The Classification of Political parties listed on
Libertarian | |||
Incumbents, candidates, and links to state affiliates |
State | Party | Candidate or Link | Office |
Alabama | (Libertarian) | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President |
Alaska | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Fredrick David "David" Haase | Candidate for Senate Class 2 |
American Samoa | |||
Arizona | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Rick Biondi | Candidate for House CD 6 | Libertarian | Joe Cobb | Candidate for House CD 4 | Libertarian | Paul Davis | Candidate for House CD 8 | Libertarian | Thane Eichenauer | Candidate for House CD 1 | Libertarian | Powell Gammill | Candidate for House CD 2 | Libertarian | Raymond Patrick Petrulsky | Candidate for House CD 7 | Libertarian | Warren Severin | Candidate for House CD 5 | Libertarian | Michael L. Shoen | Candidate for House CD 3 |
Arkansas | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President |
California | Libertarian | Christopher M. Agrella | Candidate for House CD 38 | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Michael Benoit | Candidate for House CD 52 | Libertarian | Philip Zimt Berg | Candidate for House CD 8 | Libertarian | Ted Brown | Candidate for House CD 26 | Libertarian | Tim Denton | Candidate for House CD 27 | Libertarian | Wayne Dunlap | Candidate for House CD 50 | Libertarian | James M. "Jim" Eyer | Candidate for House CD 9 | Libertarian | Ernst P. Gasteiger | Candidate for House CD 46 | Libertarian | Lars R. Grossmith | Candidate for House CD 49 | Libertarian | Brian Holtz | Candidate for House CD 14 | Libertarian | Dan "Frodo" Litwin | Candidate for House CD 51 | Libertarian | Camden McConnell | Candidate for House CD 7 | Libertarian | Don Patterson | Candidate for House CD 48 | (Libertarian) | Congressman Ronald Ernest "Ron" Paul | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Herb Peters | Candidate for House CD 35 | (Libertarian) | Kevin Dempsey Peterson | Candidate for House CD 12 | Libertarian | Kevin Dempsey Peterson | Candidate for House CD 12 | Libertarian | Alan Pyeatt | Candidate for House CD 29 | Libertarian | Joel R. Smolen | Candidate for House CD 6 | Libertarian | Edward M. Teyssier | Candidate for House CD 53 | Libertarian | Douglas Arthur "Art " Tuma | Candidate for House CD 3 | Libertarian | Steven Wells | Candidate for House CD 16 |
Colorado | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Martin L. Buchanan | Candidate for House CD 1 |
Connecticut | Libertarian | Michael Anthony Carrano | Candidate for House CD 4 |
Delaware | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Mark Anthony Parks | Candidate for House At-Large |
District of Columbia | (Libertarian) | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President |
Florida | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President |
Georgia | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Candidate for Senate Class 2 |
Guam | |||
Hawaii | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Lloyd Jeff "Jeff" Mallan | Candidate for House CD 2 | Libertarian | Li Zhao | Candidate for House CD 1 |
Idaho | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Kent A. Marmon | Candidate for Senate Class 2 |
Illinois | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | (Libertarian) | Congressman Ronald Ernest "Ron" Paul | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Larry A. Stafford | Candidate for Senate Class 2 |
Indiana | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Jeff Duensing | Candidate for House CD 1 | Libertarian | George Thomas Holland | Candidate for House CD 6 | Libertarian | Andrew "Andy" Horning | Candidate for Governor | Libertarian | William R. Larsen | Candidate for House CD 3 | Libertarian | David Eric "Eric" Schansberg | Candidate for House CD 9 | Libertarian | Sean Shepard | Candidate for House CD 7 | Libertarian | Mark Vogel | Candidate for House CD 2 |
Iowa | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President |
Kansas | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Joseph K. "Joe" Bellis, III | Candidate for House CD 3 | Libertarian | Robert Garrard | Candidate for House CD 2 | Libertarian | Randall L. Hodgkinson | Candidate for Senate Class 2 | Libertarian | Steven A. Rosile | Candidate for House CD 4 | Libertarian | Jack Warner | Candidate for House CD 1 |
Kentucky | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Candidate for House CD 3 |
Louisiana | Libertarian | Richard Fontanesi | Candidate for Senate Class 2 | Libertarian | Gregory W. "Rhumbline" Kahn | Candidate for House CD 2 |
