0.40%  
Obama, Barack Hussein  125.0  79.62%
(not voting)  5.0   3.18%
Total594,398 100.00%157.0 100.00%157.0 100.00%
Michigan Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 15 January 2008
County Conventions - Thursday 7 February 2008
Congressional Caucuses / State Convention - Friday 15 February - Saturday 16 February 2008
Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All (by district and statewide), Polling hours 7:00a EST (1200 UTC) / 7:00a CST (1300 UTC) to 8:00p EST (0100 UTC) / 8:00p CST (0200 UTC). Relatively small portions of this state are in CST and so the vast majority of the polls are closed by the time indicated EST, when the networks feel they can project.
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
30 total delegates - penalty: 50% of 60 [10 base at-large / 45 re: 15 congressional districts / 3 party / 2 bonus]
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 30 pledged, 0 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Romney, Mitt338,316  38.92%20  66.67% 
McCain, John Sidney, III257,985  29.68%7  23.33%30 100.00%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"139,764  16.08%3  10.00% 
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"54,475   6.27%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton32,159   3.70%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William24,725   2.84%  
Uncommitted18,118   2.08%  
Hunter, Duncan2,819   0.32%  
Tancredo, Thomas Gerald "Tom"457   0.05%  
Brownback, Samuel Dale351   0.04%  
Total869,169 100.00%30 100.00%30 100.00%
Minnesota Democrat
*Precinct Caucuses - Tuesday 5 February 20081
State Convention - Friday 6 June - Sunday 8 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus
88 total delegate votes - 47 district / 16 at large; 9 Pledged PLEOs; 14 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 72 pledged, 16 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein142,109  66.39%48.0  54.55%78.0  88.64%
Clinton, Hillary Rodham68,994  32.23%24.0  27.27%8.0   9.09%
Uncommitted1,312   0.61%16.0  18.18% 
Edwards, John Reid985   0.46%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.361   0.17%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.129   0.06%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III82   0.04%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"77   0.04%  
(others)17   0.01%  
(not voting)  2.0   2.27%
Total214,066 100.00%88.0 100.00%88.0 100.00%
Minnesota Republican
*Precinct Caucuses / non-binding straw poll - Tuesday 5 February 2008
BPOU Conventions - Friday 22 February - Saturday 15 March 2008
*District Conventions - Saturday 29 March - Saturday 19 April 2008
*State Convention - Thursday 29 May - Saturday 31 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus
41 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 24 re: 8 congressional districts / 3 party / 4 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 0 pledged, 41 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Romney, Mitt25,990  41.37%  
McCain, John Sidney, III13,826  22.01% 35  85.37%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"12,493  19.88%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"9,852  15.68%  
Keyes, Alan L.368   0.59%  
(others)299   0.48%  
Uncommitted 41 100.00% 
(not voting)  6  14.63%
Total62,828 100.00%41 100.00%41 100.00%
Mississippi Democrat
Precinct Meetings - Saturday 23 February 2008
*Primary - Tuesday 11 March 20081
County Conventions - Saturday 15 March 2008
Congressional District Conventions - Saturday 5 April - Saturday 3 May 2008
State Convention - Saturday 7 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a CDT (1200 UTC) to 7:00p CDT (0000 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
41 total delegate votes - 22 district / 7 at large; 4 Pledged PLEOs; 7 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 33 pledged, 8 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein265,502  61.15%20.0  48.78%33.0  80.49%
Clinton, Hillary Rodham159,221  36.67%13.0  31.71%8.0  19.51%
Edwards, John Reid3,933   0.91%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.1,816   0.42%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III1,396   0.32%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.912   0.21%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"739   0.17%  
Gravel, Mike591   0.14%  
Undecided42   0.01%  
Uncommitted 8.0  19.51% 
Total434,152 100.00%41.0 100.00%41.0 100.00%
Mississippi Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 11 March 2008
State Convention - Friday 9 May - Saturday 10 May 2008
Delegate Selection: District: Winner-Take-All Primary, Statewide: if winner receives a majority Winner-Take-All Primary otherwise Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a CDT (1200 UTC) to 7:00p CDT (0000 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
39 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 12 re: 4 congressional districts / 3 party / 14 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 36 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III113,074  78.91%36  92.31%39 100.00%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"17,943  12.52%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"5,510   3.85%  
Romney, Mitt2,177   1.52%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton2,160   1.51%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William945   0.66%  
Keyes, Alan L.842   0.59%  
Hunter, Duncan414   0.29%  
Tancredo, Thomas Gerald "Tom"221   0.15%  
Uncommitted 3   7.69% 
Total143,286 100.00%39 100.00%39 100.00%
Missouri Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 20081
*State Committee - Saturday 5 April 2008
State Convention - Saturday 10 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 6:00a CST (1200 UTC) to 7:00p CST (0100 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
88 total delegate votes - 47 district / 16 at large; 9 Pledged PLEOs; 14 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 72 pledged, 16 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein406,917  49.32%36.0  40.91%82.0  93.18%
Clinton, Hillary Rodham395,185  47.90%36.0  40.91%6.0   6.82%
Edwards, John Reid16,763   2.03%  
Uncommitted3,142   0.38%16.0  18.18% 
Kucinich, Dennis J.820   0.10%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III689   0.08%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.626   0.08%  
Gravel, Mike438   0.05%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"250   0.03%  
(others)220   0.03%  
Total825,050 100.00%88.0 100.00%88.0 100.00%
Missouri Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 2008
Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All, Polling hours 6:00a CST (1200 UTC) to 7:00p CST (0100 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
58 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 27 re: 9 congressional districts / 3 party / 18 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 58 pledged, 0 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III194,053  32.95%58 100.00%58 100.00%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"185,642  31.53%  
Romney, Mitt172,329  29.27%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"26,464   4.49%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William3,593   0.61%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton3,102   0.53%  
Uncommitted2,097   0.36%  
Keyes, Alan L.892   0.15%  
Hunter, Duncan307   0.05%  
(others)258   0.04%  
Tancredo, Thomas Gerald "Tom"107   0.02%  
Total588,844 100.00%58 100.00%58 100.00%
Montana Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 3 June 20081
State Convention - Sunday 8 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a MDT (1300 UTC) to 8:00p MDT (0200 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
25 total delegate votes - 10 district / 4 at large; 2 Pledged PLEOs; 8 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 16 pledged, 9 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein103,174  56.56%9.0  36.00%18.0  72.00%
Clinton, Hillary Rodham74,889  41.05%7.0  28.00%7.0  28.00%
Uncommitted4,358   2.39%9.0  36.00% 
Total182,421 100.00%25.0 100.00%25.0 100.00%
Montana Republican
*Caucus - Tuesday 5 February 2008
Advisory Primary - Tuesday 3 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Advisory Primary, Polling hours 7:00a MDT (1300 UTC) to 8:00p MDT (0200 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
25 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 3 re: 1 congressional district / 3 party / 9 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 25 pledged, 0 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Romney, Mitt625  38.39%25 100.00% 
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"400  24.57%  
McCain, John Sidney, III358  21.99% 25 100.00%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"245  15.05%  
Total1,628 100.00%25 100.00%25 100.00%
Nebraska Democrat
*Precinct Caucus - Saturday 9 February 20081
Advisory Primary - Tuesday 13 May 2008
County Conventions - Sunday 1 June - Tuesday 10 June 2008
*State Convention - Friday 20 June - Sunday 22 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention, Polling hours 8:00a CDT (1300 UTC) / 7:00a MDT (1300 UTC) to 8:00p CDT (0100 UTC) / 7:00p MDT (0100 UTC). The polls open and close at the same GMT/UTC time, that is, polls open and close at a particular local time in the advanced time zone and open and close one hour earlier local time in the lagging time zone.
