The Green Papers
2004 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions
Copyright Hawaii Democrat
Presidential Nominating Process
Precinct Caucus: Tuesday 24 February 20041
State Convention: Sunday 30 May 2004
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Kerry, John F.1,921   47.1%12.   41.4%17.   58.6%
Kucinich, Dennis J.1,273   31.2%8.   27.6%8.   27.6%
Edwards, John512   12.5%  
Dean, Howard297    7.3%  
Uncommitted44    1.1%9.   31.0% 
Clark, Wesley K.22    0.5%  
(write-in/others)7    0.2%  
Lieberman, Joe4    0.1%  
(not voting)  4.   13.8%
Total4,080  100.0%29.  100.0%29.  100.0%

States Chronologically   States Alphabetically     Democratic Convention     Hawaii Republican    
Hawaii Primaries for Statewide offices and Congress


26 May 2004 Unpledged delegate preference update: Kerry: 3. Unpledged delegates appear in the "Soft Unpledged" column.

The results of the 24 February caucuses were obtained from the Democratic Party of Hawai'i. Here's how we computer the delegate count:

  1. A candidate must receive 15% or more of the total popular vote to qualify for delegates. Discard votes cast for those candidates who do not meet the threshold.
  2. Allocate Congressional District delegates from the qualified vote in each district. Allocate Pledged PLEO and At-Large delegates using the state-wide qualified vote.
  3. In each jurisdiction (CD and statewide):
    1. Total qualified vote = total votes cast for the qualifying candidates in the jurisdiction.
    2. Allocation = (delegates for the jurisdiction) × (candidate's popular vote) ÷ (total qualified vote).
    3. Assign each candidate the WHOLE NUMBER of delegates.
    4. If delegates remain, allocate each of the remaining delegates to those candidates with the LARGEST REMAINDERS.

Delegates  20  12  8



Tuesday 24 February 2004: 20 of 29 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the preferences expressed in today's Hawaii's Presidential Precinct Caucuses. A mandatory 15 percent threshold is required in order for a presidential contender to be allocated National Convention delegates at either the Congressional District or Statewide Level.

  • 13 district delegates are to be allocated proportionally to presidential contenders based on the caucus results in each of Hawaii 2 Congressional Districts.
    • CD 1: 6
    • CD 2: 7
  • In addition, 7 delegates are to be allocated to presidential contenders based on the caucus vote statewide.
    • 4 at-large National Convention delegates
    • 3 Pledged PLEOs

Sunday 30 May 2004: State Convention.

The remaining 9 National Convention delegates consist of

  • 8 Unpledged PLEO delegates:
    • 4 Democratic National Committee members
    • 4 Members of Congress (2 Senators and 2 Representatives)
    • 0 Governors
    • 0 Distinguished Party Leaders
  • 1 Unpledged "add-on" (selected by the State Party Committee).

These 9 delegates and will go to the Democratic National Convention officially "Unpledged".

Delegation to the National Convention

Hawaii Delegation (as posted by, 4 July 2004)

Pledged District8513
Pledged PLEO213
Pledged At-Large224
Total Pledged12820
Alternate Pledged District213
Alternate Pledged PLEO000
Alternate Pledged At-Large101
Total Alternates314
Unpledged  9
Pages  2
Pledged District 1KerryRai Saint ChuHonolulu, HI
Pledged District 1KucinichBart DameHonolulu, HI
Pledged District 1KerryJoy Kobashigawa LewisHonolulu, HI
Pledged District 1KerryRussell OkataHonolulu, HI
Pledged District 1KerryRichard PortHonolulu, HI
Pledged District 1KucinichRachel ShacklefordHonolulu, HI
Pledged District 2KucinichElaine GimaKula, HI
Pledged District 2KucinichSarah HairPahoa, HI
Pledged District 2KucinichIsaac HarpLahaina, HI
Pledged District 2KerryHon. Lorraine InouyeHilo, HI
Pledged District 2KerryAndrew LevinHilo, HI
Pledged District 2KerryViolet ParisWaianae, HI
Pledged District 2KerryNorman TairaKaneohe, HI
Pledged PLEOKerryHon. Robert BundaWahiawa, HI
Pledged PLEOKerryHon. Donna Mercado KimHonolulu, HI
Pledged PLEOKucinichHon. Maile S.L. ShimabukuroWaianae, HI
Pledged At-LargeKucinichAna DiasHaiku, HI
Pledged At-LargeKerryFaye KennedyHonolulu, HI
Pledged At-LargeKucinichCecile SmithHonolulu, HI
Pledged At-LargeKerryY. Jane SugimuraAiea, HI
Alternate Pledged DistrictKucinichJoy BrannKula, HI
Alternate Pledged DistrictKerryEdward HasegawaHonolulu, HI
Alternate Pledged DistrictKerryAlbert LewisWaimanalo, HI
Alternate Pledged At-LargeKerryKarolyn MossmanKula, HI
Unpledged Add-on Alexander SantiagoHonolulu, HI
Unpledged Congressman Hon. Neil AbercrombieWashington, DC
Unpledged Congressman Hon. Ed CaseWashington, DC
Unpledged DNC Member
Delegation Chair
 Brickwood GaluteriaHonolulu, HI
Unpledged DNC Member Stephanie OhigashiWailuku, HI
Unpledged DNC Member M.Dolly StrazarHilo, HI
Unpledged DNC Member Hon. John WaiheeHonolulu, HI
Unpledged Senator Hon. Daniel AkakaWashington, DC
Unpledged Senator Hon. Daniel InouyeWashington, DC
Page Linda RosehillHI
Page Anthony TakitaniWailuku, HI

1 Democratic Party's "First Determining Step" of the delegate selection process.


  Election 2004 - Primary, Caucus, and Convention Home  
  States Alphabetically  
  Events Chronologically  
  Major Events Chronologically  
  Poll Closing Times  
  Democratic "First Determining Step" Chronologically  
  Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates  
Delegate Counts
  State by State Summary  
  Democratic Pledged and Unpledged Summary   --   Republican Pledged and Unpledged Summary  
  Democratic Hard and Floor Summary   --   Republican Hard and Floor Summary  
Delegate Allocation
  Democratic Quick Reference   --   Republican Quick Reference  
  Democratic Detailed Delegate Allocation   --   Republican Detailed Delegate Allocation  
  Democratic Delegate Selection and Voter Eligibility   --   Republican Delegate Selection and Voter Eligibility  
  Primaries at a Glance  
Ballot Access
  Democratic Candidates   --   Republican Candidates  
  Historical Analysis of the Presidential Nominating Process  
  Historical Analysis of the apportionment of delegate votes at the National Conventions of the two major parties  
  Primary/Caucus/Convention Glossary  
  Third Parties (Green, Libertarian, Reform)