Maine | (Libertarian) | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President |
Maryland | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Richard James Davis | Candidate for House CD 1 | Libertarian | Lorenzo Gaztanaga | Candidate for House CD 2 | Libertarian | Gary William Hoover, Sr. | Candidate for House CD 6 | Libertarian | Thibeaux Lincecum | Candidate for House CD 4 | Libertarian | Thibeaux Lincecum | Candidate for House CD 4 | Libertarian | Darlene H. Nicholas | Candidate for House CD 5 | Libertarian | Ronald M. Owens-Bey | Candidate for House CD 7 | Libertarian | Ian Thomas | Candidate for House CD 8 |
Massachusetts | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Robert Joseph Underwood | Candidate for Senate Class 2 |
Michigan | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Scott Avery "Scotty" Boman | Candidate for Senate Class 2 | Libertarian | Gregory Creswell | Candidate for House CD 13 | Libertarian | Adam Goodman | Candidate for House CD 9 | Libertarian | Daniel W. Grow | Candidate for House CD 1 | Libertarian | Erwin J. Haas | Candidate for House CD 3 | Libertarian | Allitta Hren | Candidate for House CD 4 | Libertarian | Dan Johnson | Candidate for House CD 2 | Libertarian | Greg Merle | Candidate for House CD 6 | Libertarian | Ken Proctor | Candidate for House CD 7 | Libertarian | Leonard Schwartz | Candidate for House CD 5 | Libertarian | Richard J. "Rick" Secula | Candidate for House CD 14 | Libertarian | Gregory Scott "Greg" Stempfle | Candidate for House CD 15 | Libertarian | Neil Kiernan Stephenson | Candidate for House CD 10 | Libertarian | John J. Tatar | Candidate for House CD 11 | Libertarian | John Vico | Candidate for House CD 12 | Libertarian | Will Tyler White | Candidate for House CD 8 |
Minnesota | Libertarian | Charles Aldrich | Candidate for Senate Class 2 | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President |
Mississippi | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President |
Missouri | Libertarian | Kevin C. Babcock | Candidate for House CD 3 | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | David R. "Dave" Browning | Candidate for House CD 6 | Libertarian | Kevin Craig | Candidate for House CD 7 | Libertarian | Robb E. Cunningham | Candidate for House CD 1 | Libertarian | Andrew W. "Andy" Finkenstadt | Candidate for Governor | Libertarian | Teddy Fleck | Candidate for Lieutenant Governor | Libertarian | Thomas L. "Tom" Knapp | Candidate for House CD 2 | Libertarian | Branden C. McCullough | Candidate for House CD 8 | Libertarian | Tamara A. Millay | Candidate for House CD 9 | Libertarian | Wes Upchurch | Candidate for Secretary of State |
Montana | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Donald J. Eisenmenger | Candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction | Libertarian | Mike Fellows | Candidate for House At-Large | Libertarian | Stan Jones | Candidate for Governor |
Nebraska | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President |
Nevada | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Raymond James "Jim" Duensing, Jr. | Candidate for House CD 1 | Libertarian | Sean Patrick Morse | Candidate for House CD 2 | Libertarian | Joseph P. Silvestri | Candidate for House CD 3 |
New Hampshire | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Kenneth E. "Ken" Blevens | Candidate for Senate Class 2 | Libertarian | Robert "Bob" Kingsbury | Candidate for House CD 1 | Libertarian | Chester L. Lapointe, II | Candidate for House CD 2 | (Libertarian) | Susan M. Newell | Candidate for Governor | Libertarian | George David Joseph Phillies | Candidate for President |
New Jersey | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Derek DeMarco | Candidate for House CD 8 | Libertarian | Jason Scheurer | Candidate for Senate Class 2 |
New Mexico | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President |
New York | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Isaiah Matos | Candidate for House CD 14 |
North Carolina | Libertarian | Willis Gene "Will" Adkins | Candidate for House CD 2 | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Christopher Cole | Candidate for Senate Class 2 | Libertarian | Andy Grum | Candidate for House CD 9 | Libertarian | Mark McMains | Candidate for Commissioner of Insurance | Libertarian | Michael Munger | Candidate for Governor | Libertarian | S. Phillip "Phillip" Rhodes | Candidate for Lieutenant Governor | Libertarian | Keith Smith | Candidate for House CD 11 |
