The Green Papers 2008 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions |
Florida Republican Presidential Nominating Process Primary: Tuesday 29 January 2008 |
Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All (by district and statewide), Polling hours 7:00a EST (1200 UTC) / 7:00a CST (1300 UTC) to 7:00p EST (0000 UTC) / 7:00p CST (0100 UTC). Relatively small portions of this state are in CDT and so the vast majority of the polls are closed by the time indicated EDT. Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary 57 total delegates - penalty: 50% of 114 [10 base at-large / 75 re: 25 congressional districts / 3 party / 26 bonus] |
States Chronologically States Alphabetically Republican Convention Florida Democrat |
29 August 2008 - Republican Party of Florida Chairman Jim Greer released the following statement on Florida’s delegation to the Republican National Committee: “I am pleased to announce that Florida’s entire delegation will be seated on the floor at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul. All 114 delegates and all 111 alternates will be seated and Florida will enjoy full representation at the Convention. A compromise reached with the RNC and the McCain campaign states that 57 of the delegates will receive traditional voting rights, while the other half of Florida’s delegation will become ‘honored guests’ with full delegate rights and privileges." Certified FLORIDA PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY returns from an official source. Assuming the Florida delegation is sanctioned, the primary is winner take. John McCain, having received the most votes, receives all 57 delegates in our "Soft" and "Hard" counts. Assuming that the Florida delegation is seated (our "Alternate Count"), here's how we estimate the delegate count (based on certified returns from an official source):