Voter Eligibility: Modified Caucus
31 total delegate votes - 16 district / 5 at large; 3 Pledged PLEOs; 6 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 24 pledged, 7 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein25,986  67.53%16.0  51.61%28.0  90.32%
Clinton, Hillary Rodham12,396  32.21%8.0  25.81%3.0   9.68%
Uncommitted99   0.26%7.0  22.58% 
Edwards, John Reid   
Total38,481 100.00%31.0 100.00%31.0 100.00%
Nebraska Republican
Primary - Tuesday 13 May 2008
*State Convention - Saturday 12 July 2008
Delegate Selection: Advisory Primary, Polling hours 8:00a CDT (1300 UTC) / 7:00a MDT (1300 UTC) to 8:00p CDT (0100 UTC) / 7:00p MDT (0100 UTC). The polls open and close at the same GMT/UTC time, that is, polls open and close at a particular local time in the advanced time zone and open and close one hour earlier local time in the lagging time zone.
Voter Eligibility: Modified Primary
33 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 9 re: 3 congressional districts / 3 party / 11 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 30 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III118,065  87.00%29  87.88%31  93.94%
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"17,647  13.00%  
Uncommitted 4  12.12% 
(not voting)  2   6.06%
Total135,712 100.00%33 100.00%33 100.00%
Nevada Democrat
*Precinct Caucuses - Saturday 19 January 20081
County Conventions - Saturday 23 February 2008
*State Convention - Saturday 17 May - Sunday 18 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
34 total delegate votes - 16 district / 6 at large; 3 Pledged PLEOs; 8 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 25 pledged, 9 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham5,407  50.78%11.0  32.35%8.0  23.53%
Obama, Barack Hussein4,805  45.13%14.0  41.18%25.0  73.53%
Edwards, John Reid398   3.74%  
Uncommitted33   0.31%9.0  26.47% 
Kucinich, Dennis J.5   0.05%  
Gravel, Mike   
(not voting)  1.0   2.94%
Total10,648 100.00%34.0 100.00%34.0 100.00%
Nevada Republican
*Precinct Caucus - Saturday 19 January 2008
County Conventions - Saturday 15 March 2008
*District Meetings and State Convention - Saturday 26 April 2008
Rump State Convention - Saturday 28 June 2008
*State Convention - Saturday 26 July 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
34 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 9 re: 3 congressional districts / 3 party / 12 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 0 pledged, 34 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Romney, Mitt22,646  51.10%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"6,084  13.73%  
McCain, John Sidney, III5,650  12.75% 34 100.00%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"3,616   8.16%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton3,519   7.94%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William1,910   4.31%  
Hunter, Duncan890   2.01%  
Tancredo, Thomas Gerald "Tom"   
Uncommitted 34 100.00% 
Total44,315 100.00%34 100.00%34 100.00%
New Hampshire Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 8 January 20081
Caucus / National Convention Delegation Meeting - Saturday 26 April 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 6:00a EST (1100 UTC) to 8:00p EST (0100 UTC). Polls must open by 11 AM however most open between 7 AM and 8 AM. NEW HAMPSHIRE permits its 13 cities to keep their polls open until 8 PM EDT by local option- however, as there ARE only 13 cities among New Hampshire's 234 County subdivisions [the 221 "non-cities", of course, being the proverbial New England Town(ship)], the fact is that the vast majority of NH's polls have closed by 7 PM EDT and the networks have no problem considering this hour as the earliest hour of potential projection.
Voter Eligibility: Modified Primary
30 total delegate votes - 14 district / 5 at large; 3 Pledged PLEOs; 7 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 22 pledged, 8 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham112,404  39.09%9.0  30.00% 
Obama, Barack Hussein104,815  36.45%9.0  30.00%30.0 100.00%
Edwards, John Reid48,699  16.94%4.0  13.33% 
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III13,269   4.61%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.3,891   1.35%  
(others)3,232   1.12%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.638   0.22%  
Gravel, Mike404   0.14%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"205   0.07%  
Uncommitted 8.0  26.67% 
Total287,557 100.00%30.0 100.00%30.0 100.00%
New Hampshire Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 8 January 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 6:00a EST (1100 UTC) to 8:00p EST (0100 UTC). Polls must open by 11 AM however most open between 7 AM and 8 AM. NEW HAMPSHIRE permits its 13 cities to keep their polls open until 8 PM EDT by local option- however, as there ARE only 13 cities among New Hampshire's 234 County subdivisions [the 221 "non-cities", of course, being the proverbial New England Town(ship)], the fact is that the vast majority of NH's polls have closed by 7 PM EDT and the networks have no problem considering this hour as the earliest hour of potential projection.