North Dakota | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President |
Northern Marianas | |||
Ohio | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Paul Conroy | Candidate for House CD 10 | Libertarian | Steven R. Linnabary | Candidate for House CD 12 | Libertarian | David Macko | Candidate for House CD 14 | Libertarian | Mark Michael Noble | Candidate for House CD 15 |
Oklahoma | |||
Oregon | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Steven Vandever "Steve" Milligan | Candidate for House CD 5 | Libertarian | H. Joe Tabor | Candidate for House CD 1 |
Pennsylvania | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Berlie Etzel | Candidate for Treasurer | Libertarian | James Fryman | Candidate for House CD 5 | Libertarian | Marakay J. Rogers | Candidate for Attorney General | Libertarian | Betsy Summers | Candidate for Auditor General |
Puerto Rico | |||
Rhode Island | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President |
South Carolina | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President |
South Dakota | (Libertarian) | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President |
Tennessee | (Libertarian) | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | (Libertarian) | Daniel Towers Lewis | Candidate for Senate Class 2 |
Texas | Libertarian | Fred Annett | Candidate for House CD 4 | Libertarian | Ken Ashby | Candidate for House CD 5 | Libertarian | Mette A. Baker | Candidate for House CD 16 | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Alex Bischoff | Candidate for House CD 32 | Libertarian | David A. Casey | Candidate for House CD 24 | Libertarian | Christopher J. Claytor | Candidate for House CD 3 | Libertarian | Lani Connolly | Candidate for House CD 23 | Libertarian | Barry N. Cooper | Candidate for House CD 31 | Libertarian | Matthew Lawrence "Matt" Finkel | Candidate for House CD 10 | Libertarian | David Floyd | Candidate for Railroad Commissioner 3 | Libertarian | Joel Grace | Candidate for House CD 29 | Libertarian | Michael "Mike" Idrogo | Candidate for House CD 20 | Libertarian | Max W. Koch, III | Candidate for House CD 6 | Libertarian | Ross Lynn Leone | Candidate for House CD 28 | Libertarian | Gardner C. Osborne | Candidate for House CD 17 | Libertarian | Drew Parks | Candidate for House CD 7 | Libertarian | Richard "Chip" Peterson | Candidate for House CD 19 | Libertarian | Robert E. Powell | Candidate for House CD 27 | Libertarian | Gricha Raether | Candidate for House CD 15 | Libertarian | Yvonne Adams Schick | Candidate for Senate Class 2 | Libertarian | Shiloh Sidney Shambaugh | Candidate for House CD 12 | Libertarian | Brian Stevens | Candidate for House CD 8 | Libertarian | James Arthur Strohm | Candidate for House CD 21 | Libertarian | John R. Strohm | Candidate for House CD 11 | Libertarian | Jim Stutsman | Candidate for House CD 25 | Libertarian | Mike Taylor | Candidate for House CD 18 | Libertarian | Brad Walters | Candidate for House CD 9 | Libertarian | Stephanie B. Weiss | Candidate for House CD 26 | Libertarian | John Wieder | Candidate for House CD 22 | Libertarian | Craig Wolfe | Candidate for House CD 2 | Libertarian | Jarrett Woods | Candidate for House CD 30 |
Utah | Libertarian | Mathew Arndt | Candidate for House CD 2 | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Joseph Geddes Buchman | Candidate for House CD 1 | Libertarian | W. Andrew McCullough | Candidate for Attorney General | Libertarian | Dell "SuperDell" Schanze | Candidate for Governor | Libertarian | Mike Stoddard | Candidate for Auditor |
Vermont | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Karin Kerin | Candidate for Attorney General |
Virgin Islands | |||
Virginia | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Nathan Daniel Larson | Candidate for House CD 1 | Libertarian | William "Bill" Redpath | Candidate for Senate Class 2 |
Washington | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President |
West Virginia | |||
Wisconsin | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Kevin Barrett | Candidate for House CD 3 | Libertarian | Joseph Kexel | Candidate for House CD 1 |
Wyoming | Libertarian | former Congressman Bob Barr | Candidate for President | Libertarian | Walter David "David" Herbert | Candidate for House At-Large |
Parties are listed as (party) where either it has been reported that a given candidacy is affiliated with a given Party but said affiliation does not appear on the ballot or 'The Green Papers' does not have independent confirmation from an election authority that the given Party has its own separate line on the ballot. |