The Green Papers 2004 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions |
Kansas Democrat Presidential Nominating Process Local Unit Caucuses: Saturday 13 March 20041 District Caucuses: Saturday 3 April 2004 State Convention: Saturday 24 April 2004 |
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 41 total delegate votes - 22 district / 7 at large; 4 Pledged PLEOs; 7 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on |
States Chronologically States Alphabetically Democratic Convention Kansas Republican |
26 May 2004 Unpledged delegate preference update: Kerry: 1. Unpledged delegates appear in the "Soft Unpledged" column. The results of the 13 March 2004 caucuses were obtained from the Kansas Democratic Party. Media reports state that about 2,000 registered Democrats participated in the caucuses. Results from a media source Here's how we compute the delegate count (from the results of the 13 March caucuses. Note that the first time national delegates are selected is at the 3 April 2004 district caucuses):
12 March 2003: The GOP-controlled Senate passed a bill to cancel the primary and return to the caucus system. Republican House Speaker Doug Mays said the reason was twofold: Bush likely will be nominated again and the state is facing a $750 million shortfall. (FOX news) |
Reference: Saturday 13 March 2004 - Local Unit (first tier) Caucuses 402 delegates are selected at 50 Local Unit Conventions held in either a state senate district or a congressional district. The Local Unit delegates elect the District Level delegates. A mandatory 15 percent threshold is required in order for a presidential contender to be allocated District Level delegates.
The District Conventions must certify the list of elected delegates with the State Party by 16 March 2004. |
Saturday 3 April 2004: 33 of 41 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of today's Kansas District (second tier) Caucuses. A mandatory 15 percent threshold is required in order for a presidential contender to be allocated National Convention delegates at either the congressional district or statewide level.
Saturday 24 April 2004 - State Convention The remaining 8 National Convention delegates consist of
These 8 delegates and will go to the Democratic National Convention officially "Unpledged". |
Delegation to the National Convention |
Kansas Delegation (as posted by, 4 July 2004)
Role | Dean | Kerry | (total) |
Pledged District | 1 | 21 | 22 |
Pledged PLEO | 0 | 4 | 4 |
Pledged At-Large | 0 | 7 | 7 |
Total Pledged | 1 | 32 | 33 |
Alternate Pledged District | 0 | 4 | 4 |
Alternate Pledged PLEO | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Alternate Pledged At-Large | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Total Alternates | 1 | 5 | 6 |
Unpledged | 8 | ||
Pages | 2 |
Role(s) | Preference | Name | Residence |
Pledged District 1 | Kerry | Megan Challender | Manhattan, KS |
Pledged District 1 | Kerry | Cathleen Gordon | Colby, KS |
Pledged District 1 | Kerry | Christopher Gordon | Colby, KS |
Pledged District 1 | Kerry | Timothy Peterson | Monument, KS |
Pledged District 1 | Kerry | Donald Reif | Hoisington, KS |
Pledged District 2 | Kerry | Crystal Gatewood | Columbus, KS |
Pledged District 2 | Kerry | Timothy Graham | Lawrence, KS |
Pledged District 2 | Kerry | Barbara Meyer | Manhattan, KS |
Pledged District 2 | Kerry | Mark Peterson | Pittsburg, KS |
Pledged District 2 | Kerry | Hon. Lawrence Wilson | Topeka, KS |
Pledged District 2 | Kerry | Hon. Carolyn Wims-Campbell | Topeka, KS |
Pledged District 3 | Kerry | Becky Fast | Lawrence, KS |
Pledged District 3 | Kerry | Hon. Jacqueline Johnson | Mission Hills, KS |
Pledged District 3 | Kerry | Tom Kanatzar | Kansas City, KS |
Pledged District 3 | Dean | Lori Learned | Lawrence, KS |
Pledged District 3 | Kerry | William Roy | Lenexa, KS |
Pledged District 3 | Kerry | Tom Thompson | Mission, KS |
Pledged District 4 | Kerry | Hon. Donald Betts | Wichita, KS |
Pledged District 4 | Kerry | Cecilia Blackwell | Wichita, KS |
Pledged District 4 | Kerry | Jill Docking | Wichita, KS |
Pledged District 4 | Kerry | E. L. Lee Kinch | Derby, KS |
Pledged District 4 | Kerry | Hon. Judith Loganbill | Wichita, KS |
Pledged PLEO | Kerry | Hon. Anthony Hensley | Topeka, KS |
Pledged PLEO | Kerry | Dan Lykins | Topeka, KS |
Pledged PLEO | Kerry | Hon. Carol Marinovich | Kansas City, KS |
Pledged PLEO | Kerry | Hon. Pat Huggins Petty | Kansas City, KS |
Pledged At-Large | Kerry | Beth Bradrick | Pittsburg, KS |
Pledged At-Large | Kerry | Roger Frischenmeyer | Hutchinson, KS |
Pledged At-Large | Kerry | Kathy Greenlee | Lawrence, KS |
Pledged At-Large | Kerry | Pat Lehman | Wichita, KS |
Pledged At-Large | Kerry | Ellen Neufeld | Inman, KS |
Pledged At-Large | Kerry | Rehan Reza | Topeka, KS |
Pledged At-Large | Kerry | Jesse Solis | Emporia, KS |
Alternate Pledged District | Kerry | Jason Dilts | Wichita, KS |
Alternate Pledged District | Kerry | Alyce Edwards | Kansas City, KS |
Alternate Pledged District | Kerry | Lloyd Hull | Topeka, KS |
Alternate Pledged District | Kerry | Phyllis Winckler | Sylvan Grove, KS |
Alternate Pledged At-Large | Kerry | Jim Harrington | Liberal, KS |
Alternate Pledged At-Large | Dean | Mary Taylor | Roeland Park, KS |
Unpledged Add-on | Hon. John Moore | Topeka, KS | |
Unpledged Congressman | Hon. Dennis Moore | Lenexa, KS | |
Unpledged DNC Member | Chris Gallaway | Alexandria, VA | |
Unpledged DNC Member | Lawrence Gates | Overland Park, KS | |
Unpledged DNC Member | Teresa Krusor | Winfield, KS | |
Unpledged DNC Member | Larry Tenopir | Topeka, KS | |
Unpledged DNC Member | Constance Wray | Louisburg, KS | |
Unpledged Governor Delegation Chair | Hon. Kathleen Sebelius | Topeka, KS | |
Page | Joshua Criswell | Kansas City, KS | |
Page | Autumn Scheid | Wichita, KS |
1 Democratic Party's "First Determining Step" of the delegate selection process. |