Voter Eligibility: Modified Primary
12 total delegates - penalty: 50% of 24 [10 base at-large / 6 re: 2 congressional districts / 3 party / 5 bonus]
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 12 pledged, 0 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III88,571  37.01%7  58.33%12 100.00%
Romney, Mitt75,546  31.57%4  33.33% 
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"26,859  11.22%1   8.33% 
Giuliani, Rudolph William20,439   8.54%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"18,308   7.65%  
(others)5,164   2.16%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton2,894   1.21%  
Hunter, Duncan1,225   0.51%  
Keyes, Alan L.203   0.08%  
Tancredo, Thomas Gerald "Tom"80   0.03%  
Cox, John H.39   0.02%  
Total239,328 100.00%12 100.00%12 100.00%
New Jersey Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 20081
State Committee - Thursday 17 April 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 6:00a EST (1100 UTC) to 8:00p EST (0100 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Modified Primary
127 total delegate votes - 70 district / 23 at large; 14 Pledged PLEOs; 18 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 107 pledged, 20 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham613,500  53.76%59.0  46.46% 
Obama, Barack Hussein501,372  43.93%48.0  37.80%127.0 100.00%
Edwards, John Reid15,728   1.38%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.4,081   0.36%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III3,366   0.29%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.3,152   0.28%  
Uncommitted 20.0  15.75% 
Total1,141,199 100.00%127.0 100.00%127.0 100.00%
New Jersey Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 2008
Election of Delegates - Tuesday 3 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All, Polling hours 6:00a EST (1100 UTC) to 8:00p EST (0100 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Modified Primary
52 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 39 re: 13 congressional districts / 3 party
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 52 pledged, 0 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III313,459  55.36%52 100.00%52 100.00%
Romney, Mitt160,388  28.33%  
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"46,284   8.17%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"27,301   4.82%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William15,516   2.74%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton3,253   0.57%  
Total566,201 100.00%52 100.00%52 100.00%
New Mexico Democrat
*Party-run Primary - Tuesday 5 February 20081
District Conventions - Saturday 19 April 2008
State Central Committee - Saturday 26 April 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 12:00p MST (1900 UTC) to 7:00p MST (0200 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
38 total delegate votes - 17 district / 6 at large; 3 Pledged PLEOs; 11 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 26 pledged, 12 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham73,105  48.94%14.0  36.84% 
Obama, Barack Hussein71,396  47.80%12.0  31.58% 
Edwards, John Reid2,157   1.44%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III1,305   0.87%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.574   0.38%  
Uncommitted441   0.30%12.0  31.58% 
(others)198   0.13%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.122   0.08%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"81   0.05%  
(not voting)  38.0 100.00%
Total149,379 100.00%38.0 100.00%38.0 100.00%
New Mexico Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 3 June 2008
*State Republican Convention - Saturday 14 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a MDT (1300 UTC) to 7:00p MDT (0100 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
32 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 9 re: 3 congressional districts / 3 party / 10 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 29 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III95,378  85.97%29  90.62%32 100.00%
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"15,561  14.03%  
Uncommitted 3   9.38% 
Total110,939 100.00%32 100.00%32 100.00%
New York Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 20081
State Committee - Thursday 1 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 6:00a EST (1100 UTC) to 9:00p EST (0200 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
282 total delegate votes - 151 district / 51 at large; 30 Pledged PLEOs; 46 Unpledged PLEOs; 4 Unpledged add-ons
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 232 pledged, 50 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham1,068,496  56.50%139.0  49.29% 
Obama, Barack Hussein751,019  39.71%93.0  32.98% 
Blank, Void, Scattering28,698   1.52%  
Edwards, John Reid21,924   1.16%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.8,458   0.45%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III8,227   0.44%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.4,321   0.23%  
Uncommitted 50.0  17.73% 
(not voting)  282.0 100.00%
Total1,891,143 100.00%282.0 100.00%282.0 100.00%
New York Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 2008
*State Committee - Tuesday 20 May - Wednesday 21 May 2008 (tentative date)
Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All, Polling hours 6:00a EST (1100 UTC) to 9:00p EST (0200 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
101 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 87 re: 29 congressional districts / 3 party / 1 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 87 pledged, 14 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III362,001  51.78%87  86.14%101 100.00%
Romney, Mitt178,043  25.47%  
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"68,477   9.80%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"40,113   5.74%  
(others)27,184   3.89%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William23,260   3.33%  
Uncommitted 14  13.86% 
Total699,078 100.00%101 100.00%101 100.00%
North Carolina Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 6 May 20081
State Convention - Saturday 21 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 6:30a EDT (1030 UTC) / 6:30a EDT (1030 UTC) to 7:30p EDT (2330 UTC) / 8:30p EDT (0030 UTC). NORTH CAROLINA allows its County Boards of Elections to decide whether to keep polls open until 8:30 p.m. EDT but, outside of metropolitan areas, this local option is not often utilized and so 7:30 p.m. EDT is the networks' earliest time of projection beacuse the vast majority of that state's polls will have closed by that hour.
