The Green Papers
2004 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions
Copyright Iowa Republican
Presidential Nominating Process
Caucus: Monday 19 January 2004
County Conventions: Saturday 6 March 2004
District Statutory Caucus: Saturday 24 April 2004
State Convention District Caucuses: Friday 11 June 2004
State Convention: Saturday 12 June 2004
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Bush, George W.  31  96.9%
Uncommitted 32 100.0% 
(not voting)  1   3.1%
Total 32 100.0%32 100.0%

States Chronologically   States Alphabetically     Republican Convention     Iowa Democrat    
Iowa Primaries for Statewide offices and Congress


The Monday 19 January 2004 caucuses are first-tier caucuses at the election precinct level which will choose delegates to second-tier (County) Conventions, thus being merely the first step in an indirect process of allocating National Convention delegates; none of IA's 32 delegates to the Republican National Convention will be allocated as a direct result of participation in these caucuses.

We assume that President Bush, the only candidate participating in the 19 January caucuses, will receive Iowa's 32 delegates.


Monday 19 January 2004: Republican Party Caucuses meet in each precinct. Each Precinct Caucus chooses the precinct's delegates to the County Convention.

  • There is no formal system applied in the Precinct Caucuses to relate the presidential preference of the Caucus participants to the choice of the precinct's delegates to the Republican Convention of the County in which the precinct is located. The participants at each Precinct Caucus alone determine if presidential preference is to be a factor in such choice and, if so, how it is to be applied.

Saturday 6 March 2004: Republican Party County Conventions convene in each county. Each County Convention chooses delegates to both the Congressional District Conventions and the State Convention.

  • County Conventions choose both the county's delegates to the Republican Party Convention of the Congressional District the county is a part of as well as the county's delegates to the Iowa State Republican Convention. Again, there is no formal system applied in the County Convention to relate the presidential preference of the County Convention delegates to the choice of the county's delegates to either the Republican Convention of the Congressional District in which the county is located or the Iowa State Republican Convention. The delegates in attendance at each County Convention alone determine if presidential preference is to be a factor and, if so, how it is to be applied.

Saturday 24 April 2004: Republican Party District Conventions convene in each congressional district. As the delegates to the Iowa State Republican Convention have already been chosen, the sole business- insofar as the presidential campaign is concerned- of the District Convention is that of instructing the delegates to the Iowa State Republican Convention from the counties making up said congressional district as to the presidential contender most preferred by the delegates in attendance at the District Convention.

  • There is no formal system governing how the District Convention is to go about indicating its presidential preference to the Iowa State Republican Convention delegates from the counties making up a given congressional district. It is the delegates in attendance at the District Convention alone who decide how best to go about this.

Friday 11 June 2004: 15 of 32 National Convention delegates are selected at today's State Convention District Caucuses.

The delegates to the Iowa State Republican Convention gather: at this time, the delegates to the State Convention from each county making up a given congressional district meet in separate Congressional District Caucuses to choose the state's district delegates to the Republican National Convention.

  • Each of Iowa's 5 congressional districts are assigned 3 National Convention delegates. Thus, a total of 15 district delegates will be chosen by these Congressional District Caucuses. These 15 delegates to the Republican National Convention will be allocated to the presidential contenders in such a way as determined by each Congressional District Caucus.

Saturday 12 June 2004: The remaining 14 National Convention delegates are selected at today's State Convention.

The Iowa State Republican Convention officially convenes. The State Convention chooses the remaining 14 at-large of Iowa's delegates (10 base at-large delegates plus 4 bonus delegates) to the Republican National Convention.

  • There is no formal system of allocating these 14 at-large National Convention delegates to presidential contenders. These delegates will be allocated according to the vote of the Iowa State Convention as a whole.

In addition, 3 party leaders, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the Iowa's Republican Party, will attend the convention as unpledged delegates by virtue of their position.

Congressional District  

CD per County
Adair: CD 5
Adams: CD 5
Allamakee: CD 4
Appanoose: CD 2
Audubon: CD 5
Benton: CD 3
Black Hawk: CD 1
Boone: CD 4
Bremer: CD 1
Buchanan: CD 1
Buena Vista: CD 5
Butler: CD 1
Calhoun: CD 4
Carroll: CD 5
Cass: CD 5
Cedar: CD 2
Cerro Gordo: CD 4
Cherokee: CD 5
Chickasaw: CD 4
Clarke: CD 5
Clay: CD 5
Clayton: CD 1
Clinton: CD 1
Crawford: CD 5
Dallas: CD 4
Davis: CD 2
Decatur: CD 5
Delaware: CD 1
Des Moines: CD 2
Dickinson: CD 5
Dubuque: CD 1
Emmet: CD 4
Fayette: CD 1
Floyd: CD 4
Franklin: CD 4
Fremont: CD 5
Greene: CD 4
Grundy: CD 3
Guthrie: CD 5
Hamilton: CD 4
Hancock: CD 4
Hardin: CD 4
Harrison: CD 5
Henry: CD 2
Howard: CD 4
Humboldt: CD 4
Ida: CD 5
Iowa: CD 3
Jackson: CD 1
Jasper: CD 3
Jefferson: CD 2
Johnson: CD 2
Jones: CD 1
Keokuk: CD 3
Kossuth: CD 4
Lee: CD 2
Linn: CD 2
Louisa: CD 2
Lucas: CD 3
Lyon: CD 5
Madison: CD 4
Mahaska: CD 3
Marion: CD 3
Marshall: CD 4
Mills: CD 5
Mitchell: CD 4
Monona: CD 5
Monroe: CD 3
Montgomery: CD 5
Muscatine: CD 2
O'Brien: CD 5
Osceola: CD 5
Page: CD 5
Palo Alto: CD 4
Plymouth: CD 5
Pocahontas: CD 4
Polk: CD 3
Pottawattamie: CD 5
Poweshiek: CD 3
Ringgold: CD 5
Sac: CD 5
Scott: CD 1
Shelby: CD 5
Sioux: CD 5
Story: CD 4
Tama: CD 3
Taylor: CD 5
Union: CD 5
Van Buren: CD 2
Wapello: CD 2
Warren: CD 4
Washington: CD 2
Wayne: CD 2
Webster: CD 4
Winnebago: CD 4
Winneshiek: CD 4
Woodbury: CD 5
Worth: CD 4
Wright: CD 4


  Election 2004 - Primary, Caucus, and Convention Home  
  States Alphabetically  
  Events Chronologically  
  Major Events Chronologically  
  Poll Closing Times  
  Democratic "First Determining Step" Chronologically  
  Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates  
Delegate Counts
  State by State Summary  
  Democratic Pledged and Unpledged Summary   --   Republican Pledged and Unpledged Summary  
  Democratic Hard and Floor Summary   --   Republican Hard and Floor Summary  
Delegate Allocation
  Democratic Quick Reference   --   Republican Quick Reference  
  Democratic Detailed Delegate Allocation   --   Republican Detailed Delegate Allocation  
  Democratic Delegate Selection and Voter Eligibility   --   Republican Delegate Selection and Voter Eligibility  
  Primaries at a Glance  
Ballot Access
  Democratic Candidates   --   Republican Candidates  
  Historical Analysis of the Presidential Nominating Process  
  Historical Analysis of the apportionment of delegate votes at the National Conventions of the two major parties  
  Primary/Caucus/Convention Glossary  
  Third Parties (Green, Libertarian, Reform)