The Green Papers 2008 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions |
Georgia Republican Presidential Nominating Process Primary: Tuesday 5 February 2008 Precinct Mass Meetings: Saturday 16 February 2008 County Conventions / Precinct Mass Meetings: Saturday 15 March 2008 District Conventions: Saturday 19 April 2008 State Convention: Friday 16 May - Saturday 17 May 2008 |
Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All (by district and statewide), Polling hours 7:00a EST (1200 UTC) to 7:00p EST (0000 UTC). Voter Eligibility: Modified Primary 72 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 39 re: 13 congressional districts / 3 party / 20 bonus |
States Chronologically States Alphabetically Republican Convention Georgia Democrat |
GEORGIA Republican PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARYTuesday 5 February 2008polling hours: 7 AM local time (1200 UTC) to 7 PM local time (0000 UTC) All 72 of Georgia's delegates to the Republican National Convention are pledged to presidential contenders in today's Georgia Presidential Primary: 39 delegates allocated to presidential contenders based on the primary results in each of the 13 congressional districts (each congressional district is assigned 3 National Convention delegates) and 33 delegates- including the 3 party leaders (the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the Georgia's Republican Party)- allocated statewide. Delegates are pledged to the presidential contender receiving the greatest number of votes in either a congressional district or statewide. Reference: Rules of the Georgia Republican Party 18 February 2008 update: The delegate breakdown appears to be Huckabee - 51, McCain - 12, Romney - 6 but we do not have the vote by CD. Huckabee won CDs 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 13. McCain won CDs 1, 5, and 12. Romney won CDs 4 and 6. We do not have the official vote by CD. The numbers below show our estimated vote by CD. Here's how we estimate the delegate count (based on uncertified returns from an official source as of 13 February 2008 2:07:38 PM EST): Since we have the vote by county and not be CD, we have estimated the vote by CD from the vote by County by apportioning the vote by county into each CD. Hence this is a very rough estimate.
Saturday 16 February 2008: Precinct Mass Meetings (for Counties over 80,000). Delegates and Alternates to the County Conventions are elected. |
Saturday 15 March 2008: County Conventions / Precinct Mass Meetings (for Counties 80,000 and under). Delegates and Alternates to Congressional District and State Conventions are elected. |