Voter Eligibility: Modified Primary
134 total delegate votes - 77 district / 26 at large; 12 Pledged PLEOs; 17 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 115 pledged, 19 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein887,391  56.14%67.0  50.00% 
Clinton, Hillary Rodham657,669  41.61%48.0  35.82% 
No Preference23,214   1.47%  
Gravel, Mike12,452   0.79%  
Uncommitted 19.0  14.18% 
(not voting)  134.0 100.00%
Total1,580,726 100.00%134.0 100.00%134.0 100.00%
North Carolina Republican
District Conventions - Saturday 5 April - Saturday 26 April 2008
*Primary - Tuesday 6 May 2008
State Convention - Friday 6 June - Sunday 8 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 6:30a EDT (1030 UTC) / 6:30a EDT (1030 UTC) to 7:30p EDT (2330 UTC) / 8:30p EDT (0030 UTC). NORTH CAROLINA allows its County Boards of Elections to decide whether to keep polls open until 8:30 p.m. EDT but, outside of metropolitan areas, this local option is not often utilized and so 7:30 p.m. EDT is the networks' earliest time of projection beacuse the vast majority of that state's polls will have closed by that hour.
Voter Eligibility: Modified Primary
69 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 39 re: 13 congressional districts / 3 party / 17 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 69 pledged, 0 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III383,085  74.01% 65  94.20%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"63,018  12.18%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"37,260   7.20%  
No Preference20,624   3.98%  
Keyes, Alan L.13,596   2.63%  
(available) 69 100.00% 
(not voting)  4   5.80%
Total517,583 100.00%69 100.00%69 100.00%
North Dakota Democrat
*Precinct Caucuses - Tuesday 5 February 20081
Legislative District Conventions - Tuesday 19 February - Friday 14 March 2008
State Convention - Friday 4 April - Sunday 6 April 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus
21 total delegate votes - 8 district / 3 at large; 2 Pledged PLEOs; 7 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 13 pledged, 8 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein11,625  61.15%8.0  38.10% 
Clinton, Hillary Rodham6,948  36.55%5.0  23.81% 
Edwards, John Reid283   1.49%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.72   0.38%  
(others)53   0.28%  
Gravel, Mike31   0.16%  
Uncommitted 8.0  38.10% 
(not voting)  21.0 100.00%
Total19,012 100.00%21.0 100.00%21.0 100.00%
North Dakota Republican
*Caucus - Tuesday 5 February 2008
State Convention - Friday 28 March - Sunday 30 March 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
26 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 3 re: 1 congressional district / 3 party / 10 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 23 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Romney, Mitt3,490  35.82%8  30.77% 
McCain, John Sidney, III2,224  22.83%5  19.23%26 100.00%
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"2,082  21.37%5  19.23% 
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"1,947  19.98%5  19.23% 
Uncommitted 3  11.54% 
Total9,743 100.00%26 100.00%26 100.00%
Northern Marianas Republican
Precinct Caucuses - Tuesday 5 February - Saturday 9 February 2008
*Commonwealth Convention - Saturday 23 February 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
9 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 3 party
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 0 pledged, 9 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III105  91.30% 9 100.00%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"5   4.35%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"5   4.35%  
Uncommitted 9 100.00% 
Total115 100.00%9 100.00%9 100.00%
Ohio Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 4 March 20081
State Executive Committee - Saturday 10 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 6:30a EST (1130 UTC) to 7:30p EST (0030 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Modified Primary
161 total delegate votes - 92 district / 31 at large; 18 Pledged PLEOs; 18 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 141 pledged, 20 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham1,259,620  53.49%73.0  45.34% 
Obama, Barack Hussein1,055,769  44.84%67.0  41.61% 
Edwards, John Reid39,332   1.67%  
Uncommitted 21.0  13.04% 
(not voting)  161.0 100.00%
Total2,354,721 100.00%161.0 100.00%161.0 100.00%
Ohio Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 4 March 2008
Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All (by district and statewide), Polling hours 6:30a EST (1130 UTC) to 7:30p EST (0030 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Modified Primary
88 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 54 re: 18 congressional districts / 3 party / 21 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 0 pledged, 88 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III656,687  60.03%85  96.59%88 100.00%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"335,356  30.65%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"49,027   4.48%  
Romney, Mitt36,031   3.29%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton16,879   1.54%  
Uncommitted 3   3.41% 
Total1,093,980 100.00%88 100.00%88 100.00%
Oklahoma Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 20081
State Convention - Saturday 23 February 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a CST (1300 UTC) to 7:00p CST (0100 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
48 total delegate votes - 25 district / 8 at large; 5 Pledged PLEOs; 9 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 38 pledged, 10 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham228,480  54.76%24.0  50.00% 
Obama, Barack Hussein130,130  31.19%14.0  29.17% 
Edwards, John Reid42,725  10.24%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III7,078   1.70%  
(others)3,905   0.94%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"2,511   0.60%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.2,378   0.57%  
Uncommitted 10.0  20.83% 
(not voting)  48.0 100.00%
Total417,207 100.00%48.0 100.00%48.0 100.00%
Oklahoma Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 2008
Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All (by district and statewide), Polling hours 7:00a CST (1300 UTC) to 7:00p CST (0100 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
41 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 15 re: 5 congressional districts / 3 party / 13 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 38 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III122,772  36.64%32  78.05%41 100.00%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"111,899  33.40%6  14.63% 
Romney, Mitt83,030  24.78%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"11,183   3.34%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William2,412   0.72%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton1,924   0.57%  
Keyes, Alan L.817   0.24%  
(others)511   0.15%  
Hunter, Duncan317   0.09%  
Tancredo, Thomas Gerald "Tom"189   0.06%  
Uncommitted 3   7.32% 
Total335,054 100.00%41 100.00%41 100.00%
Oregon Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 20 May 20081
State Convention - Saturday 21 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a PDT (1400 UTC) / 7:00a MDT (1300 UTC) to 8:00p PDT (0300 UTC) / 8:00p MDT (0200 UTC). OREGON is the reverse of the norm because the by far largest portion of the state is in the lagging time zone and the networks have no choice but to not consider the OREGON polls closed until 8 PM PDT.
