The Green Papers
2004 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions
Copyright Louisiana Republican
Presidential Nominating Process
District Caucuses: Saturday 7 February 2004
Primary: Tuesday 9 March 2004
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Bush, George W.69,205   96.1%45 100.0%45 100.0%
Wyatt, "Bill"2,805    3.9%  
Total72,010  100.0%45 100.0%45 100.0%

States Chronologically   States Alphabetically     Republican Convention     Louisiana Democrat    
Louisiana Primaries for Statewide offices and Congress


Results from the Louisiana Secretary of State with 100% of the precincts reporting. Last update 12:44 AM CST 13 March 2004.

Results from an official source:

President George Bush, having received the most votes in each CD and the only candidate to receive 10% or more of the vote statewide, will receive all the delegates.



Saturday 7 February 2004 - District Caucuses convene to choose 21 distict delegates to the Republican National Convention. Each delegate is required to sign an affidavit stating they cast their ballot for the Presidential candidate who receives the most votes in the 9 March 2004 primary.

  • 3 National Convention Delegates are elected in each of the 7 congressional districts. The top three vote getters in each Congressional District become delegates; the next three become alternates.

Tuesday 9 March 2004 - All 45 of Louisiana's delegates to the Republican National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders in today's Louisiana Presidential Primary.

  • 21 district delegates are to be allocated to the presidential contender receiving the greatest number of votes in the primary statewide.
  • 24 (10 at-large, 11 bonus, plus 3 party leaders) of Louisiana's delegates are allocated on a proportional basis:
    • Candidates must receive at least 10% of the statewide vote to be allocated any delegates.
    • Any candidate receiving a fractional number of delegates is be allocated the nearest lower number of delegates.
    • Any delegate positions that remain open (as a result of threshold or rounding) are awarded to the candidate with the highest statewide vote total.
  • Note: An alternate source states that the 24 at-large, bonus, and party leader delegates will be selected by the Bush-Cheney committee.


  Election 2004 - Primary, Caucus, and Convention Home  
  States Alphabetically  
  Events Chronologically  
  Major Events Chronologically  
  Poll Closing Times  
  Democratic "First Determining Step" Chronologically  
  Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates  
Delegate Counts
  State by State Summary  
  Democratic Pledged and Unpledged Summary   --   Republican Pledged and Unpledged Summary  
  Democratic Hard and Floor Summary   --   Republican Hard and Floor Summary  
Delegate Allocation
  Democratic Quick Reference   --   Republican Quick Reference  
  Democratic Detailed Delegate Allocation   --   Republican Detailed Delegate Allocation  
  Democratic Delegate Selection and Voter Eligibility   --   Republican Delegate Selection and Voter Eligibility  
  Primaries at a Glance  
Ballot Access
  Democratic Candidates   --   Republican Candidates  
  Historical Analysis of the Presidential Nominating Process  
  Historical Analysis of the apportionment of delegate votes at the National Conventions of the two major parties  
  Primary/Caucus/Convention Glossary  
  Third Parties (Green, Libertarian, Reform)