- Alabama
- Alaska
- American Samoa
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Guam
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Tuesday 16 May 2023 Primary . Polling hours 6:00a-6:00p EDT (1000-2200 UTC) / 6:00a-6:00p CDT (1100-2300 UTC). Poll closing time could be rather problematic in KENTUCKY. A large chunk of the state is in Central Time [but the networks consider that "most of the polls have closed" in KENTUCKY by 6 PM Eastern Time and so, if they can, project at the same time they project INDIANA]. Central Time voters in KENTUCKY may note the networks' willingness/eagerness to project a winner as early as 6 PM Eastern Time.
- Louisiana
- Saturday 14 October 2023 Open Primary . Polling hours 7:00a-8:00p CDT (1200-0100 UTC).
- Saturday 18 November 2023 General/Runoff (Secretary of State, Attorney General, Treasurer) . Polling hours 7:00a-8:00p CST (1300-0200 UTC).
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Tuesday 8 August 2023 Primary . Polling hours 7:00a-7:00p CDT (1200-0000 UTC).
- Tuesday 29 August 2023 Primary Runoff (no offices on this website require a runoff) . Polling hours 7:00a-7:00p CDT (1200-0000 UTC). (cancelled)
- Tuesday 28 November 2023 General/Special Election Runoff (no offices on this website require a runoff) . Polling hours 7:00a-7:00p CST (1300-0100 UTC). (cancelled)
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Northern Marianas
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Puerto Rico
- Rhode Island
- Tuesday 5 September 2023 Special Primary House CD 1. Polling hours 7:00a-8:00p EDT (1100-0000 UTC). Most polls are open at 7am. However, polls may open as late as 9am by location.
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Tuesday 5 September 2023 Special Primary for CD 2 . Polling hours 7:00a-8:00p MDT (1300-0200 UTC).
- Tuesday 21 November 2023 Special Election House CD 2. Polling hours reportedly 7:00a-8:00p MST (1400-0300 UTC).
- Vermont
- Virgin Islands
- Virginia
- Tuesday 21 February 2023 Special Election House CD 4. Polling hours 6:00a-7:00p EST (1100-0000 UTC).
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Time zone abbreviations
UTC: Coordinated Universal Time (Greenwich England)
AST: Atlantic Standard Time (Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands), UTC - 4 hours
EST: Eastern Standard Time, UTC - 5 hours
EDT: Eastern Daylight Time, UTC - 4 hours
CST: Central Standard Time, UTC - 6 hours
CDT: Central Daylight Time, UTC - 5 hours
MST: Mountain Standard Time, UTC - 7 hours
MDT: Mountain Daylight Time, UTC - 6 hours
PST: Pacific Standard Time, UTC - 8 hours
PDT: Pacific Daylight Time, UTC - 7 hours
AKST: Alaska Standard Time, UTC - 9 hours
AKDT: Alaska Daylight Time, UTC - 8 hours
HAST: Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time, UTC - 10 hours
HADT: Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time (Hawii does not observe daylight time), UTC - 9 hours
ChST: Chamorro Standard Time (Guam, Northern Marianas), UTC + 10 hours
SST: Samoa Standard Time, UTC - 11 hours
m: midnight
a: AM
p: PM
Primary dates marked "presumably" and polling times marked "reportedly" are based on unofficial or estimated data (especially as regards local variations from a jurisdictionwide statutory and/or regulatory standard) and are, thereby, subject to change.
2023 General Election Outline
- 2023 General Election Home
- Popular Vote by Office
- Regarding Popular Vote Edge Cases
- 2023 Primaries and Runoffs for Statewide offices/Congress
- Alphabetically
- Alphabetically with Filing Deadlines
- Chronologically
- Chronologically with Filing Deadlines
- Primary/Runoff/Special Elections Poll Closing Times (across time zones)
- General Election Poll Closing Times Alphabetically (across time zones)
- General Election Poll Closing Times Chronologically (across time zones)
- Polling Hours
- Offices
- Primaries at a Glance
- Regarding Office Edge Cases
- Open Governor's Chairs, Senate and House Seats (the incumbent is not running for re-election)
- Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with no incumbent running for them
- Uncontested Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats (one candidate running for office)
- Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with multiple incumbents running for them
- Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with only one major party candidate running for office
- 2023 Partisan Composition by State
- Political Parties
- History
- Comparative Political Party Predominance in each State, 2000 thru 2016
- Political Party Floor Leaders in the Congress of the United States
- Dates of DIRECT PRIMARY Elections re: Major Party Nominations for Statewide and/or Federal Office
- Length of Terms of Office of STATE Governors throughout American History
- Downloadable data files
Modified .