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
65 total delegate votes - 34 district / 12 at large; 6 Pledged PLEOs; 12 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 52 pledged, 13 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein375,311  58.58%31.0  47.69% 
Clinton, Hillary Rodham259,782  40.55%21.0  32.31% 
(others)5,537   0.86%  
Uncommitted 13.0  20.00% 
(not voting)  65.0 100.00%
Total640,630 100.00%65.0 100.00%65.0 100.00%
Oregon Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 20 May 2008
District Conventions - Saturday 12 July 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a PDT (1400 UTC) / 7:00a MDT (1300 UTC) to 8:00p PDT (0300 UTC) / 8:00p MDT (0200 UTC). OREGON is the reverse of the norm because the by far largest portion of the state is in the lagging time zone and the networks have no choice but to not consider the OREGON polls closed until 8 PM PDT.
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
30 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 15 re: 5 congressional districts / 3 party / 2 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 27 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III285,861  81.23%23  76.67%26  86.67%
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"51,099  14.52%4  13.33%4  13.33%
(others)14,956   4.25%  
Uncommitted 3  10.00% 
Total351,916 100.00%30 100.00%30 100.00%
Pennsylvania Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 22 April 20081
State Committee - Saturday 7 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a EDT (1100 UTC) to 8:00p EDT (0000 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
187 total delegate votes - 103 district / 35 at large; 20 Pledged PLEOs; 26 Unpledged PLEOs; 3 Unpledged add-ons
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 158 pledged, 29 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham1,275,039  54.57%85.0  45.45% 
Obama, Barack Hussein1,061,441  45.43%73.0  39.04% 
Uncommitted 29.0  15.51% 
(not voting)  187.0 100.00%
Total2,336,480 100.00%187.0 100.00%187.0 100.00%
Pennsylvania Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 22 April 2008
*Summer Meeting - Friday 6 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Loophole Primary, Polling hours 7:00a EDT (1100 UTC) to 8:00p EDT (0000 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
74 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 57 re: 19 congressional districts / 3 party / 4 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 0 pledged, 74 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III595,175  72.86% 73  98.65%
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"129,323  15.83%  
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"92,430  11.31%  
Uncommitted 74 100.00% 
(not voting)  1   1.35%
Total816,928 100.00%74 100.00%74 100.00%
Puerto Rico Democrat
*Primary - Sunday 1 June 20081
Democratic Assembly - Saturday 21 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 8:00a AST (1200 UTC) to 3:00p AST (1900 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
63 total delegate votes - 36 district / 12 at large; 7 Pledged PLEOs; 7 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 55 pledged, 8 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham263,120  68.42%38.0  60.32% 
Obama, Barack Hussein121,458  31.58%17.0  26.98% 
Uncommitted 8.0  12.70% 
(not voting)  63.0 100.00%
Total384,578 100.00%63.0 100.00%63.0 100.00%
Puerto Rico Republican
*Territorial Caucus - Sunday 24 February 2008
Territorial Convention - Saturday 8 March 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
23 total delegates - 20 base at-large / 3 party
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 20 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III188  90.38%20  86.96%23 100.00%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"10   4.81%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"9   4.33%  
(others)1   0.48%  
Uncommitted 3  13.04% 
Total208 100.00%23 100.00%23 100.00%
Rhode Island Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 4 March 20081
State Executive Committee - Thursday 19 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a EST (1200 UTC) to 9:00p EST (0200 UTC). Polls open 7a to 12a by location.
Voter Eligibility: Modified Primary
33 total delegate votes - 13 district / 5 at large; 3 Pledged PLEOs; 11 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 21 pledged, 12 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham108,949  58.37%13.0  39.39% 
Obama, Barack Hussein75,316  40.35%8.0  24.24% 
Edwards, John Reid1,133   0.61%  
Uncommitted1,041   0.56%12.0  36.36% 
(others)218   0.12%  
(not voting)  33.0 100.00%
Total186,657 100.00%33.0 100.00%33.0 100.00%
Rhode Island Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 4 March 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a EST (1200 UTC) to 9:00p EST (0200 UTC). Polls open 7a to 12a by location.
Voter Eligibility: Modified Primary
20 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 6 re: 2 congressional districts / 3 party / 1 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 17 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III17,480  64.75%13  65.00%20 100.00%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"5,847  21.66%4  20.00% 
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"1,777   6.58%  
Romney, Mitt1,181   4.37%  
Uncommitted570   2.11%3  15.00% 
Keyes, Alan L.117   0.43%  
(others)24   0.09%  
Total26,996 100.00%20 100.00%20 100.00%
South Carolina Democrat
*Party-run Primary - Saturday 26 January 20081
Precinct Meetings - Saturday 23 February 2008
State Convention - Saturday 3 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a EST (1200 UTC) to 7:00p EST (0000 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
54 total delegate votes - 29 district / 10 at large; 6 Pledged PLEOs; 8 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 45 pledged, 9 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein294,898  55.42%25.0  46.30% 
Clinton, Hillary Rodham140,990  26.49%12.0  22.22% 
Edwards, John Reid93,801  17.63%8.0  14.81% 
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III726   0.14%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.693   0.13%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.551   0.10%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"247   0.05%  
Gravel, Mike245   0.05%  
Uncommitted 9.0  16.67% 
(not voting)  54.0 100.00%
Total532,151 100.00%54.0 100.00%54.0 100.00%
South Carolina Republican
*Primary - Saturday 19 January 2008
Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All (by district and statewide), Polling hours 7:00a EST (1200 UTC) to 7:00p EST (0000 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
24 total delegates - penalty: 50% of 47 [10 base at-large / 18 re: 6 congressional districts / 3 party / 16 bonus]
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 24 pledged, 0 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III147,686  33.15%18  75.00%24 100.00%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"132,943  29.84%6  25.00% 
Thompson, Fred Dalton69,651  15.63%  
Romney, Mitt68,142  15.30%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"16,154   3.63%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William9,557   2.15%  
Hunter, Duncan1,051   0.24%  
Tancredo, Thomas Gerald "Tom"121   0.03%  
(others)111   0.02%  
Cox, John H.83   0.02%  
Total445,499 100.00%24 100.00%24 100.00%
South Dakota Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 3 June 20081
State Party Central Committee - Saturday 28 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a CDT (1200 UTC) / 7:00a MDT (1300 UTC) to 7:00p CDT (0000 UTC) / 7:00p MDT (0100 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
23 total delegate votes - 10 district / 3 at large; 2 Pledged PLEOs; 7 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 15 pledged, 8 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham54,128  55.35%9.0  39.13% 
Obama, Barack Hussein43,669  44.65%6.0  26.09% 
Uncommitted 8.0  34.78% 
(not voting)  23.0 100.00%
Total97,797 100.00%23.0 100.00%23.0 100.00%
South Dakota Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 3 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a CDT (1200 UTC) / 7:00a MDT (1300 UTC) to 7:00p CDT (0000 UTC) / 7:00p MDT (0100 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary
27 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 3 re: 1 congressional district / 3 party / 11 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 24 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III42,788  70.19%24  88.89%27 100.00%
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"10,072  16.52%  
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"4,328   7.10%  
Romney, Mitt1,990   3.26%  
Uncommitted1,786   2.93%3  11.11% 
Total60,964 100.00%27 100.00%27 100.00%
Tennessee Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 20081
State Executive Committee - Saturday 15 March 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 8:00a EST (1300 UTC) / 8:00a CST (1400 UTC) to 8:00p EST (0100 UTC) / 7:00p CST (0100 UTC). The polls close at the same GMT/UTC time, that is, polls close at a particular local time in the advanced time zone and close one hour earlier local time in the lagging time zone.
