State |
Statutory Election Information |
State Primary |
Alabama |
- (--2006) Section 17-16-6. Presidential preference primaries and primary elections, except special primary elections ... shall be held on the first Tuesday in June.... 17-16-36.(b) If no candidate receives a majority of all of the votes cast in the primary election ... then there shall be held a second primary election on the sixth Tuesday following the primary election....
- (2006-2011) Section 17-13-3. Primary elections, except special primary elections and presidential preference primaries ... shall be held on the first Tuesday in June.
Section 17-13-18. (b) If no candidate receives a majority of all of the votes cast ..., then there shall be held a second primary election on the sixth Tuesday following the primary election.
- (2011-2015) ... primary elections ... shall be held on the first Tuesday in June. When necessary ... a second or runoff primary election shall be held on the sixth
Tuesday following the primary election. [§17-13-3 (a)]
In years in which a presidential primary is conducted, the primary election shall be the second Tuesday in March. [§17-13-3 (b)]
- (2015-2019) ... primary elections ... shall be held on the first Tuesday in June. When necessary ... a second or runoff primary election shall be held on the sixth
Tuesday following the primary election. [§17-13-3 (a)]
In years in which a presidential primary is conducted, the primary election shall be the first Tuesday in March. [§17-13-3 (b)]
- (2019--) ... primary elections ... shall be held on the 4th Tuesday in May. When necessary ... a second or runoff primary election shall be held on the 4th
Tuesday following the primary election. [§17-13-3 (a)]
In years in which a presidential primary is conducted, the primary election shall be the first Tuesday in March. [§17-13-3 (b)]
Alaska |
- (--2013) 4th Tuesday in August of every even-numbered year [AK Statutes 15.25.020]
- (2013--) ... third Tuesday in August of every even-numbered year. [AK Statutes 15.25.020]
American Samoa |
Arizona |
- (--2007) 8th Tuesday before any General or Special Election
[AZ Revised Statutes 16-201]... except,
Local Primary may be held no later than 30 days before a scheduled municipal election.
[AZ Revised Statutes 16-203]
- (2008-2009) 9th Tuesday prior to a general or special election
[AZ Revised Statutes Title 16, Chapter 2, Article 1, 16-201]... except,
Local Primary may be held no later than 30 days before a scheduled municipal election.
[AZ Revised Statutes Title 16, Chapter 2, Article 1, 16-203]
- (2009-2019) 10th Tuesday prior to a general or special election
[AZ Revised Statutes Title 16, Chapter 2, Article 1, 16-201 SB 1074 s/13 July 2009]... except,
Local Primary may be held no later than 30 days before a scheduled municipal election.
[AZ Revised Statutes Title 16, Chapter 2, Article 1, 16-203]
- (2019--) A primary election shall be held on the 1st Tuesday in August in any year in which a General Election or Special Election is held....
[AZ Revised Statutes Title 16, Chapter 2, Article 1, 16-201 SB 1074 s/13 July 2009]... except,
Local Primary may be held no later than 30 days before a scheduled municipal election.
[AZ Revised Statutes Title 16, Chapter 2, Article 1, 16-203]
- (2024-2024) H.B. 2785 § 20. Primary election date 2024. Notwithstanding section 16-204 ... the 2024 primary election shall be held on July 30, 2024.
Arkansas |
- (--2017) per AR Code 7-7-203(a), what the statutes call a "General Primary Election" is held on the 2nd Tuesday in June (for 2016, the 4th Tuesday in March) prior to the General Election.
[NOTE: this is, in fact, what would normally be called a "Runoff Election"];
per AR Code 7-7-203(b), what the statutes call a "Preferential Primary Election" is held exactly 3 weeks prior to the so-called "General Primary Election".
[NOTE: this is, in fact, what would normally be called a "(First) Primary Election" in those States with Runoff Elections]
- (2017-2019) per AR Code 7-7-203(a), what the statutes call a "General Primary Election" is held on the 3nd Tuesday in June preceding the General Election. [NOTE: this is, in fact, what would normally be called a "Runoff Election"];
per AR Code 7-7-203(b), what the statutes call a "Preferential Primary Election" is held exactly 4 weeks prior to the so-called "General Primary Election" [NOTE: this is, in fact, what would normally be called a "(First) Primary Election" in those States with Runoff Elections]
- (2019--) The preferential primary election shall be held on: For years in which the office of Governor will appear on the ballot ..., on the Tuesday 4 weeks before the general primary election; and For years in which the office of President of the United States will appear on the ballot ..., on the 1st Tuesday after the first Monday in March. [AR Code 7-7-203(b)(1)(2) NOTE: this is, in fact, what would normally be called a "(First) Primary Election" in those States with Runoff Elections.]
The general primary election shall be held on: For years in which the office of Governor will appear on the ballot at the general election, on the 3rd Tuesday in June ...; and For years in which the office of President of the United States will appear on the ballot ..., on the Tuesday 4 weeks following the preferential primary election. [AR Code 7-7-203(a)(1)(2) NOTE: this is, in fact, what would normally be called a "Runoff Election".]
California |
- (--2004) 1st Tuesday in March of even-numbered years
[CA Elections Code 1000c, 1201a]
- (2005-2018) The first Tuesday after the first Monday in June in even-numbered years. [CA Elections Code 1000c, 1201a]
Special Elections:
The Governor shall call ... special elections .. within 14 calendar days of the occurrence of the vacancy [CA Elections Code 10700]
A special election to fill a vacancy in the office of
Representative in Congress, State Senator, or Member of Assembly
shall be conducted on a Tuesday at least 112 days, but not more than
126 days, following the issuance of an election proclamation by the
Governor ... [CA Elections Code 10703 (a)]
A special primary ... shall be held ... on the eighth Tuesday or, if the eighth Tuesday is the day of or the day following a state holiday, the ninth Tuesday preceding the day of the special general election .... [CA Elections Code 10704 (a)] [or when] A statewide or local election ... is scheduled for the ninth Tuesday preceding the day of the special general election. [CA Elections Code 10704 (b)(2)]
- (2019-2020) The statewide direct primary shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March of each even-numbered year [CA Elections Code 1201.(a)].
Special Elections:
The Governor shall call ... special elections .. within 14 calendar days of the occurrence of the vacancy [CA Elections Code 10700]
A special election to fill a vacancy in the office of
Representative in Congress, State Senator, or Member of Assembly
shall be conducted on a Tuesday at least 112 days, but not more than
126 days, following the issuance of an election proclamation by the
Governor ... [CA Elections Code 10703 (a)]
A special primary ... shall be held ... on the eighth Tuesday or, if the eighth Tuesday is the day of or the day following a state holiday, the ninth Tuesday preceding the day of the special general election .... [CA Elections Code 10704 (a)] [or when] A statewide or local election ... is scheduled for the ninth Tuesday preceding the day of the special general election. [CA Elections Code 10704 (b)(2)]
- (2020--) The statewide direct primary shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June of each even-numbered year that is not evenly divisible by four and on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March in each even-numbered year that is evenly divisible by four. [CA Elections Code 1201.(a)].
