The Green Papers 2004 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions |
Virgin Islands Republican Presidential Nominating Process Territorial Caucus: Saturday 28 February 2004 |
Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 9 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 3 party |
States Chronologically States Alphabetically Republican Convention Virgin Islands Democrat |
Media: REPUBLICANS SELECT NEW YORK DELEGATION. Delegates are: Humberto O'Neal, Samuel J. Baptiste, Reuben Fenton, Lawrence T. Boschulte, George Blackhall, April Newland, State Chairman Oliver, and National Committeeman Sen. Holland Redfield, II. Alternate delegates are: Tracy Pardo de Zela, Manal Missar, Molly Mills-Fuchs, Mytsooko King, Herbert Schoenbohm and Vincen Clendenin Sr. |