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
85 total delegate votes - 44 district / 15 at large; 9 Pledged PLEOs; 15 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 68 pledged, 17 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham336,245  53.82%40.0  47.06% 
Obama, Barack Hussein252,874  40.48%28.0  32.94% 
Edwards, John Reid27,820   4.45%  
Uncommitted3,158   0.51%17.0  20.00% 
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.1,531   0.25%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III1,178   0.19%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.971   0.16%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"526   0.08%  
Gravel, Mike461   0.07%  
(not voting)  85.0 100.00%
Total624,764 100.00%85.0 100.00%85.0 100.00%
Tennessee Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 2008
*State Executive Committee - Saturday 1 March 2008
Delegate Selection: In each district and statewide - if winner receives a majority Winner-Take-All Primary otherwise Proportional Primary, Polling hours 8:00a EST (1300 UTC) / 8:00a CST (1400 UTC) to 8:00p EST (0100 UTC) / 7:00p CST (0100 UTC). The polls close at the same GMT/UTC time, that is, polls close at a particular local time in the advanced time zone and close one hour earlier local time in the lagging time zone.
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
55 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 27 re: 9 congressional districts / 3 party / 15 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 52 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"190,904  34.47%  
McCain, John Sidney, III176,091  31.80% 55 100.00%
Romney, Mitt130,632  23.59%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"31,026   5.60%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton16,263   2.94%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William5,159   0.93%  
Uncommitted1,830   0.33%  
Keyes, Alan L.978   0.18%  
Hunter, Duncan738   0.13%  
Tancredo, Thomas Gerald "Tom"194   0.04%  
(available) 55 100.00% 
Total553,815 100.00%55 100.00%55 100.00%
Texas Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 4 March 20081
County and Senate District Conventions - Saturday 29 March 2008
*State Convention - Friday 6 June - Saturday 7 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Combined Selection [Proportional Primary with Caucus/Convention], Polling hours 7:00a CDT (1200 UTC) / 7:00a MDT (1300 UTC) to 7:00p CDT (0000 UTC) / 7:00p MDT (0100 UTC). Only the area around El Paso is in MST, so the vast majority of polls have closed in TX by 7 PM CST.
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
227 total delegate votes - 126 district / 42 at large; 25 Pledged PLEOs; 31 Unpledged PLEOs; 3 Unpledged add-ons
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 193 pledged, 34 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham1,462,734  50.88%94.0  41.41% 
Obama, Barack Hussein1,362,476  47.39%99.0  43.61% 
Edwards, John Reid29,936   1.04%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III10,773   0.37%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.5,290   0.18%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"3,777   0.13%  
Uncommitted 34.0  14.98% 
(not voting)  227.0 100.00%
Total2,874,986 100.00%227.0 100.00%227.0 100.00%
Texas Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 4 March 2008
State Convention - Thursday 12 June - Saturday 14 June 2008
Delegate Selection: In each district and statewide - if winner receives a majority Winner-Take-All Primary otherwise Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a CDT (1200 UTC) / 7:00a MDT (1300 UTC) to 7:00p CDT (0000 UTC) / 7:00p MDT (0100 UTC). Only the area around El Paso is in MST, so the vast majority of polls have closed in TX by 7 PM CST.
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
140 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 96 re: 32 congressional districts / 3 party / 31 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 137 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III697,767  51.22%120  85.71%140 100.00%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"518,002  38.02%17  12.14% 
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"66,360   4.87%  
Romney, Mitt27,264   2.00%  
Uncommitted17,574   1.29%3   2.14% 
Thompson, Fred Dalton11,503   0.84%  
Keyes, Alan L.8,260   0.61%  
Hunter, Duncan8,222   0.60%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William6,038   0.44%  
(others)1,332   0.10%  
Total1,362,322 100.00%140 100.00%140 100.00%
Unassigned Democrat
To be determined - August 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Not applicable
No delegate votes
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 0 pledged, 0 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Uncommitted 0.0 
Total 0.00.0
Utah Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 20081
State Convention - Friday 9 May - Saturday 10 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a MST (1400 UTC) to 8:00p MST (0300 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Modified Primary
29 total delegate votes - 15 district / 5 at large; 3 Pledged PLEOs; 5 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 23 pledged, 6 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein74,538  56.72%14.0  48.28% 
Clinton, Hillary Rodham51,333  39.07%9.0  31.03% 
Edwards, John Reid3,758   2.86%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III549   0.42%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.462   0.35%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.408   0.31%  
Gravel, Mike166   0.13%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"117   0.09%  
(others)72   0.05%  
Uncommitted 6.0  20.69% 
(not voting)  29.0 100.00%
Total131,403 100.00%29.0 100.00%29.0 100.00%
Utah Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 5 February 2008
State Convention - Saturday 10 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All, Polling hours 7:00a MST (1400 UTC) to 8:00p MST (0300 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Modified Primary
36 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 9 re: 3 congressional districts / 3 party / 14 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 36 pledged, 0 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Romney, Mitt264,956  89.49%36 100.00%2   5.56%
McCain, John Sidney, III15,931   5.38% 34  94.44%
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"8,846   2.99%  
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"4,252   1.44%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William988   0.33%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton613   0.21%  
Keyes, Alan L.261   0.09%  
Hunter, Duncan211   0.07%  
Tancredo, Thomas Gerald "Tom"3   0.00%  
Total296,061 100.00%36 100.00%36 100.00%
Vermont Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 4 March 20081
State Convention - Saturday 24 May 2008
National Convention Delegate Meeting - Saturday 7 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 5:00a EST (1000 UTC) to 7:00p EST (0000 UTC). Polls may open as early as 5:00a and no later than 10:00a as set by the Board of Civil Authority.