Special Elections:
The Governor shall call ... special elections .. within 14 calendar days of the occurrence of the vacancy [CA Elections Code 10700]
A special election to fill a vacancy in the office of
Representative in Congress, State Senator, or Member of Assembly
shall be conducted on a Tuesday at least 112 days, but not more than
126 days, following the issuance of an election proclamation by the
Governor ... [CA Elections Code 10703 (a)]
A special primary ... shall be held ... on the eighth Tuesday or, if the eighth Tuesday is the day of or the day following a state holiday, the ninth Tuesday preceding the day of the special general election .... [CA Elections Code 10704 (a)] [or when] A statewide or local election ... is scheduled for the ninth Tuesday preceding the day of the special general election. [CA Elections Code 10704 (b)(2)]
Colorado |
- (--2011) 2nd Tuesday in August of even-numbered years
[CO Revised Statutes 1-4-101(1)]
- (2011--) ... a primary election shall be held ... on the last Tuesday in June of even-numbered years ... [CO Revised Statutes 1-4-101(1)]
Connecticut |
- (--2004) CONNECTICUT utilizes a system of so-called "challenge primaries" (a term used by political scientists to describe the process but not found among the actual wording of the statutes)...
- the date of such a "challenge primary" is set for the 56th day prior to the General Election
(CT General Statutes 9-423)
- political party conventions at the state and district levels are authorized to convene no earlier than the 68th day before, and may not close later than the 50th day before, the date of the "challenge primary"
(CT General Statutes 9-383)
- if no person other than a party-endorsed candidate receives at least 15 percent of the delegate vote for any given office voted on at any political party convention, the party-endorsed candidate is declared nominated (in other words, there are no "challengers" to run against the party-endorsed candidate in a "challenge primary") and the primary election re: that office re: that political party is not held.
(CT General Statutes 9-416)
- per CT General Statutes 9-376a(1):
If the statutory primary date (the 56th day prior to the General Election) should fall on a date on which the tenets of a religion prohibit secular activity, the primary is to be moved to the next succeeding date that is not either a legal holiday or such religious holiday.
[NOTE: this appears to have been adopted to take into account the possibility that an early September primary date could, at times, conflict with the Jewish high holy days of Rosh Hashanah or (more rarely) Yom Kippur (Rosh Hashanah is a two-day religious holiday and would push the primary to the Thursday next after the 56th day prior to the General Election; Yom Kippur would push the primary to the next Wednesday)]
- per CT General Statutes 9-376a(2):
If the statutory primary date (the 56th day prior to the General Election) should fall on the Tuesday immediately following Labor Day, the primary is to be moved to the next succeeding Tuesday.
[NOTE: this is possible in years when the General Election Day falls on either 2 or 3 November: in such years, the 56th day prior to the General Election would be on 7 or 8 September, respectively- in each case, the day after Labor Day... the primary would then have to be moved back one week (to 14 or 15 September, respectively)]
- (2004--) CONNECTICUT utilizes a system of so-called "challenge primaries" (a term used by political scientists to describe the process but not found among the actual wording of the statutes)...
- the date of such a "challenge primary" is set for the on the second Tuesday in August
(CT General Statutes 9-423(a))
- political party conventions at the state and district levels are authorized to convene no earlier than the 98th day before, and may not close later than the 77th day before, the date of the "challenge primary"
(CT General Statutes 9-383)
- if no person other than a party-endorsed candidate receives at least 15 percent of the delegate vote for any given office voted on at any political party convention, the party-endorsed candidate is declared nominated (in other words, there are no "challengers" to run against the party-endorsed candidate in a "challenge primary") and the primary election re: that office re: that political party is not held.
(CT General Statutes 9-416)
Delaware |
- Primary elections for all political parties shall be conducted on the 2nd Tuesday after the 1st Monday in September, except in 2018, when said elections shall be conducted on 6 September 2018. [Delaware Code, Title 15, Chapter 31, §3101 (3)]. [If the date is a holiday, the election is held 1 week earlier -Ed]
District of Columbia |
- (--2011) ... primary elections ... shall be held on the 1st Tuesday after the 2nd Monday in September ... [D.C. Official Code Division I. Title 1. Chapter 10. Elections. Subchapter I. Regulation of Elections. §1-1001.10(3)(A) and (C)]
- (2012-2015) ... primary elections ... shall be held on the 1st Tuesday in April ... [D.C. Official Code Division I. Title 1. Chapter 10. Elections. Subchapter I. Regulation of Elections. § 1-1001.10(a)]
- (2015-2016) ... primary elections ... shall be held on the 2nd Tuesday in June of 2016 and the 1st Tuesday in September of each even-numbered year thereafter ... [D.C. Official Code Division I. Title 1. Chapter 10. Elections. Subchapter I. Regulation of Elections. § 1-1001.10(a)(3)(A)]
- (2017-2019) ... primary elections ... shall be held on the 3nd Tuesday in June of 2018 in each even-numbered year thereafter ... [D.C. Official Code Division I. Title 1. Chapter 10. Elections. Subchapter I. Regulation of Elections. § 1-1001.10(a)(3)(A)] [Primary Date Alteration Emergency Amendment Act Of 2017]
- (2019--) ... primary elections ... 1st Tuesday in June in a presidential election year and on the 3rd Tuesday in June of each even-numbered non-presidential election year ... [D.C. Official Code Division I. Title 1. Chapter 10. Elections. Subchapter I. Regulation of Elections. § 1-1001.10(a)(3)(A)]
Florida |
- (--2006) the Tuesday exactly 9 weeks before the General Election
(FL Statutes 100.061)
NOTE: Through the 2000 Elections, FLORIDA scheduled a potential "Second Primary" (that is, a runoff in all cases where no candidate achieved a majority of the vote in the Primary scheduled as above)- authorized by FL Statutes 100.091- for four weeks after the Primary (that is, 5 weeks before the General Election). In 2001, however, temporary uncodified legislation did away with this "Second Primary" for the 2002 Elections only while subsequent legislation, adopted in 2004, did away with Section 100.091 altogether. Thus, Florida no longer has a "second ballot" or runoff Primary system and has joined the majority of the States of the Union in making their Primary "first past the post" (that is, nomination by simple plurality).
