The Green Papers: Midterm Election 2002 |
107th Congress (2001-2002) House Seats by State |
Ohio 2-year term (2001-2002) | |||
Partisan Composition: 11 Republicans, 6 Democrats, 2 Vacancies | |||
CD 3 | Democrat | Congressman Tony Hall Vacant Office - Resigned - 9 September 2002 |
The U.S. House of Representatives seat for the 3rd Congressional District of Ohio became vacant on 9 September 2002 when Congressman Tony P. Hall resigned to become the United States Ambassador to the United Nations Food Agencies. | |||
CD 17 | Democrat | Congressman James Traficant, Jr 30 July 2002: former Congressman Traficant was sentenced an 8 year prison term. Democratic Congressman James Traficant, Jr. was expelled from the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday 24 July by a vote of 420-1 with 9 Congressmen voting "present". The sole vote against Traficant's expulsion came from California Congressman Gary Condit, who has already lost his bid for renomination to another term in the House; the 9 Members of Congress voting "present" were: Callahan from Alabama (Republican), Young from Alaska (Republican), Bilirakis from Florida (Republican), Otter from Idaho (Republican), Hostettler and Simpson- both Republicans from Indiana, Bartlett from Maryland (Republican), Ford from Tennessee (Democrat) and Paul from Texas (Republican). The Governor of Ohio, Bob Taft, will now have to decide whether to call for a Special Election for Traficant's seat or to let it remain vacant until the 108th Congress takes office on 3 January 2003 (as a practical matter, any Special Election will probably take place at the same time as the General Election and within current CD 17 district boundaries which are different from those of the new Ohio CD 17 voting this coming 5 November). 18 July 2002: An 8 member panel from the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct found Traficant guilty of 9 of the 10 ethics violations stemming from his conviction on bribery, tax evasion and fraud charges. The committee's recommendation for explusion will be considered by the full House of Representatives. 11 April 2002: A jury in a Federal District Court in Ohio finds Congressman Traficant guilty of bribery and other corruption charges. (News item) 4 May 2001: Representative Traficant faces a 10-count federal indictment claiming that he accepted gifts in return for political favors and used his Congressional staff to work on his property. Vacant Office - Expelled 24 July 2002 |
While imprisoned, former Congressman Traficant ran an Independent candidate for "re-election" in the new CD # 17. He was not elected to another term. |