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
23 total delegate votes - 10 district / 3 at large; 2 Pledged PLEOs; 7 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 15 pledged, 8 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein91,901  59.31%9.0  39.13% 
Clinton, Hillary Rodham59,806  38.59%6.0  26.09% 
Edwards, John Reid1,936   1.25%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.1,010   0.65%  
(others)307   0.20%  
Uncommitted 8.0  34.78% 
(not voting)  23.0 100.00%
Total154,960 100.00%23.0 100.00%23.0 100.00%
Vermont Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 4 March 2008
Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All, Polling hours 5:00a EST (1000 UTC) to 7:00p EST (0000 UTC). Polls may open as early as 5:00a and no later than 10:00a as set by the Board of Civil Authority.
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
17 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 3 re: 1 congressional district / 3 party / 1 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 17 pledged, 0 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III28,417  71.32%17 100.00%17 100.00%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"5,698  14.30%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"2,635   6.61%  
Romney, Mitt1,809   4.54%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William931   2.34%  
(others)353   0.89%  
Total39,843 100.00%17 100.00%17 100.00%
Virgin Islands Democrat
*Territorial Convention - Saturday 9 February 20081
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
9 total delegate votes - 3 at large; 6 Unpledged PLEOs
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 3 pledged, 6 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein1,772  89.95%3.0  33.33% 
Clinton, Hillary Rodham149   7.56%  
Uncommitted49   2.49%6.0  66.67% 
Edwards, John Reid   
(not voting)  9.0 100.00%
Total1,970 100.00%9.0 100.00%9.0 100.00%
Virgin Islands Republican
*Territorial Caucus - Saturday 5 April 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus
9 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 3 party
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 6 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III  9 100.00%
Uncommitted 9 100.00% 
Total 9 100.00%9 100.00%
Virginia Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 12 February 20081
State Convention - Saturday 14 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Combined Selection [Proportional Primary with Caucus/Convention], Polling hours 6:00a EST (1100 UTC) to 7:00p EST (0000 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
101 total delegate votes - 54 district / 18 at large; 11 Pledged PLEOs; 16 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 83 pledged, 18 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein627,820  63.66%54.0  53.47% 
Clinton, Hillary Rodham349,766  35.47%29.0  28.71% 
Edwards, John Reid5,206   0.53%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.1,625   0.16%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III991   0.10%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.795   0.08%  
Uncommitted 18.0  17.82% 
(not voting)  101.0 100.00%
Total986,203 100.00%101.0 100.00%101.0 100.00%
Virginia Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 12 February 2008
Local Mass Meetings, Party Canvasses, Conventions - March - April 2008 (tentative date)
District Conventions - Friday 9 May - Saturday 24 May 2008 (tentative date)
State Convention - Friday 30 May - Saturday 31 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All, Polling hours 6:00a EST (1100 UTC) to 7:00p EST (0000 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
63 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 33 re: 11 congressional districts / 3 party / 17 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 63 pledged, 0 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III244,829  50.04%63 100.00%63 100.00%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"199,003  40.67%  
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"21,999   4.50%  
Romney, Mitt18,002   3.68%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton3,395   0.69%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William2,024   0.41%  
Total489,252 100.00%63 100.00%63 100.00%
Washington Democrat
*Precinct Caucuses - Saturday 9 February 20081
Non-binding primary - Tuesday 19 February 2008
Legislative District Caucuses - Saturday 5 April 2008
County Conventions and Legislative District Caucuses - Saturday 19 April 2008
*Congressional District Caucuses - Saturday 17 May 2008
*State Convention - Friday 13 June - Sunday 15 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention, Polling hours 7:00a PST (1500 UTC) to 8:00p PST (0400 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Modified Caucus
97 total delegate votes - 51 district / 17 at large; 10 Pledged PLEOs; 17 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 78 pledged, 19 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein21,768  67.56%52.0  53.61% 
Clinton, Hillary Rodham10,038  31.15%26.0  26.80% 
Uncommitted364   1.13%19.0  19.59% 
(others)50   0.16%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.   
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"   
Edwards, John Reid   
Gravel, Mike   
Kucinich, Dennis J.   
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III   
(not voting)  97.0 100.00%
Total32,220 100.00%97.0 100.00%97.0 100.00%
Washington Republican
*Precinct Caucuses - Saturday 9 February 2008
*Primary - Tuesday 19 February 2008
County Conventions - Saturday 22 March - Saturday 3 May 2008 (tentative date)
*State Convention - Thursday 29 May - Saturday 31 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Combined Selection [Winner-Take-All Primary by CD, Proportional Primary (statewide), Caucus/Convention (statewide)], Polling hours 7:00a PST (1500 UTC) to 8:00p PST (0400 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
40 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 27 re: 9 congressional districts / 3 party
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 19 pledged, 21 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III3,468  25.74%16  40.00%36  90.00%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"3,226  23.94%3   7.50% 
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"2,799  20.77% 4  10.00%
Romney, Mitt2,253  16.72%  
Uncommitted1,729  12.83%21  52.50% 
Giuliani, Rudolph William   
Hunter, Duncan   
Keyes, Alan L.   