- (2007-2011) In each year in which a general election is held, a primary election for nomination of candidates of political parties shall be held on the Tuesday 10 weeks prior to the general election. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes cast in each contest in the primary election shall be declared nominated for such office. [FL Statutes 100.061]
- (2011-2013) In each year in which a general election is held, a primary election for nomination of candidates of political parties shall be held on the Tuesday 12 weeks prior to the general election. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes ... shall be declared nominated.... If two or more candidates receive an equal and highest number of votes ..., such candidates shall draw lots to determine which candidate is nominated. [FL Statutes 100.061]
- (2014-2019) ... a primary election for nomination of candidates of political parties shall be held on the Tuesday 10 weeks prior to the general election. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes ... shall be declared nominated.... If two or more candidates receive an equal and highest number of votes ..., such candidates shall draw lots to determine which candidate is nominated. [FL Statutes 100.061]
- (2019--) ... a primary election for nomination of candidates of political parties shall be held on the Tuesday 11 weeks prior to the general election. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes ... shall be declared nominated.... If two or more candidates receive an equal and highest number of votes ..., such candidates shall draw lots to determine which candidate is nominated. [FL Statutes 100.061]
Georgia |
- (--2013) 3d Tuesday in July in even-numbered years
(Official Code of GA 21-2-150(a) )
when the above date falls during a week when one of the two Major Parties is holding its National Nominating Convention-- in which case:
2d Tuesday in July
(Official Code of GA 21-2-150(b)(1) )
when the above date (that in OCG 21-2-150(a) ) is in a year immediately following the release of US Census data re: the reapportionment/redistricting of Members of Congress or of the General Assembly (GA's legislature)-- in which case: next to last Tuesday in August
(Official Code of GA 21-2-150(b)(2) )
[NOTE: the provision in OCG 21-2-150(b)(2)- the August primary date- is in force in 2002; for 2004, the July primary date will- presumably- be resumed]
If no candidate should receive a majority of the vote in the primary held per the various sections of OCG 21-2-150, a "runoff" will be held on the date 21 days following the date of the State primary.
(Official Code of GA 21-2-501(a) )
- (2013-2014) On 12 July 2013, U.S. District Judge Steve Jones ordered Georgia to move the primary from 15 July 2014 to
3 June 20 May. The General Election run off would move from 2 December to 6 January 2015. Find the original order Civil Action No 1:12-cv-2230-SCJ here. Find the order updated 21 August 2013 (changed to avoid having to conduct advance voting during Memorial Day Weekend) here.
- "The State's federal primary election shall be held on the Tuesday ... 24 weeks before the federal general election." [Civil Action No 1:12-cv-2230-SCJ page 6 of 9]
- The State's federal primary runoff election shall be held 15 weeks before the federal general election." [Civil Action No 1:12-cv-2230-SCJ page 7 of 9]
- ... the State's federal general election shall be held on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November...." [Civil Action No 1:12-cv-2230-SCJ page 7 of 9]
- The State's federal general runoff election shall be held on the Tuesday nine (9) weeks after the federal general election." [Civil Action No 1:12-cv-2230-SCJ page 7 of 9]
- (2014-2021) ... Tuesday of the twenty-fourth week prior to the November general election in each even-numbered year....[Official Code of GA 21-2-150]
... where no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast, a run-off primary, special primary runoff, run-off election, or special election runoff between the candidates receiving the two highest numbers of votes shall be held. [21-2-501(a)(1)]
If any candidate ... in a runoff withdraws, dies, or is found to be ineligible, the remaining candidates receiving the two highest numbers of votes shall be the candidates in the runoff. [21-2-501(a)(7)]
... a runoff ... shall be held on the Tuesday of the 9th week following such ... primary. [21-2-501 (a)(2) and (5)]
... a runoff ... shall be held on the Tuesday of the 9th week following such general election. [21-2-501 (a)(3)]
... a runoff ... for an office other than a federal office ... shall be held on the 28th day after the ... general election [21-2-501 (a)(4)]
... a runoff ... for an office other than a federal office ... shall be held on the 28th day after the ... special primary or special election. [21-2-501 (a)(6)]
- (2021--) ... Tuesday of the twenty-fourth week prior to the November general election in each even-numbered year....[Official Code of GA 21-2-150]
... where no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast, a run-off primary, special primary runoff, run-off election, or special election runoff between the candidates receiving the two highest numbers of votes shall be held. [21-2-501(a)(1)]
If any candidate ... in a runoff withdraws, dies, or is found to be ineligible, the remaining candidates receiving the two highest numbers of votes shall be the candidates in the runoff. [21-2-501(a)(2)]
... a runoff ... shall be held on the twenty-eighth day after the ... election. [21-2-501 (a)(1)]
Guam |
- (--2012) The primary shall be held ... on the first Saturday of September in every even-numbered year. [Guam Code Annotated. Title 3: Elections Chapter 16: Conduct of Primary elections. §16201]
The Organic Act of Guam, 48 U. S. C. §1422, provides, inter alia, that "[i]f no [slate of] candidates [for Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Guam] receive[s] a majority of the votes cast in any election, ... a
runoff election shall be held."
- (2012-2022) The primary shall be conducted ... on the last Saturday
of August in every even-numbered year. [Guam Code Annotated. Title 3: Elections Chapter 15: Conduct of Primary elections. §15201].
The Governor of Guam, together with the Lieutenant Governor, shall be elected by a majority of the votes .... The Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall be chosen jointly, by the casting by each voter of a single vote applicable to both offices. If no candidates receive a majority of the votes cast ... on the fourteenth day thereafter a runoff election shall be held between the candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor receiving the highest and second highest number of votes .... [The Organic Act of Guam, 48 U. S. C. §1422]
- (2023--) The primary shall be conducted ... on the 1st Saturday of August in every even-numbered year. [Guam Code Annotated. Title 3: Elections Chapter 15: Conduct of Primary elections. §15201].
Hawaii |
- (--2011) 2nd to last Saturday in September in even-numbered years.
(HI Revised Statutes 12-2)
- (2012--) ... on the second Saturday of August in every even numbered year.
(HI Revised Statutes 12-2)
The person ... receiving the greatest number of votes at the primary ... as a candidate of a party ... shall be the candidate of the party at the following general or special general election (HI Revised Statutes 12-41(a)).
Any nonpartisan candidate receiving at least ten per cent of the total votes cast for the office ... at the primary or special primary, or a vote equal to the lowest vote received by the partisan candidate who was nominated in the primary or special primary, shall also be a candidate at the following election (HI Revised Statutes 12-41(a)).
