The Green Papers
The Green Papers
Place and Time of Meeting
of 2016 Presidential Electors

Monday, December 19, 2016
(first Monday after the second Wednesday in December after presidential election)

Appointing Electors
May Electors Defect?
THE "FAITHLESS SEVEN" - Presidential Electors who have defected in the past

This information was compiled for the 2008 Presidential Election
and is subject to updating and/or changes for 2016.

"The electors shall meet in their respective States... The Congress may determine... the day on which [the electors] shall give their votes, which day shall be the same throughout the United States"
U.S. Constitution: Article II, Section 1, clauses 3 and 4

"The electors of President and Vice President of each State shall meet and give their votes on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December next following their appointment at such place in each State as the legislature of such State shall direct"
United States Code: Title 3, section 7

STATEplace of
time of
ALABAMASec'y of State's office12 noon CST1800Ala. Code 17-19-7
ALASKADirector of Elections' office11 a.m. AK-ST2000Ak. Statutes 15.30.070
ARIZONAExecutive Tower2 p.m. MST2100 
ARKANSASSec'y of State's office10 a.m. CST1600Ark. Code 7-8-306
CALIFORNIAState Capitol2 p.m. PST2200Calif. Elections Code 6904
COLORADOGovernor's office12 noon MST1900Colo. Rev. Statutes 1-4-304(1)
CONNECTICUTSec'y of State's office12 noon EST1700Conn. Gen. Statutes 9-176
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIAthe District (of Columbia)no time set U.S. Constitution, 23rd Amendment: section 1
DELAWAREDover (the state capital)no time set Del. Code 15:4303
FLORIDATallahassee (the state capital)12 noon EST1700Fla. Statutes 103.051
GEORGIASeat Of Gov't12 noon EST1700Ga. Official Code 21-2-11
HAWAIIthe state capital (Honolulu)2 p.m. HI-ST0000 the next dayHi. Rev. Statutes 14-26
IDAHOSeat of Gov't12 noon MST1900Ida. Code 34-1503
ILLINOISSec'y of State's office10 a.m. CST1600Ill. Compiled Statutes 10-5/21-4
INDIANAState House of Rep.s Chamber10 a.m. EST1500Ind. Code 3-10-4-7(a)
IOWAState Capitolno time set Code of Ia. 54.7
KANSASthe state capital (Topeka)12 noon CST1800Kan. Statutes 25.802
KENTUCKYState Capitol12 noon EST1700Ky. Rev. Statutes 118.445
LOUISIANAState Capitolno time set (though other statutes imply 12 noon CST to no later than 4 p.m. CST)[1800-2200]La. Rev. Statutes 18:1263
MAINEHouse of Rep.s Chamber (State House)2 p.m. EST1900Me. Rev. Statutes T.21-A;804
MARYLANDState Houseno time set Code of Md. Art.33(Elec.Code), 8-505
MASSACHUSETTSState House3 p.m. EST2000Mass. Gen. Laws c.54, 148
MICHIGANSenate Chamber (State Capitol)2 p.m. EST1900Mich. Compiled Laws 168.47
MINNESOTAExecutive Chamber (State Capitol)12 noon CST1800Minn. Statutes 208.08
MISSISSIPPISeat of Gov'tno time set Miss. Code 23-15-789
MISSOURISeat of Gov't2 p.m. CST2000Mo. Rev. Statutes 128.130
MONTANAHelena (the state capital)2 p.m. MST2100Mont. Code 13-25-104
NEBRASKAGovernor's office2 p.m. CST2000Neb. Rev. Statutes 32-713
NEVADASeat of Gov't2 p.m. PST2200Nev. Rev. Statutes 298.030
NEW HAMPSHIREState House12 noon EST1700N.H. Rev. Statutes c.660, 27
NEW JERSEYState House3 p.m. EST2000N.J. Rev. Statutes 19:36-1
NEW MEXICOSec'y of State's office11 a.m. MST1800N.M. Statutes 1-15-6
NEW YORKState Capitol12 noon EST1700N.Y. Election Law 12-104
NORTH CAROLINAold House of Rep.s Hall (State Capitol)12 noon EST1700Gen. Statutes of N.C. 163-209
NORTH DAKOTAGovernor's office1 p.m. CST1900N.D. Century Code 16.1-14-04
OHIOselected by Sec'y of State12 noon EST1700Ohio Rev. Code 3505.39
OKLAHOMAGovernor's office10 a.m. CST1600Okla. Statutes 26-10-107
OREGONState Capitolno time set Ore. Rev. Statutes 248.370
PENNSYLVANIASeat of Gov't12 noon EST1700Pa. Consolidated Statutes 25*3192
RHODE ISLANDState House12 noon EST1700Gen. Laws of R.I. 17-4-11
SOUTH CAROLINAState Capitol11 a.m. EST1600Code of Laws of S.C. 7-19-90
SOUTH DAKOTASeat of Gov't12 noon CST1800S.D. Codified Laws 12-24-4
TENNESSEESeat of Gov'tno time set Tenn. Code 2-15-104
TEXASState Capitol2 p.m. CST2000Tex. Election Code 192.006
UTAHLt. Governor's office12 noon MST1900Utah Code 20A-13-304
VERMONTState Houseno time set Vt. Statutes 17-2732
VIRGINIAState Capitol12 noon EST1700Code of Va. 24-2.203
WASHINGTONSeat of Gov't12 noon PST2000Rev. Code of Wash. 29.71.040
WEST VIRGINIAGovernor's officeno time set W.Va Code 3-1-14
WISCONSINState Capitol12 noon CST1800Wis. Statutes 7.75(1)
WYOMINGSec'y of State's office12 noon MST1900Wyo. Statutes 22-19-106

2016 General Election Outline

Modified .