Tancredo, Thomas Gerald "Tom"   
Thompson, Fred Dalton   
Total13,475 100.00%40 100.00%40 100.00%
West Virginia Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 13 May 20081
State Convention & Executive Committee - Friday 13 June - Saturday 14 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 6:30a EDT (1030 UTC) to 7:30p EDT (2330 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Modified Primary
39 total delegate votes - 18 district / 7 at large; 3 Pledged PLEOs; 10 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 28 pledged, 11 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Clinton, Hillary Rodham240,890  66.93%20.0  51.28% 
Obama, Barack Hussein92,736  25.77%8.0  20.51% 
Edwards, John Reid26,284   7.30%  
Uncommitted 11.0  28.21% 
(not voting)  39.0 100.00%
Total359,910 100.00%39.0 100.00%39.0 100.00%
West Virginia Republican
State Presidential Convention Delegates Selected - Tuesday 1 January - Monday 14 January 2008
*State Presidential Convention - Tuesday 5 February 2008
*Primary - Tuesday 13 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Combined Selection [Winner-Take-All Primary for District Delegates with Caucus/Convention], Polling hours 6:30a EST (1130 UTC) to 7:30p EST (0030 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Modified Primary
30 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 9 re: 3 congressional districts / 3 party / 8 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 27 pledged, 3 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III90,469  76.01%9  30.00%28  93.33%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"12,260  10.30%18  60.00% 
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"6,000   5.04% 2   6.67%
Romney, Mitt5,242   4.40%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William2,875   2.42%  
Keyes, Alan L.1,441   1.21%  
(others)728   0.61%  
Uncommitted 3  10.00% 
Total119,015 100.00%30 100.00%30 100.00%
Wisconsin Democrat
*Primary - Tuesday 19 February 20081
County Caucuses - Sunday 6 April 2008
Congressional District Caucuses - Sunday 4 May 2008
State Convention - Friday 13 June 2008
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 7:00a CST (1300 UTC) to 8:00p CST (0200 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
92 total delegate votes - 48 district / 16 at large; 10 Pledged PLEOs; 16 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 74 pledged, 18 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein646,851  58.08%42.0  45.65% 
Clinton, Hillary Rodham453,954  40.76%32.0  34.78% 
Edwards, John Reid6,693   0.60%  
Kucinich, Dennis J.2,625   0.24%  
Uninstructed861   0.08%  
Biden, Joseph Robinette "Joe", Jr.755   0.07%  
Richardson, William B. "Bill", III528   0.05%  
Gravel, Mike517   0.05%  
Dodd, Christopher J. "Chris"501   0.04%  
Scattering468   0.04%  
Uncommitted 18.0  19.57% 
(not voting)  92.0 100.00%
Total1,113,753 100.00%92.0 100.00%92.0 100.00%
Wisconsin Republican
*Primary - Tuesday 19 February 2008
Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All (by district and statewide), Polling hours 7:00a CST (1300 UTC) to 8:00p CST (0200 UTC).
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary
40 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 24 re: 8 congressional districts / 3 party / 3 bonus
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 40 pledged, 0 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
McCain, John Sidney, III224,755  54.74%34  85.00%40 100.00%
Huckabee, Michael Dale "Mike"151,707  36.95%6  15.00% 
Paul, Ronald Ernest "Ron"19,090   4.65%  
Romney, Mitt8,080   1.97%  
Thompson, Fred Dalton2,709   0.66%  
Giuliani, Rudolph William1,935   0.47%  
Uninstructed850   0.21%  
Hunter, Duncan799   0.19%  
(others)497   0.12%  
Tancredo, Thomas Gerald "Tom"185   0.05%  
Total410,607 100.00%40 100.00%40 100.00%
Wyoming Democrat
*County Caucuses - Saturday 8 March 20081
*State Convention - Saturday 24 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
18 total delegate votes - 7 district / 3 at large; 2 Pledged PLEOs; 5 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on
Pledged/Unpledged delegate votes: 12 pledged, 6 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein5,378  61.44%7.0  38.89% 
Clinton, Hillary Rodham3,311  37.83%5.0  27.78% 
(others)64   0.73%  
Uncommitted 6.0  33.33% 
(not voting)  18.0 100.00%
Total8,753 100.00%18.0 100.00%18.0 100.00%
Wyoming Republican
*County Conventions - Saturday 5 January 2008
*Convention - Friday 30 May - Saturday 31 May 2008
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
14 total delegates - penalty: 50% of 28 [10 base at-large / 3 re: 1 congressional district / 3 party / 12 bonus]
Pledged/Unpledged delegates: 0 pledged, 14 unpledged.
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Hunter, Duncan   
McCain, John Sidney, III  14 100.00%
Romney, Mitt   
Thompson, Fred Dalton   
Uncommitted 12  85.71% 
(available) 2  14.29% 
Total 14 100.00%14 100.00%

* Major event or National Convention delegates allocated.
1 Democratic Party's "First Determining Step" of the delegate selection process.


  Election - Primary, Caucus, and Convention Home  
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  Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates  
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  Democratic Pledged and Unpledged Summary   --   Republican Pledged and Unpledged Summary  
  Democratic Hard and Floor Summary   --   Republican Hard and Floor Summary  
  Democratic Unpledged Delegate Preferences  
Delegate Allocation
  Democratic Quick Reference   --   Republican Quick Reference  
  Democratic Detailed Delegate Allocation   --   Republican Detailed Delegate Allocation  
  Democratic Delegate Selection and Voter Eligibility   --   Republican Delegate Selection and Voter Eligibility  
  Primaries at a Glance  
Ballot Access
  Democratic Candidates   --   Republican Candidates  
  Historical Analysis of the Presidential Nominating Process  
  Historical Analysis of the apportionment of delegate votes at the National Conventions of the two major parties  
  Primary/Caucus/Convention Glossary  
  Third Parties (Green, Libertarian)  
  Straw Polls