Idaho |
- (--2010) A primary election shall be held on the fourth Tuesday in May, 1980, and every two (2) years thereafter on the above-mentioned Tuesday. [ID Code 34-601(1)]
- (2011--) Primary elections shall be held on the third Tuesday of May in each even-numbered year. [Idaho Statutes Title 34 Chapter 1. 34-102. s/ 23 February 2011]
30 March 2023: HB 138 was thought to consolidate the presidential primary with the state Primary so that all primary elections are held on the 3rd Tuesday in May ... but it does not specifically add a Presidential Primary to the state primary on the 3rd Tuesday in May so it effectively eliminates the Presidential Primary.
Illinois |
- (--2007) 3d Tuesday in March in even-numbered years.
(IL Compiled Statutes 10-5/2A-1.1(a) )
- (2007-2010) In even-numbered years ... an election to be known as the general primary election shall be held on the first Tuesday in February (IL Compiled Statutes 10-5/2A-1.1(a) )
- (2010--) In even-numbered years ... an election to be known as the general primary election shall be held on the third Tuesday in March (IL Compiled Statutes 10-5/2A-1.1(a) ) [17 March 2010: Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed SB 355, which moves the primary from the first Tuesday in February to the third Tuesday in March.]
- (2022-2022) The provisions of this Section shall apply for the dates for the 2022 general primary election ... only ... [10 ILCS 5/2A-1.1b 2A-1.1b. (a)].
The general primary election shall be held on June 28, 2022. [10 ILCS 5/2A-1.1b 2A-1.1b. (k)]
Indiana |
- 1st Tuesday after 1st Monday in May in even-numbered years.
(IN Code 3-10-1-3)
Iowa |
- The primary election by all political parties shall be held ... on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June in each even-numbered year. [Merged Iowa Code & Supplement 43.7]
Kansas |
- 1st Tuesday in August in even-numbered years
[KS Statutes 25-203]
Kentucky |
- (--2008) (KRS 118.025(3)) 1st Tuesday after 3rd Monday in May.
(KRS 118.245) (1) The candidate for office, other than the offices of Governor and Lieutenant Governor, receiving the highest number of votes in a primary ... shall be the nominee .... (2) A slate of candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor that receives not less than forty percent (40%) of its party's votes cast shall be the nominee ... except that if two (2) slates of candidates receive forty percent (40%) or more of their party's votes, the slate receiving the higher number of votes shall be its party's nominee, and no runoff primary shall be conducted.
(KSR 118.025 (4)) A runoff primary shall be held thirty-five (35) days after the date of the May primary, if it shall be necessary, pursuant to KRS 118.245, unless that date falls on a holiday; in that case, a runoff primary shall be held on the succeeding Tuesday. However, if either a primary election is contested or a recount of the votes cast in a primary is requested, a runoff primary shall be held on the first Tuesday following the thirty-fifth day following the conclusion of any contest proceeding or recount, if it shall be necessary, unless that date falls on a holiday; in that case, a runoff primary shall be held on the succeeding Tuesday.
- (2008--) (KRS 118.025(3)) 1st Tuesday after 3rd Monday in May.
(KRS 118.245) (1) The candidate for office, other than the offices of Governor and Lieutenant Governor, receiving the highest number of votes in a primary election for the office ... shall be the nominee .... (2) The slate of candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor receiving the highest number of votes in a primary shall be the nominees ....
Louisiana |
- (--2006) for Federal office: 1st Saturday in October of even-numbered years [La. Revised Statutes 18:402B(1) (Note: Federal courts have ruled that this date violates Federal statute 2 USC 7 because it allows for candidates to be formally elected to Congress prior to the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, the date set for Congressional elections by that Federal statute)
for State office: 2d to last Saturday in October of odd-numbered years [La. Revised Statutes 18:402A(1)] (this is the so-called "Open Primary" in which all candidates- regardless of Party- run against each other "all up" on one ballot; if a candidate should receive at least a majority of the total vote in this Primary, he/she is declared to have been elected and there is no election for the office in question come the General Election)
- (2007-2010) SENATE BILL NO. 18 §1275.2 B. [RS 18:402 B (1)] Congressional first party primary elections shall be held on the first Saturday in September of an election year. [RS 18:402 B (2)] Congressional second party primary elections shall be held on the first Saturday in October of an election year.
SENATE BILL NO. 18 §1275.14. A. In the event that no candidate receives a majority vote in the first party primary, the two candidates from each political party, who received the greatest number of votes in the first party primary shall be voted on in the second party primary.
RS 18.402.G. Prohibited days. No election of any kind shall be held in this state on any of the days of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkoth, Shimini Atzereth, Simchas Torah, the first two days and the last two days of Passover, Shavuoth, Fast of AV, the two days preceding Labor Day or the three days preceding Easter. If the date of any election falls on any of the above named days, the election shall be held on the same weekday of the preceding week. If the date of the election for a second party primary is advanced pursuant to this Subsection, the first party primary shall also be advanced by the same number of weeks.
- (2011-2014) • Elections for governor and officers ... shall be held every four years, beginning in 1983. ... primary elections shall be held on the second to last Saturday in October ... general elections shall be held on the fourth Saturday after the second to last Saturday in October ... [RS 18:402 A.(1) and A.(2)]
• Congressional elections ...shall be held every two years, beginning in 1982. Primary elections ... shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November ... General elections ... shall be held on the first Saturday in December ... [RS 18:402 B.(1) and B.(2)]
• A candidate ... who receives a majority of the votes cast ... in a primary election is elected. [RS 18:511 A.]
• No election of any kind shall be held in this state on any of the days of Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, Simchat Torah, the first two days and the last two days of Passover, Shavuot, Tish'a B'Av, the two days preceding Labor Day or the three days preceding Easter. If the date of any election falls on any of the above-named days, the election shall be held on the same weekday of the preceding week. [RS 18:402 G.]
- (2015--) • Elections for governor and officers ... shall be held every four years, beginning in 1983. ... primary elections shall be ... on the third to last Saturday in October ... general elections shall be ... on the fifth Saturday after the third to last Saturday in October ... [RS 18:402 A.(1) and A.(2)]
• Congressional elections ...shall be ... every two years, beginning in 1982. Primary elections ... shall be ... on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November ... General elections ... shall be ... on the fifth Saturday after the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November ... [RS 18:402 B.(1) and B.(2)]
• A candidate ... who receives a majority of the votes cast ... in a primary election is elected. [RS 18:511 A.]
• No election ... shall be held ... on ... Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, Simchat Torah, the first two days and the last two days of Passover, Shavuot, Tish'a B'Av, the two days preceding Labor Day or the three days preceding Easter. If the date of any election falls on ... the above ... the election shall be held on the same weekday of the preceding week. If the date for the primary election is advanced ... the general election shall be advanced the same number of weeks .... If the date for the general election is advanced ... the primary election shall be advanced the same number of weeks .... [RS 18:402 G.]
