The Green Papers 2004 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions |
New Hampshire Democrat Presidential Nominating Process Primary: Tuesday 27 January 20041 State Convention: Saturday 24 April 2004 |
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls close 7:00p EST (0000 UTC) / 8:00p EST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 27 total delegate votes - 14 district / 5 at large; 3 Pledged PLEOs; 4 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on |
States Chronologically States Alphabetically Democratic Convention New Hampshire Republican |
Reference: Tuesday 27 January 2004NEW HAMPSHIRE Democrat Presidential Primary22 of the State's 27 delegates to the Democratic National Convention will be allocated among the contenders for that Party's presidential nomination as a result of the voting in this Primary. The vote totals above were obtained from official sources on 28 January 2004. The write-ins and others include: Bush (Republican): 257, Scatter: 92, Talbow (Democrat): 8, Ashby (Republican): 2, Buchanan (Republican): 2 Here's how we compute the delegate count (estimate made from unoffical sources with 100% of the precints reporting):
Tuesday 27 January 2004: 22 of 27 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's New Hampshire Presidential Primary. A mandatory 15 percent threshold is required in order for a presidential contender to be allocated National Convention delegates at either the congressional district or statewide level.
Saturday 24 April 2004 - State Convention The remaining 5 National Convention delegates consist of
These 5 delegates and will go to the Democratic National Convention officially "Unpledged". |
Delegation to the National Convention |
New Hampshire Delegation (as posted by, 4 July 2004)
Role | Dean | Kerry | (total) |
Pledged District | 6 | 8 | 14 |
Pledged PLEO | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Pledged At-Large | 2 | 3 | 5 |
Total Pledged | 9 | 13 | 22 |
Alternate Pledged District | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Alternate Pledged PLEO | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Alternate Pledged At-Large | 1 | 3 | 4 |
Total Alternates | 1 | 3 | 4 |
Unpledged | 5 | ||
Pages | 2 |
Role(s) | Preference | Name | Residence |
Pledged District 1 | Kerry | Carole Appel | Dover, NH |
Pledged District 1 | Kerry | Hon. Robert Baines | Manchester, NH |
Pledged District 1 | Kerry | Marilyn Hoffman | Londonderry, NH |
Pledged District 1 | Kerry | David Lang | Hampton, NH |
Pledged District 1 | Dean | Hon. Joseph Miller | Durham, NH |
Pledged District 1 | Dean | Maura Spiegelman | Londonderry, NH |
Pledged District 1 | Dean | Hon. Barbara Tsairis | Portsmouth, NH |
Pledged District 2 | Kerry | Hon. Michael Atkins | Lyndeborough, NH |
Pledged District 2 | Dean | Sarah Ayres | Hanover, NH |
Pledged District 2 | Kerry | Hon. Jane Clemons | Nashua, NH |
Pledged District 2 | Dean | Alexander Lee | Concord, NH |
Pledged District 2 | Kerry | Brenda Maclellan | Henniker, NH |
Pledged District 2 | Kerry | Robert Maclellan | Henniker, NH |
Pledged District 2 | Dean | Bill Siroty | Amherst, NH |
Pledged PLEO | Dean | Deborah Butler | Concord, NH |
Pledged PLEO | Kerry | Hon. Martha Clark | Portsmouth, NH |
Pledged PLEO | Kerry | Hon. Sylvia Larsen | Concord, NH |
Pledged At-Large | Kerry | Wayne Burton | Durham, NH |
Pledged At-Large | Kerry | Mary Ann Knowles | Hudson, NH |
Pledged At-Large | Kerry | Bill McQuillen | Portsmouth, NH |
Pledged At-Large | Dean | Trinidad Tellez | Manchester, NH |
Pledged At-Large | Dean | Paul Twomey | Chichester, NH |
Alternate Pledged At-Large | Dean | Joshua Glasheen | Manchester, NH |
Alternate Pledged At-Large | Kerry | Ann McLane Kuster | Hopkinton, NH |
Alternate Pledged At-Large | Kerry | Ricia McMahon | North Sutton, NH |
Alternate Pledged At-Large | Kerry | Stephen Shurtleff | Penacook, NH |
Unpledged Add-on | Joseph Deboise | Somersworth, NH | |
Unpledged DNC Member | Hon. Raymond Buckley | Manchester, NH | |
Unpledged DNC Member | Gaetan DiGangi | Merrimack, NH | |
Unpledged DNC Member | Anita Freedman | Portsmouth, NH | |
Unpledged DNC Member Delegation Chair | Kathleen Sullivan | Manchester, NH | |
Page | Jennifer Kuzma | Concord, NH | |
Page | Justin Slattery | Pelham, NH |
Congressional Districts |
1 Democratic Party's "First Determining Step" of the delegate selection process. |