Election 2012 - Presidential Primary, Caucus, and Convention Home Presidential Candidates Rule Making and Process 30 December 2009 - Democratic Change Commission's Recommendations for the 2012 Presidential Nominating Process 20 August 2010 - Democratic National Committee approves 2012 Call To Convention and Delegate Selection Rules 6 August 2010 - Republican Temporary Delegate Selection Committee's Recommendations for the 2012 Presidential Nominating Process States Alphabetically Events Chronologically Major Events Chronologically Democratic "First Determining Step" Chronologically Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates Weekly Delegate Distribution and Availability Democratic Pledged and Unpledged Summary -- Republican Pledged and Unpledged Summary Democratic Hard and Floor Summary -- Republican Hard and Floor Summary Delegate Allocation Democratic Quick Reference -- Republican Quick Reference Democratic Detailed Delegate Allocation -- Republican Detailed Delegate Allocation Democratic Delegate Selection and Voter Eligibility -- Republican Delegate Selection and Voter Eligibility Primaries at a Glance Documentation Historical Analysis of the Presidential Nominating Process Historical Analysis of the apportionment of delegate votes at the National Conventions of the two major parties Primary/Caucus/Convention Glossary Statutory Election Information of the Several states / Presidential Primary Dates of PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARIES re: selection and/or allocation/distribution of Delegates to Major Party National Conventions Major Third Party (Constitution, Green, Libertarian) Presidential Nomination Process Straw Polls