Maine |
- 2nd Tuesday of June of each general election year [Title 21-A, Chapter 5, Subchapter 1, section 339]
Maryland |
- (--2011) [Election Law §8 201] (a)(1) There shall be a statewide primary election in every even-numbered year. (2) A primary election shall be held:
(i) in the year in which the Governor is elected, on the second Tuesday after the first Monday in September.
- (2011-2011) [Election Law §8 201] (a)(1) There shall be a statewide primary election in every even-numbered year. (2) A primary election shall be held: (i) in the year in which the Governor is elected, on the second Tuesday after the first Monday in September; and (ii) in the year in which the President of the United States is elected, on the second Tuesday in February.
- (2012-2015) [Election Law §8 201] (a)(1) There shall be a statewide primary election in every even-numbered year. (2) A primary election shall be held: (i) in the year in which the Governor is elected, on the last Tuesday in June; and (ii) in the year in which the President of the United States is elected, on the first Tuesday in April.
- (2015-2023) [Election Law §8 201] (a)(1) There shall be a statewide primary election in every even-numbered year. (2) A primary election shall be held: (i) in the year in which the Governor is elected, on the last Tuesday in June; and (ii) in the year in which the President of the United States is elected, on the 4th Tuesday in April.
- (2023--) [Election Law §8 201] (a)(1) There shall be a statewide primary election in every even-numbered year. (2) A primary election shall be held: (i) in the year in which the Governor is elected, on the last Tuesday in June; and (ii) in the year in which the President of the United States is elected, on the 2nd Tuesday in May.
Massachusetts |
- Governor Duval Patrick signed HB 3764 on 26 November 2013. The bill moves the 2014 primary date from 16 September to 9 September. The bill only applies to 2014. "Notwithstanding the provisions of section 28 of chapter 53 of the General Laws or any other special or general law to the contrary, the state primary in 2014 shall be held on September 9, 2014.".
"SECTION 8A. (a) Notwithstanding section 28 of chapter 53 of the
General Laws, or any other general or special law to the contrary, the
state primary for the calendar year 2012 shall be held on Thursday,
September 6. -- HB3788 s/11 November 2011
State primaries shall be held on the seventh Tuesday preceding biennial state elections and on the fourth Tuesday preceding special state elections, except that primaries before special elections for senator or representative in congress shall be held on the sixth Tuesday preceding said elections. [The General Laws of Massachusetts, Title VIII, Chapter 53: Section 28.]
- (2019-2020) Governor Governor Charlie Baker signed HB 4246 on 13 December 2019. SECTION 83. Notwithstanding section 28 of chapter 53 of the General Laws or any other
general or special law to the contrary, the state primary in 2020 shall be held on Tuesday, September 1, 2020.
Michigan |
- Tuesday immediately following the 1st Monday in August next preceding a General Election for a given office for which candidates are to be nominated in the Primary
[MI Act 116 of 1954-168.534]
Minnesota |
- (--2010) The state primary shall be held on the first Tuesday after the second Monday in September in each even-numbered year. [204D.03 Subdivision 1]
- (2010--) The state primary shall be held on the second Tuesday in August in each even-numbered year. [204D.03 Subdivision 1] [amended 3 March 2010 by S.F. No. 2251]
Mississippi |
- For local and state elections:
The first primary shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of August preceding any regular or general election; and the second primary shall be held three (3) weeks thereafter. Any candidate who receives the highest popular vote cast for the office which he seeks in the first primary shall thereby become the nominee of the party for such office; provided also it be a majority of all the votes cast for that office. If no candidate receives such majority of popular votes in the first primary, then the two (2) candidates who receive the highest popular vote for such office shall have their names submitted as such candidates to a second primary, and the candidate who leads in such second primary shall be nominated to the office. When there is a tie in the first primary of those receiving next highest vote, these two (2) and the one (1) receiving the highest vote, none having received a majority, shall go into the second primary, and whoever leads in such second primary shall be entitled to the nomination. (Mississippi Code Ann. § 23-15-191)
For Federal elections:
... the first primary election for Congressmen shall be held on the first Tuesday in June of the years in which congressmen are elected, and the second primary, when one is necessary, shall be held three (3) weeks thereafter. Each year in which a presidential election is held, the congressional primary shall be held as provided in Section 23-15-1081 (second Tuesday in March -Ed). (Mississippi Code Ann. § 23-15-1031)
... Any candidate who receives the highest popular vote cast for the office which he seeks in the first primary shall thereby become the nominee of the party for such office; provided also it be a majority of all the votes cast for that office. If no candidate receive such majority of popular votes in the first primary, then the two (2) candidates who receive the highest popular vote for such office shall have their names submitted as such candidates to a second primary, and the candidate who leads in such second primary shall be nominated to the office. When there is a tie in the first primary of those receiving next highest vote, these two (2) and the one (1) receiving the highest vote, none having received a majority, shall go into the second primary, and whoever leads in such second primary shall be entitled to the nomination. (Mississippi Code Ann. § 23-15-191)
... when a political party elects to conduct a presidential preference primary, the first primary election for congressmen, and senators, if senators are to be elected, shall be held on the second Tuesday in March, and the second primary, when one is necessary, shall be held three (3) weeks thereafter ... (Mississippi Code Ann. § 23-15-1083)
Missouri |
- 1st Tuesday after 1st Monday in August in even-numbered years
[MO Revised Statutes 115.121.2]
Montana |
- 13-1-107. Times for holding primary elections. (1) On the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June preceding the general election provided for in 13-1-104(1), a primary election shall be held throughout the state. [Montana Code Annotated]
Nebraska |
- The statewide primary election shall be held on the first Tuesday after the second Monday in May in even-numbered years. The statewide primary election shall be held for the purposes of (1) nominating all candidates to be voted for at the statewide general election except (a) candidates who were unopposed at the primary election and not required to be on the ballot and (b) candidates who petition on the ballot or are nominated by their political party, ... [State of Nebraska Statutes Section 32-401]
Nevada |
- (--2009) The primary election must be held on the 12th Tuesday before the general election in each even-numbered year. [NRS 293.175 1.]
- (2009--) The primary election must be held on the second Tuesday in June of
each even-numbered year. [NRS 293.175] (Governor Gibbons signed SB 162 on 28 May 2009. The bill becomes effective 1 October 2009 and moves the primary from August to the second Tuesday in June).
