Governors of the States of the Union
by REGION and subregion
(as elected through 2001)


the NORTHEAST* 12 States 6 Dem. 5 Rep.
New England* 6 States 2 Dem. 3 Rep.
Middle Atlantic 6 States 4 Dem. 2 Rep.

the SOUTH 13 States 7 Dem. 6 Rep.
Upper South 6 States 3 Dem. 3 Rep.
Lower South 7 States 4 Dem. 3 Rep.

the MIDWEST* 12 States 3 Dem. 8 Rep.
Great Lakes 5 States 1 Dem. 4 Rep.
Great Plains* 7 States 2 Dem. 4 Rep.

the WEST 13 States 5 Dem. 8 Rep.
Intermountain 8 States 0 Dem. 8 Rep.
Pacific 5 States 5 Dem. 0 Rep.

TOTALS* 50 States 21 Dem. 27 Rep.

* One (1) Independent elected Governor in New England [NORTHEAST].
One (1) Independent elected Governor in Great Plains[MIDWEST].


Governor's chairs up for election in 2003
by REGION and Subregion

Governor's Chairs
up for election: 2003
currently occupied
by Democrats
currently occupied
by Republicans

the NORTHEAST* 9 3 5
New England* 6 2 3
Middle Atlantic 3 1 2

the SOUTH 8 3 5
Upper South 3 -- 3
Lower South 5 3 2

the MIDWEST* 9 1 7
Great Lakes 4 -- 4
Great Plains* 5 1 3

the WEST 10 4 6
Intermountain 6 -- 6
Pacific 4 4 --

TOTALS* 36 11 23

* One (1) Governor's chair in New England [NORTHEAST]
up for election in 2003 currently occupied by Independent;
One (1) Governor's chair in Great Plains [MIDWEST]
up for election in 2003 currently occupied by Independent.


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2003 Election dates:   Chronologically   --   Alphabetically  
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  Governors     Senate     House  
  Senators by 'Class'   --   Senate Seats by Region and Subregion  
  Governors' by election 'cycle'   --   Governors by Region and Subregion  
  Off Year Election Congressional Districts  
  2003 Partisan Composition by State  
  Senate Electoral Classes  
  Change in Representation in U.S. House by REGION and Subregion between 2000 and 2002