Tuesday 20 May 2008: 27 of 30 of Oregon's delegates to the Republican National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Oregon Presidential Primary.
- 27 delegates delegates to the National Convention are to be allocated to presidential contenders based on the primary vote statewide. A 3.5% threshold is required in order for a presidential contender to be allocated National Convention delegates at the statewide level.
The 3 party leaders, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the Oregon's Republican Party, will attend the convention as unbound delegates by virtue of their position.
Each person selected as a delegate ... shall sign a pledge that he/she shall vote at the National Convention for the candidate for the President of the United States he/she favors until the candidate is: (1) nominated;
(2) receives less than 35% of the votes for nomination at the convention; (3) releases the delegate from the pledge; or (4) until two convention nominating ballots have been taken. Should a delegate ... refuse to cast his/her vote in accordance with this pledge ... the Chairman of the Oregon delegation ... shall report to the convention floor that delegate’s vote in accordance with such laws and rules until such time as that delegate is released from
his/her pledge. [Oregon Republican Party Bylaws ARTICLE XVII]
This is a vote by mail primary. State election officials will be mailing ballots out to registered voters between 2 and 6 May 2008 (18 to 14 days before the election); the voter has until 8 PM local time on the date of the Primary (20 May 2008) to return the completed ballot to either the county election office or a designated drop site: note that all mailed in ballots must have been received by that hour (postmarks do not count!). Voters who will be out of town during the period between the mailing out of the ballots and the Primary election may request an "early absentee ballot" from the county election official up to 45 days prior to the Primary (this deadline would be 5 April 2008): such a request may be made in person, by mail or by fax.