New Hampshire |
- The state primary election shall be held on the second Tuesday in September of every even-numbered year. [RSA 653:8]
New Jersey |
- (1968-2011) The Tuesday immediately following the first Monday in June [19:2-1] ... the Secretary of State may change the date ... if the date coincides with a period of religious observance ... the secretary shall inform the ... boards of election of the adjustment no later than the first working day in January of the year in which the adjustments are to occur. (A3186, 25 September 2008) [19:2-1]
- (2011--) Primary elections for ... the general election shall be held in each year on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in June (A3777, 26 September 2011) [N.J.S.A. 19:2-1, N.J.S.A. 19:23-40].
- (2025-2025) Notwithstanding the provisions of any law, rule, or regulation to the contrary, the primary election currently scheduled to take place on June 3, 2025 shall be rescheduled to take place on June 10, 2025. [ASSEMBLY Number A-5152/S-3965].
New Mexico |
- 1-8-11. Primary Election Law; time of holding primary. A primary election shall be held in each county in this state on the first Tuesday in June of each even-numbered year. [Statutory Chapters in New Mexico Statutes Annotated 1978]
New York |
- (--2012) A primary election, to be known as the fall primary, shall be held on the first Tuesday after the second Monday in September before every general election unless otherwise changed by an act of the legislature [CHAPTER SEVENTEEN OF THE CONSOLIDATED LAWS, ELECTION LAW, Article 8, Title 1, Section 8-100. 1. (a)]
- (2012-2013) 27 January 2012: U.S. District Court Judge Gary L. Sharpe ruled that the New York 2012 primaries for U.S. House and U.S Senate races will be held on the 4th Tuesday in June, beginning 26 June 2012. The MOVE act requires 45 days between the Primary and the General Election for overseas ballots to be sent and returned. [Case 1:10-cv-01214-GLS-RFT]
- (2014-2017) 12 December 2013 / 29 October 2015: U.S. District Court Judge Gary L. Sharpe ruled that the New York 2012-2016 primaries for U.S. House and U.S Senate races will be held on the 4th Tuesday in June. The MOVE act requires 45 days between the Primary and the General Election for overseas ballots to be sent and returned. [Case 1:10-cv-01214-GLS-RFT]
- (2018-2018) On 2 March 2018, New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo (Democratic) signed AB8917 which, for 2018 only, moves the state and local partisan primary from Tuesday 11 September to Thursday 13 September. "... the 2018 fall primary shall be held on Thursday, September 13, 2018..." [Section 1].
- (2019--) A primary election shall be held on the fourth Tuesday in June.... [CHAPTER SEVENTEEN OF THE CONSOLIDATED LAWS, ELECTION LAW, Article 8, Title 1, Section 8-100. 1. (a)]
North Carolina |
- (--2012) On Tuesday next after the first Monday in May preceding
each general election to be held in November [NCGA General Statutes - Chapter 163. § 163-1 (b)]
If ... there is more than one person seeking nomination, the substantial plurality shall be ... forty percent (40%) .... the aspirant who obtains a
substantial plurality shall be declared the nominee ... If two candidates receive a substantial plurality, the candidate receiving the highest vote shall be declared the nominee. [NCGA General Statutes - Chapter 163. § 163-111 (a)(1)]
If .. no aspirant receives a substantial plurality ... the aspirant receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared nominated ... unless the aspirant
receiving the second highest number of votes shall request a second primary .... In the second primary only the two aspirants who received the highest and next highest number of votes shall be voted for. [NCGA General Statutes - Chapter 163. § 163-111 (b)(1)]
If a second primary is required ... the ... board ... shall order that it be held seven weeks after the first primary. [NCGA General Statutes - Chapter 163. § 163-111 (3)(e)]
- (2012-2015) On Tuesday next after the first Monday in May preceding
each general election to be held in November [NCGA General Statutes - Chapter 163. § 163-1. b.]
If ... there is more than one person seeking nomination, the substantial plurality shall be ... forty percent (40%) .... the aspirant who obtains a
substantial plurality shall be declared the nominee ... If two candidates receive a substantial plurality, the candidate receiving the highest vote shall be declared the nominee. [NCGA General Statutes - Chapter 163. § 163-111 (a)(1)]
If .. no aspirant receives a substantial plurality ... the aspirant receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared nominated ... unless the aspirant
receiving the second highest number of votes shall request a second primary .... In the second primary only the two aspirants who received the highest and next highest number of votes shall be voted for. [NCGA General Statutes - Chapter 163. § 163-111 (b)(1)]
If a second primary is required ... the ... board ... shall order that it be held 10 weeks after the first primary if any of the offices ... is for .. United States Senate or ... House of Representatives. Otherwise, the second primary will be held 7 weeks after the first primary. [NCGA General Statutes - Chapter 163. § 163-111 (3)(e)]
- (2016-2017) ... the primary election in 2016 shall be conducted on the same date as the 2016 presidential preference primary [15 March 2016] ... [House Bill 373 SECTION 2.(a)]
... if a second primary is required ... the appropriate board of elections... shall order that it be held May 24, 2016, if any of the offices for which a second primary is required are for a candidate for the office of United States Senate or member of the United States House of Representatives. Otherwise, the second primary shall be held May 3, 2016. [House Bill 373 SECTION 2.(d)]
- (2018-2019) On Tuesday next after the first Monday in May preceding
each general election to be held in November [NCGA General Statutes - Chapter 163. § 163-1. b.]
If a nominee for a single office is to be selected, and there is more than one person seeking nomination, the substantial plurality shall be ... 30% ... the aspirant who obtains a substantial plurality shall be declared the nominee. If two candidates receive a substantial plurality, the candidate receiving the highest vote shall be declared the nominee. [NCGA General Statutes - Chapter 163. § 163-111 (a)(1)]
If .. no aspirant receives a substantial plurality ... the aspirant receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared nominated ... unless the aspirant
receiving the second highest number of votes shall request a second primary .... In the second primary only the two aspirants who received the highest and next highest number of votes shall be voted for. [NCGA General Statutes - Chapter 163. § 163-111 (b)(1)]
If a second primary is required ... the ... board ... shall order that it be held 10 weeks after the first primary if any of the offices ... is for .. United States Senate or ... House of Representatives. Otherwise, the second primary will be held 7 weeks after the first primary. [NCGA General Statutes - Chapter 163. § 163-111 (3)(e)]
- (2019--) On Tuesday next after the first Monday in March preceding each general election to be held in November ... there shall be held ... a primary election for the purpose of nominating candidates for each political party.... [NCGA General Statutes - Chapter 163. § 163-1 (b)]
If a nominee for a single office is to be selected, and there is more than one person seeking nomination, the substantial plurality shall be ... 30% ... the aspirant who obtains a substantial plurality shall be declared the nominee. If two candidates receive a substantial plurality, the candidate receiving the highest vote shall be declared the nominee. [NCGA General Statutes - Chapter 163A. § 163A-984 (a)(1)]
If .. no aspirant receives a substantial plurality ... the aspirant receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared nominated ... unless the aspirant
receiving the second highest number of votes shall request a second primary .... In the second primary only the two aspirants who received the highest and next highest number of votes shall be voted for. [NCGA General Statutes - Chapter 163A. § 163A-984 (b)(1)]
If a second primary is required ... the ... board ... shall order that it be held 10 weeks after the first primary if any of the offices ... is for .. United States Senate or ... House of Representatives. Otherwise, the second primary will be held 7 weeks after the first primary. [NCGA General Statutes - Chapter 163A. § 163A-984 (e)]
North Dakota |
- Second Tuesday in June [NDCC § 16.1-11-01]
Northern Marianas |
Ohio |
- (--2011) Tuesday next after 1st Monday in May of non-Presidential Election years;
Tuesday next after 1st Monday in March of Presidential Election years
[OH Revised Code 3513.01(A)]
- (2011-2011) ... first Tuesday after the first Monday in May of every other year ...
