The Green Papers: Off Year Election 2003 |
2003 Governor's Chairs by State |
California 4 year term, Election Cycle: 2002, 2006. Term Limit: 2 4-year terms | |||
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican | |||
Governor | Democrat | Vik S. Bajwa Sonoma County. Businessman/Father/Entrepreneur. |
Governor | Democrat | Audie Elizabeth Bock Alameda County. California State Assemblywoman District 16 1999-2000 (Green Party). Educator/Small Businesswoman. |
Governor | Democrat | Art Brown Los Angeles County. Film Writer/Director. |
Governor | Democrat | Cruz M. Bustamante Sacramento County. Mr. Bustamante is currently Lt. Governor. |
Governor | Democrat | Robert Cullenbine Santa Clara County. Anti-recall candidate. Retired Businessman. |
Governor | Democrat | Bob Lynn Edwards Alameda County. Attorney. |
Governor | Democrat | Warren Farrell San Diego County. Anti-recall candidate. Fathers' Issues Author |
Governor | Democrat | Dan Feinstein San Francisco County |
Governor | Democrat | Larry Flynt Los Angeles County. Hustler magazine publisher. |
Governor | Democrat | Lorraine "Abner Zurd" Fontanes Los Angeles County. Film maker. |
Governor | Democrat | Diana Foss Anti-recall candidate, Santa Clara County |
Governor | Democrat | Gerold Lee Gorman Contra Costa County. Engineer. |
Governor | Democrat | James Henry Green San Francisco County. Firefighter Paramedic/Nurse |
Governor | Democrat | Garrett Gruener Alameda County. High-tech Entreprenuer |
Governor | Democrat | Joe Guzzardi San Joaquin County. Teacher/Journalist |
Governor | Democrat | Ralph A. Hernandez Contra Costa County. District Attorney Inspector. |
Governor | Democrat | Edward Thomas "Ed" Kennedy Trinity County. Businessman/Educator. |
Governor | Democrat | David E. Kessinger Riverside County. Paralegal/Property Manager |
Governor | Democrat | Kelly P. Kimball Los Angeles County. Business Executive. |
Governor | Democrat | Eric Korevaar San Diego County. Anti-recall candidate. Scientist/Businessman. |
Governor | Democrat | Dick Lane Santa Clara County. Educator. |
Governor | Democrat | Gary Leonard Los Angeles County. Photojournalist/Author. |
Governor | Democrat | Calvin Y. Louie San Francisco County. Certified Public Accountant |
Governor | Democrat | Frank A. Macaluso, Jr. Tulare County. Physician/Medical Doctor. |
Governor | Democrat | Paul "Chip" Mailander San Diego County. Golf Professional |
Governor | Democrat | Robert C. Mannheim Los Angeles County. Retired Businessperson. |
Governor | Democrat | Bruce Martin Margolin Los Angeles County. Marijuana Legalization Attorney |
Governor | Democrat | Paul Mariano Contra Costa County. Attorney. |
Governor | Democrat | Scott A. Mednick Los Angeles County. Business Executive. |
Governor | Democrat | Jonathan D. Miller San Mateo County. Small Business Owner. |
Governor | Democrat | John "Jack" Mortensen Sacramento County. Contractor/Businessman. |
Governor | Democrat | Paul James Nave Marin County. Businessman/Prizefighter/Father |
Governor | Democrat | Ronald Jason Palmieri Los Angeles County. Gay Rights Attorney. |
Governor | Democrat | Charles Chuck Pineda, Jr. Sacramento County. State Hearing Officer. |
Governor | Democrat | Bill Prady Los Angeles County. Television Writer/Producer. |
Governor | Democrat | Daniel C. "Danny" Ramirez Imperial County. Businessman/Entrepreneur/Father |
Governor | Democrat | Christopher Ranken San Mateo County. Planning Commissioner. |
Governor | Democrat | David Laughing Horse Robinson Kern County. Tribal Chairman. |
Governor | Democrat | Georgina "Georgy" Russell Santa Clara County. Software Engineer. |
Governor | Democrat | Darrin H. Scheidle San Diego County. Businessman/Entrepreneur. |
Governor | Democrat | Mike Schmier Alameda County. Attorney. |
Governor | Democrat | Christopher Sproul San Francisco County. Anti-recall candidate. Environmental Agency. |
Governor | Democrat | Lawrence Steven Strauss Los Angeles County. Lawyer/Businessperson/Student |
Governor | Democrat | Tim Sylvester Santa Cruz County. Anti-recall candidate. Entrepreneur. |
Governor | Democrat | A. Lavar Taylor Orange County. Tax Attorney. |
Governor | Democrat | Marc Valdez Sacramento County. Air Pollution Scientist. |
Governor | Democrat | William B. "Bill" Vaughn Contra Costa County. Structural Engineer. |
Governor | Democrat | Jim Weir Nevada County. Community College Teacher. |
Governor | Democrat | Lingel H. Winters Alameda County. Consumer Business Attorney. |
Governor | Democrat | Michael J. Wozniak Alameda County. Retired Police Officer. |
Kentucky 4 year term, Election Cycle: 1999, 2003. Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms | |||
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat | |||
Governor | Democrat | A.B. "Ben" Chandler Lt. Governor: Charlie Owen |
Louisiana 4 year term, Election Cycle: 1999, 2003. Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms | |||
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican | |||
Governor | Democrat | Kathleen Babineaux Blanco Outgoing Lt. Governor. Received 18% of the primary vote on 4 October 2003. Advances to 15 November runoff. |
Mississippi 4 year term, Election Cycle: 1999, 2003. Term Limit: No one can serve more than 2 4-year terms in a lifetime | |||
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat | |||
Governor | Democrat | Governor Ronnie Musgrove | |
Washington 4 year term, Election Cycle: 2000, 2004. Term Limit: None | |||
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat | |||
Governor | Democrat | (pending) Possible candidates: Attorney General Christine Gregoire |