[OH Revised Code 3513.01(A)]
- (2011-2015) ... On March 6, 2012, a primary election shall be conducted for the purpose of nominating candidates for all offices that are scheduled for election in 2012 ... except candidates for the offices of President and Vice-President of the United States, candidates for the office of member of the United States House of Representatives, candidates for at-large delegate and alternate to the national convention of a major political party, and candidates for district delegate and alternate to the national convention of a major political party. [HB 319 Section 3 (1)]
... On June 12, 2012, a primary election shall be conducted for the purpose of nominating candidates for the offices of President and Vice-President of the United States, candidates for the office of member of the United States House of Representatives, candidates for at-large delegate and alternate to the national convention of a major political party, and candidates for district delegate and alternate to the national convention of a major political party. [HB 319 Section 3 (2)]
- (2012-2012) In the year 2012 a single primary election shall be conducted on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March for the purpose of nominating candidates for all offices that are scheduled for election in 2012... [Section 3501.02 of the Revised Code]
- (2015-2019) ... on the second Tuesday after the first Monday in March of 2016 and
every fourth year thereafter, and on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May of every other year, primary elections shall be held for the purpose of nominating persons as candidates of political parties for election to offices to be voted for at the succeeding general election. [OH Revised Code 3513.01(A)]
- (2019--) Primary elections shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May of each year except in years in which a presidential primary election is held. [OH Revised Code 3501.01 (E)(1)] ... In years in which a presidential primary election is held, all primary elections shall be held on the third Tuesday after the first Monday in March ... [OH Revised Code 3501.01 (E)(2)]
- (2022-2022) "... a person shall file the ... declaration of candidacy, declaration of candidacy and petition, nominating petition, or declaration to be a write-in candidate not later ... the sixtieth day before the day of that election ...." [Sections 3521.01 to 3521.0115. Section 4. (A)] [Senate Bill 258]
Oklahoma |
- (--2003) 4th Tuesday in August of even-numbered years
[OK Statutes 26-1-102]
(if no candidate receives a majority of the vote in the State Primary:
Runoff-- 3d Tuesday in September following State Primary
[OK Statutes 26-1-103])
- (2007-2011) A Primary Election shall be held on the last Tuesday in July of each even-numbered year... [OK Statutes 26-1-102]
If ... no candidate ... receives a majority ... the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes ... shall be placed on the ... ballot ... at a Runoff Primary Election to be held on the fourth Tuesday of August ... [OK Statutes 26-1-103])
- (2011-2023) A Primary Election shall be held on the last Tuesday in June of each even-numbered year... [OK Statutes 26-1-102]
If ... no candidate ... receives a majority ... the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes ... shall be placed on the ... ballot ... at a Runoff Primary Election to be held on the fourth Tuesday of August ... [OK Statutes 26-1-103])
- (2023--) A Primary Election shall be held on the 3rd Tuesday in June of each even-numbered year... [OK Statutes 26-1-102]
If ... no candidate ... receives a majority ... the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes ... shall be placed on the ... ballot ... at a Runoff Primary Election to be held on the fourth Tuesday of August ... [OK Statutes 26-1-103])
Oregon |
- 3d Tuesday in May of even-numbered years
[OR Revised Statutes 254.056(2)]
For non-partisan offices only: If a candidate receives a majority of the vote in the May primary, that candidate is elected. Otherwise, the top two vote getters go to a runoff in November. [OR Revised Statutes 249.088]
Pennsylvania |
- even-numbered years...
3d Tuesday in May of non-Presidential Election years;
4th Tuesday in April of Presidential Election years
[Unconsolidated PA Statutes 25-2753(a)...
(NOTE: the 2000 State Primary [and, by extension (see above), PA's Presidential Primary] was specifically set for 4 April, which was the 1st Tuesday in April of that year, in section 25-2753(b1))]
Puerto Rico |
- (2008-2011) 12 days before Good Friday in the year of the General Election.
- (2011--) Las primarias que tengan que celebrarse bajo las disposiciones de esta Ley tendrán lugar el tercer domingo del mes de marzo del año en que se celebren Elecciones Generales salvo ese domingo sea domingo de ramos o domingo de resurrección en cuyo caso será el segundo domingo de marzo del mismo año. Las primarias serán el primer domingo de marzo si el tercer y segundo domingo de marzo caen en estos días feriados.
The 3rd Sunday in March in years in which general elections are held. If that Sunday is either Palm Sunday or Easter, then the 2nd Sunday in March. If that Sunday is either Palm Sunday or Easter, then the 1st Sunday in March. [Artículo 8.009]
Rhode Island |
- (--2019) 2d Tuesday after 1st Monday in September of even-numbered years [General Laws of RI 17-15-1].
In the event that the date for the ... primary election ... falls upon ... a religious holiday, the primary shall be held upon the next business day, other than Saturday .... [General Laws of RI § 17-15-2]
Party designation. (a) Whenever any person registers to vote, that person may designate his or her party affiliation, or ... that he or she is not affiliated with any political party. ... (c) Whenever any person participates [votes -Ed] in a party primary, that act shall serve as identifying the person as being affiliated with the party... [General Laws of RI 17-9.1-23]
- (2019--) 8th Tuesday preceding biennial state elections. [General Laws of RI 17-15-1].
In the event that the date for the ... primary election ... falls upon ... a religious holiday, the primary shall be held upon the next business day, other than Saturday .... [General Laws of RI § 17-15-2]
Party designation. (a) Whenever any person registers to vote, that person may designate his or her party affiliation, or ... that he or she is not affiliated with any political party. ... (c) Whenever any person participates [votes -Ed] in a party primary, that act shall serve as identifying the person as being affiliated with the party... [General Laws of RI 17-9.1-23]
South Carolina |
- 2d Tuesday in June of even-numbered years
[Code of Laws of SC 7-13-15 (7-13-40)]
"Second Primary" (a "runoff" where no candidate in the Primary has received at least a majority of the vote): two weeks after the State Primary (that is, the 4th Tuesday in June of even-numbered years)
[Code of Laws of SC 7-13-50 (7-13-40)]
South Dakota |
- (--2005) ... first Tuesday in June of every even-numbered year. [SD Codified Laws 12-2-1].
If no candidate for United States Senate, congressman, or Governor in a race involving three or more candidates receives thirty-five percent of the votes of his party, a secondary election shall be held two weeks from the date of the first primary election. At the secondary election the only persons voted for shall be the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes at the first election. [SD Codified Laws 12-6-51.1].
- (2005-2011) The primary election ... shall be held ... on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June of every even-numbered year.
[SD Codified Laws 12-2-1].
If no candidate for United States Senate, congressman, or Governor in a race involving three or more candidates receives thirty-five percent of the votes of his party, a secondary election shall be held two weeks from the date of the first primary election. At the secondary election the only persons voted for shall be the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes at the first election.
[SD Codified Laws 12-6-51.1].
- (2010-2012) The primary election ... shall be held ... on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June of every even-numbered year.
[SD Codified Laws 12-2-1].
If no candidate for United States Senate, United States House of Representatives, or Governor in a race involving three or more candidates receives thirty-five percent of the votes of the candidate's party, a secondary election shall be held three weeks from the date of the first primary election. At the secondary election the only persons voted for shall be the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes at the first election.
[SD Codified Laws 12-6-51.1].
- (2013--) The primary election ... shall be held ... on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June of every even-numbered year.
[SD Codified Laws 12-2-1].
If no candidate for United States Senate, United States House of Representatives, or Governor in a race involving three or more candidates receives thirty-five percent of the votes of the candidate's party, a secondary election shall be held ten weeks from the date of the first primary election. At the secondary election the only persons voted for shall be the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes at the first election.
[SD Codified Laws 12-6-51.1].
Tennessee |
- 1st Thursday in August
[TN Code 2-13-202]
(NOTE: this date happens to be the one set aside for that known as the "regular August election" at which "judicial and other civil officers" are elected per TN Constitution Art. VII, sec. 5 and TN Code 2-3-202; TN Code 2-13-202 mandates the nomination of State and Federal officers at this "regular August election")
Texas |
- (--2011) "General Primary": 1st Tuesday in March of even-numbered years [TX Election Code 41.007(a)]
"Runoff Primary" (re: races in which no candidate has received a majority of the vote in the "General Primary"): 2d Tuesday in April of even-numbered years [TX Election Code 41.007(b)]
- (2012--) "General Primary": 1st Tuesday in March of even-numbered years [TX Election Code 41.007(a)]
"Runoff Primary" (re: races in which no candidate has received a majority of the vote in the "General Primary"): 4th Tuesday
in May following the general primary election. [TX Election Code 41.007(b)]
Utah |
- A regular primary election shall be held throughout the state on the fourth Tuesday of June of each even numbered year [UT Code 20A-1-201.5(1)]
In 2020, the regular primary election shall be held throughout the state on June 30.... [UT Code 20A-1-201.5(4)]
Vermont |
- (--2010) 2d Tuesday in September of even-numbered years
[Vt. Statutes 17 § 2351]
- (2010-2014) fourth Tuesday in August in each even-numbered year [17 V.S.A. § 2351]
- (2016--) second Tuesday in August in each even-numbered year [17 V.S.A. § 2351]
Virgin Islands |
- (--2012) Party primary elections shall be held in the Virgin Islands on the second Saturday of September for the purpose of choosing candidates for nomination to public offices to be voted for at the ensuing general election. [Title 18 Chapter 11 § 232] [18 VIC 232]
- (2012--) Party primary elections shall be held in the Virgin Islands on the first Saturday of August for the purpose of choosing candidates for nomination to public offices to be voted for at the ensuing general election. [18 V.I.C. § 232]
Virginia |
- (2004-2011) Primaries for the nomination of candidates for offices to be voted on at the general election date in November shall be held on the second Tuesday in June next preceding such election, except that beginning with the year 2004 and in presidential election years thereafter, primaries to choose among presidential candidates may be held as provided below in Article 7 (§ 24.2-544 et seq.) of this chapter on the second Tuesday in February. Primaries for the nomination of candidates for offices to be voted on at the general election date in May shall be held on the first Tuesday in March next preceding such election, except that beginning with the year 2004 and in presidential election years thereafter, primaries for the nomination of candidates for offices to be voted on at the general election date in May shall be held as described below in Article 7 of this chapter on the second Tuesday in February. [Code of Virginia § 24.2-515]. Governor Robert F. "Bob" McDonnell signed HB1507 on 17 February 2011. The bill moves the 2011 primary from 14 June to 23 August 2011 to give the state additional time to complete the redistricting process. The law expires on 1 January 2012 so the state will revert to a June primary in 2012.
- (2012-2021) Primaries for the nomination of candidates for offices to be voted on at the general election date in November shall be held on the second Tuesday in June ... [Code of Virginia § 24.2-515]
- (2021--) Primaries for the nomination of candidates ... shall be held on the third Tuesday in June ... [Code of Virginia § 24.2-515]
Washington |
- (--2006) 3d Tuesday in September or 7th Tuesday next preceding the General Election, whichever occurs first
[Revised Code of WA 29.13.070]
- (2007-2011) 3rd Tuesday in August [RCW 29A.04.311]
- (2012--) Primaries ... must be held on the first Tuesday of ... August. [RCW 29A.04.311]
West Virginia |
- 2d Tuesday in May of even-numbered years
[WV Code 3-5-1]
Wisconsin |
- (--2011) 2d Tuesday in September
[WI Statutes 10.78(4)(c)1]
- "Spring primary" ... held on the 3rd Tuesday in February to nominate nonpartisan candidates ... and to express preferences for the person to be the presidential candidate for each party in a year in which electors for president and vice president are to be elected. [WI Statutes 5.02(22)]
"Spring election" ... held on the first Tuesday in April to elect ... nonpartisan ... [WI Statutes 5.02(21)]
- (2012--) Partisan primary means the primary held the 2nd Tuesday in August to nominate candidates to be voted for at the general election. [WI Statutes 10.78(4)(c)1, 502.(18)]
Wyoming |
- Tuesday next after 3d Monday in August of even-numbered years
[WY Statutes 22-2-104(b)]
State |
Statutory Election Information |
State Primary |